View Full Version : Science and Spirit
- David Sereda Differentials
- Quantum Physics - A beginning.
- A very good documentary
- Quantum Physics, the Cosmos, and the Soul Part One
- Quantum Physics, the Cosmos, and the Soul Part Two
- Can't get into it!
- Indigo children?
- What is alchemy and what does it involve?
- Zero Point Energy
- New theory about black holes and dark energy
- Schrodinger's Cat is dead
- proposed solution to grandfather paradox
- 13 moon calendar anyone?
- Relationship Pain Body Constructs (Draft)
- Quantum Physics: The Tenth Dimension
- The Holographic Universe
- Entanglement in Macroscopic Objects
- Levitate Me!
- String Theory Vid
- Universal Forces (String Theory stuff)
- Electric Universe
- Water on Mars
- A claim of limitless energy
- Causeless effects
- Richard Dawkins
- Interesting Article
- Spiritual Realities
- A dialogue on science and spirituality
- Cool Stuff
- "GogleEarth" - the Space version!
- For all you Star Treky & Harry Potter fans
- Sidereal Time
- M Theory and Parallel Universes
- Where is thought?
- 'We have broken speed of light'
- Ascension through Quantum particles
- Time
- Human race will 'split into two different species'
- More mind candy
- Small, interesting study on placebo effect
- Colours of Infinity
- record what you see
- Jill Bolte Taylor: "My stroke of insight" (video)
- An epidemic in auto-immune diseases
- Would an EM pulse neutralise the RT body?
- Thermal Dynamics Disproves Afterlife
- OooOooeXiStEnCeOoOoO
- My Six Dimensional Theory Of Reality
- How to understand quantum physics
- Great Pyramid Research Articles
- Standing on the Shoulders of Pseudoscientists
- Quantum mechanics made even easier
- Hydrogen energy extraction breakthrough?
- A Bitter Placebo to Swallow
- A Dot Gov Site Posting About Other Dimensions
- Confirmation on Holographic Theory?
- particles in spirituality
- Spiritual Science - Fields of Life
- Chi-Gong alters DNA
- "Science and the Taboo of Psi" with Dean Radin
- The mysteries of Quantum Mechanics
- Science Cannot Fully Describe Reality
- Lolcat Science: Be Ye Warned.
- Our world may be a giant hologram
- Disappearing Walls
- An Unexpected Surprise
- Heims theory-or theories
- Time Flows both backwards and forward
- First Ever Black Hole Created on Earth
- Interesting
- A Great Mystery Is Solved! What’s shaking up the scientists?
- Dark Matter
- Persinger Discovers Telepathy Link in Lab Experiment
- A Consideration
- What Dark Matter IS
- Double Slit Explained Simply
- Spooky action and beyond
- Unrelated? Don't know, but...
- Article: "When the Trust Hormone is Out of Balance"
- What if we're holograms?
- What is intelligence?
- For Yamabushi
- Supposed sounds of the universe
- 7000 asteroids in collision course with Earth planet
- David Wilcock
- Astral projection
- VS Ramachandran on your mind
- Does the Past Exist Yet? Evidence Suggests Otherwise
- AntiMatter
- Well, it's 'sort of' science. Or history. Or something.
- New planetary systems discovered
- The Law of Relaxation... or Attraction
- Ghost detector and auto reader app, do they work?
- A Beginner's Guide to Skeptical D**kery
- Lucy the Diamond Star
- Slow Light
- It's good to think -- but not too much
- Fred Alan Wolf, PhD: Popping the Quiff
- Big Bang Theory's interesting implication...
- The Quantum Theory and Reality
- possible astral structure mentioned in Pliny
- What is the Universe Made of?
- Freaky Physics Proves Parallel Universes Exist
- One brain, two personalities?
- Quadrantid Meteor Showers
- The Death of Skepticism
- What is Reality?
- Facebook Science
- Consciousness Reality
- Deja Vu or Deja Reve?
- Physics Without Causality
- Precognition observed in hippocampus of mice
- Plant or Animal?
- Why are today's philosophers so uninformed?
- Please do not read this
- Geoid
- Oh, by the way....
- Space Time
- Your turn, my turn.
- The latest rumor
- Neuroplasticity and Meditation
- New?
- New discovery-
- Mirrors and Quantum Weirdness
- insects can see ultraviolet light
- Needed Science for the Times
- BrainPaint... Scam or Legit?
- Holographic Reality
- The doppler effect in molecules
- Pdf on Everett's Many Worlds Interpretation.
- Do you Experience Synæsthesia?
- Debunking God and should we bother?
- The infinity symbol: More than abstraction.
- Exotic planet very dense
- Bose Einstein Condensates
- Quantum no-hiding theorem experimentally confirmed for first time
- Interesting post in the ITLAD forum
- Repository of Papers on Consciousness in Philosophy and in Science
- Science Controls for Placebo Effect
- Graphene
- translating dolphin language
- Several mind blowing scientific developments
- Transhumanist Utopia
- New Life Supporting Planet?
- Consciousness / Awareness / Intent
- videos reconstructed brain activity
- Particles found to break speed of light
- Tomorrow on the Dr. Oz show
- How Drug Companies test meds and other interesting things
- How Science Convinces Skeptics
- What is Space?
- I think it's a joke, but....
- The Divided Brain
- Video on the brain
- Rats Feel Each Other's Pain
- The Source Field Investigations
- Ontological Cosmology and a Philosophers Universe
- Isnt travelling to another galaxy against the laws of physics?
- Discussion about consciousness research - read or listen.
- Energetic Aspects of Spiritual Transformation (Webinar)
- Susan Joy Rennison and possibilities for our immediate future on earth.
- H. Oldfield: Energy Fields, Chakras, Ghosts etc. made 'visible' (MUST SEE !!!)
- Water Planet Discovered
- Scientist creates lifelike cells out of metal
- Cats and Dogs
- Jade
- Auras and synesthesia
- Interesting thing about the latest solar flare
- Tom Campbell
- How did humans come about?
- Magnetic portals around the earth
- How to get a little 'wiggle room'
- The Force
- This is absolutely amazing!
- Chinese Psychic Teleportation Experiments
- Mycelia: The earth's internet (Article)
- Octopuses Gain Consciousness
- Interesting article about electronic tissue.
- Nasa's new toy
- Cold Fusion makes a comeback.
- Interesting stuff about photons.
- Holographic Archetypes
- More on the Hologram Paradigm
- Physics and the NDE- Article
- Still bored
- I could just as easily have put this in "reality creation"...
- Bashar - Darryl Anka on brain waves
- Article abut space
- Does your mind know what's going to happen?
- Tour of Int'l Space Station
- Information Passed through Electrical fields
- NDE Study "Peak in Darien" experiences
- Comet Headed Towards Mars
- Beam me up Scottie.
- The most awesome thing I've seen
- NDE Video
- Universe=Brain?
- Fine quotes by the father of quantum mechanics !
- Epic Video
- Particles
- Physicists Create Quantum Link Between Photons That Don't Exist at the Same Time
- Temporal cloak erases data from history
- I KNEW there was something to the idea of "genetic memory"
- The Particle at the End of the Universe
- The Latest Hoax in Physics
- The physics of time travel
- Pandora virus: Martian virus?
- Human DNA stuff.
- Solid Creation of Matter
- Levitation with Sound
- 5 Dumb Mythis that people believe about Prehistory
- 9 Shades of Gray
- The nature of light?
- Strange sound
- Strange Science: Black Hole Analogue Discovered in South Atlantic Ocean
- Consiousness - good article I think
- Your ancestors didn't sleep like you
- Birth of New Star
- Schizophrenia LD, AP and OBE
- Cool- Stars and stuff.
- Theory of Time doubling (or dis-doubling) by JP Malet.
- What we already knew
- Hehehe
- Entangled photon patterns can be stored and retrieved at a later time....
- Contradictory results from scientific inquiry
- Wibbly-wobbly Timey-wimey
- Scientists Discover One Of The Greatest Contributing Factors To Happiness
- Something new they do with light
- Gravity Manipulation
- Article: Seeing through closed eyelids (not actual title).
- Dark Flow- Evidence of Multiversal structure?
- Quantum Mechanics proves After Life is possible
- Study reveals gene expression changes with meditation
- Is "Reality" a Simulation?
- Much ado about nothing
- Prescient Knowledge on the Twittersphere?
- On Bias in Wikipedia- Audio file
- The web that connects us....
- Natural hullcinations
- Beam me up Scotty..... or not?
- The Mind Body Project
- A drop in the ocean
- The Illusion of Reality ~ consciousness & quantum theory
- New perspective on quantum mechanics
- Study: most people prefer pain by electroshocks to meditation (seriously)!
- The Big Bounce?
- Is time disappearing from the universe? Mind candy.
- weather weirdness - has anyone else been feeling this?
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