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  1. Chakras 101 (0 replies)
  2. Which Robert Bruce Book? (9 replies)
  3. "Anyone Who is not Shocked... (16 replies)
  4. I just got it! (1 replies)
  5. Just Like Heaven (6 replies)
  6. Free online book Viagem Espiritual II (4 replies)
  7. Eragon/Eldest (0 replies)
  8. "What dreams may come" (10 replies)
  9. '05 "Coast to Coast" Interview (7 replies)
  10. I'm happy! (4 replies)
  11. Books on mediums (3 replies)
  12. journeys out of the body (4 replies)
  13. Is there any well-known movies about astral projection? (8 replies)
  14. this is important stuff (12 replies)
  15. http://www.esotericarchives.com (1 replies)
  16. Notes from the Underground/FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY (3 replies)
  17. Movie: Skeleton Key (6 replies)
  18. Question (8 replies)
  19. A lot of books (6 replies)
  20. The Fifth Mountain (3 replies)
  21. Hulk is coded story about OBE's........ (5 replies)
  22. Book: The dark Tower series. (0 replies)
  23. Initiation into Hermetics (7 replies)
  24. 7 habits of highly effective people... (1 replies)
  25. Multiple Dimensions (4 replies)
  26. Three Books on Occult Philisophy (2 replies)
  27. BOOK: X3 - Healing Entities and Aliens (6 replies)
  28. Julius Evola on Ancient Buddhism (2 replies)
  29. What the Bleep do we know (62 replies)
  30. Journeys Out Of The Body - Robert Monroe (11 replies)
  31. Simplified/Practical Qabala Magic. (7 replies)
  32. Castaneda: Real or Fake (15 replies)
  33. Book: A beginner's Guide to Reiki (5 replies)
  34. Book: Qauntum-Touch -The power to heal (15 replies)
  35. Book: The Alchemist (5 replies)
  36. BOOK: "The Voynich Manuscript" (0 replies)
  37. BOOK: "The Secret Doctrine" - H. P. Blavatsky (1 replies)
  38. MOVIE: "The Entity" (1981) (2 replies)