View Full Version : Books, Movies, Media
- MOVIE: "The Entity" (1981)
- BOOK: "The Secret Doctrine" - H. P. Blavatsky
- BOOK: "The Voynich Manuscript"
- Book: The Alchemist
- Book: Qauntum-Touch -The power to heal
- Book: A beginner's Guide to Reiki
- Castaneda: Real or Fake
- Simplified/Practical Qabala Magic.
- Journeys Out Of The Body - Robert Monroe
- What the Bleep do we know
- Julius Evola on Ancient Buddhism
- BOOK: X3 - Healing Entities and Aliens
- Three Books on Occult Philisophy
- Multiple Dimensions
- 7 habits of highly effective people...
- Initiation into Hermetics
- Book: The dark Tower series.
- Hulk is coded story about OBE's........
- The Fifth Mountain
- A lot of books
- Question
- Movie: Skeleton Key
- Notes from the Underground/FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY
- this is important stuff
- Is there any well-known movies about astral projection?
- journeys out of the body
- Books on mediums
- I'm happy!
- '05 "Coast to Coast" Interview
- "What dreams may come"
- Eragon/Eldest
- Free online book Viagem Espiritual II
- Just Like Heaven
- I just got it!
- "Anyone Who is not Shocked...
- Which Robert Bruce Book?
- Chakras 101
- Meditation 101
- Bartimaeus
- Robert Bruce Online Works in PDF
- Thot Tarot for free???
- Initiation Into Hermetics in PDF
- free ebooks by Powell for whoever might be interested
- Free eBook, Clairvoyance and Occult Powers, Swami Panchadasi
- a nobel winning chemists OBE story
- Great Cartoon Movie
- And How we deflected the spam.
- Another Book for Psychic Protection
- Metropolis 1927
- Books on Spirit Attachment
- More Psychic Self Defense books
- mirror mask
- The Secret
- Lemuria and Atlantis - Shirley Andrews
- All religions will pass, but this will remain:
- Does anyone know of a book...?
- Spiritual movie suggestions
- ARADIA and other Sacred Texts
- Celestine Prophesy
- Touched
- Graham Hancock- shamans, fairies, aliens, saints and DNA
- Reccomend Books
- Looking for a tech book.
- Master Game by Robert De Ropp
- Movie: "Peaceful Warrior"
- The key of Solomon. Online!
- Music The Band Tool
- Short Ghost Movie
- Jane Roberts - Seth Material Movie
- Interesting website
- Movie: "The Secret"
- swedenborg
- Digital Libraries
- bardon't little book of Q&A???
- Book: Initiation Into Hermetics
- Making Movies
- Free audio books
- 30 Days
- Author - Dr. Judith Orloff
- Has Robert Bruce made a documentary or movie??
- Chinese Astral Dynamics
- Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter...And Spring
- David Icke
- Book: "Psychic Warrior"
- Quantum Leap - an interesting OBE type of sci-fi show
- phoney reviewers...
- try it
- Projectiology
- TV show in USA - Heroes
- spirited away..
- What the Bleep II
- Twin Peaks
- Philip K. Dick and Astral Phenomenon
- Any books of feng shui?
- Elfen Lied
- The Thiaoouba Prophecy
- Return to ONE
- Index of Tibetan chants and mantras (mp3)
- Descent into madness
- Movie: De Ja Vu
- Movie - Pan's Labyrinth
- whats best next
- Conversations with God
- Book - 2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl
- Authors & Books
- The Power of Sound
- John Edward's One Last Time
- Psychic Self Defense (Dion Fortune)
- Paintings by Gilbert Williams
- The Three Billy Goats Gruff
- The Age Of Spiritual Machines
- Movie: The Illusionist
- Women, Fire and Dangerous Things...
- Game: Prey
- Book: 2012; The Return of Quetzacoatl
- Shonen Jump's Bleach
- Some movie recommendations
- Zoence
- Robert Monroe books, etc
- The Tomb of Jesus
- Really great interviews with experts in various fields!
- Peter Pan
- Energy Work-Secrets of Spiritual Development and Healing
- Becoming the Lotus by Anton Temple
- Discover Your Spiritual Life
- I need some advice on these two books.
- Traci Harding and her books...
- Bruce Frantzis, "Open the Energy Gates of Your Body&
- Interview With An Ex-Vampire
- Movie And Author Suggestion
- Tom Brown - the Tracker
- Articles by the Master
- How to Heal with Color
- Third eye book now available for free download
- Magick by Aliester Crowley
- Sacrifice in Northern Europe Suggests Advanced Thinking
- Movie - The Science of Sleep (Michel Gondry - 2006)
- Energy Work by R.B (to those who have read it already)
- Online book- Remote Viewing -- The Real Story
- The Ascended Masters
- the Return of the Light
- Derren Brown
- Anodea Judith - Legit?
- Just Like Heaven
- Book - The Power of Now
- Books on Meditation and Kundalini
- Castaneda books
- Wayne Hoffman!
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (NO SPOILERS PLEASE)!
- YOUR kidding me!!!!!!
- Tom Robbins and Spiritual Adventures
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-WARNING-SPOILERS
- Lightparty
- Book: Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
- Fire Yogi
- Magical Use Of Thought Forms
- Book: Our Dreaming Mind - Robert L. Van de Castle, Ph.D.
- DVD, What the Bleeep do we Know
- Meditation cd
- Mama esmeralda, sus charlas para bajar
- Ben Stein's Expelled the movie
- My cousin just published a book...
- What Dreams May Come
- Has anybody purchased the book, Energy Work
- Seven steps to eternity: Has anyone read this?
- Empathy in movies?
- Michael Newton's afterlife studies
- cat that predicts death
- Conscious Media Network
- A Scanner Darkly
- Bruce Moen's "Exploring the Afterlife" series
- Any reccomendations for a next book?
- Interesting Anime on O.B.E
- Meditation music
- Jumper
- Very good Gnostic/New Age book on Christ
- Looking for books about the subtler details of meditation
- Mind Body Soul Tattoo
- A story of survival and spiritual transformation
- "Insight Meditation" by Joseph Goldstein
- "I Don't Believe in Atheists" by Chris Hedges
- "True Meditation" by Adyashanti
- need help with topic for a paper - something spiritual proly
- The best research book on OBEs
- Kurt Leland's "Otherwhere"
- Judith Orloff
- Taking Robert Bruce seriously
- Indiana Jones
- Gabriel
- Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight
- Suggestions please..
- Deverry Cycle
- My 1st you tube video about orgone energy.
- Energy Medicine
- The Golden Compass
- the spiritwalker trilogy
- Bringers of the Dawn
- W C Vetsch
- CNBC news 16 Aug?
- Root of all Evil?
- The Prophet
- Can you recommend me a book on sacred geometry?
- Left In the Dark
- Clarifying the Natural State
- What do you read at the moment?
- Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
- 2012 the movie
- Kurt Leland, "The Unanswered Question"
- Now, tell me this character is pure imagination...
- French Video
- The Instruction by Ainslie MacLeod
- cool video of Colin Fry channeling a spirit
- Robert Sapolsky Stress Movie
- Kurt Leland, "Music and the Soul"
- War in Heaven
- Journal of Irreproducible Results (sp)
- The Path
- Seth
- Looking for a reccomendation on Astrology..
- Carlo Dorofatti
- Interesting Web Blogger
- The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life
- Jed McKenna
- The Most Expensive Book in the World
- Kahu Fred Sterling
- Keep it Simple
- "Meditation" by Kamalashila
- "The End of Your World" by Adyashanti
- Jesus in India?
- How to Mend Your Broken Heart
- The Truman Show
- Star Trek
- how to start Qabalistic Pathworking:
- The Dumbest Thing EVAR
- The Ascent of Humanity
- Mayan secrets, pole shift, Atlantis, crystal skulls
- American Beauty, Fight Club and the Qabalah
- Being Human
- You Can Develop Pure Awareness by Neil Crenshaw
- Techniques of Astral Combat by G Traveler
- questions about astral dynamics 1st and 2nd editions
- Soul Retrieval - Mending the Fragmented Self
- The Fourth Kind - Based on Actual Case Stories
- Book: Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path
- Men Who Stare at Goats
- Kryon
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