View Full Version : Do all angels look Caucasian?

1st May 2010, 12:31 PM
Do all angels look Caucasian?

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Robert Bruce
1st May 2010, 03:50 PM

I do not know. I would not expect there to be racial differences. All the angels I have seen have been fairly traditional, eg, white hair and skin. I think angels are a particular spiritual type and may all have similar appearances. I expect there are a lot of different types of angels and I cannot speak on differences from personal experience. However, I have met several masters and these vary in appearance, including dark and brown skinned. Some deities are human like, and some are non human.

Racial differences in angels would mean there would be a relationship between humans and angels, or a progression from human into angelic form at some stage. This may or may not happen. I simply do not know. My best guess is that they are a separate race from humans.
