View Full Version : Dream about a red letter sign and then a sleep paralysis

17th May 2010, 05:12 AM

This night I dreamt something out of the ordinary. I only remember the sign and a bit of the surroundings, not more of what I was dreaming this night.

I was in some kind of reception with black walls and there was a sign in elegant metallic red letters. On top it said in big letters Moloch and under it it said in smaller letters either Shauri or Shavri.

like this:


As soon as I read the bottom word I felt a hand placed on top of my head and I ended up in a sleep paralysis. I was blocked and tried screeming for Jesus and similar but it did not help (it sometimes does for me instantly). As the hand was still placed on top of my head and I did not get any help I pulled away the hand with It's arm from my head and cut it into two. Then the paralysis ended.

I've seen or heard both names before.

17th May 2010, 06:46 AM
Hello, reptoidoverlord.

Sleep paralysis in itself is not a harmful state. Maybe someone induced sleep paralysis in you to help you find out what you need to exit your body. It's kind of like having your physical body pinned down so you switch to your etheric or astral body instead to wriggle free.

It's not easy to discern whether a beneficial or malicious thing is going on as long as your astral senses are dormant. It's kind of like chicken and egg - you might need help to get out in the beginning, to learn this, at the same time you don't have the tools yet to discern who wants to help you and who wants to have their way with you.

Take care,