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18th May 2010, 08:28 PM
I'm wondering if there is a way that I can use my intuition while there are negs attatched to me that induce thoughts to prevent me from quieting my mind while also inducing emotions to prevent me from getting my higher self to allow me to feel whats right and what I should do.

18th May 2010, 09:13 PM
1) Apply the golden rule- If you don't want it to happen to you, don't do it to others- and, if it hurts others, don't do it. This is very basic, but works pretty much all of the time.

18th May 2010, 11:42 PM
I've got an idea, but can you please explain in detail how your response relates to my situation/question?

19th May 2010, 02:49 AM
If you are being interfered with, and are receiving a variety of messages from what is afflicting you, this is a very general guideline to go by when it comes to trusting something you are receiving.
Just like anything else in life.

20th May 2010, 08:43 PM
There's a trick to learning seperate thoughts coming through, by listening to multiple talking cd's at once (audio books are good for this) this will confuse the neg and will make it really start pumping thoughts through. you'll see a distinct pattern.

21st May 2010, 03:45 PM
There's a trick to learning seperate thoughts coming through, by listening to multiple talking cd's at once (audio books are good for this) this will confuse the neg and will make it really start pumping thoughts through. you'll see a distinct pattern.

agreed. like when trying to focusly read where focus seems impossible. read multiple books at the same time, where when one book reaches non-focus, set it down and pick another up. this baffles the ♥♥♥♥ out of confusion's reign within one's mind, and with practiced patience brings trained focus on demand.

22nd May 2010, 08:19 PM
I'm wondering if there is a way that I can use my intuition while there are negs attatched to me that induce thoughts to prevent me from quieting my mind while also inducing emotions to prevent me from getting my higher self to allow me to feel whats right and what I should do.

Hi Josh,

I have much the same problem sometimes, picking out whats intution and whats neg pressures. What I feel is that the neg uses different sorts of pressures, there is a difference between the two pressures, although it is easy to trip yourself up wondering which is which :). But yes, you can definitely use intuition when under neg influences, its just a little more difficult.

Quieting your mind in meditation is possible though, as is holding a state of non-dual awareness, only slightly more difficult sometimes. Bear in mind also, that it requires only the tiniest thought impulse from you, for your mind to create voices for you inside your head, neg there or not. So if the neg issue is on your mind a lot, I would advise caution is ascribing what voice is what. Of course it is sometimes obvious, but sometimes not. Treat all such voices the same - give them no power over you. The power over you comes from your reaction to them, if you dont react, the power is massively if not completely reduced. Be like the Buddha, calm and serene, let them wash through you... I know, not always easy, but its a good aim :).

Strongly advice affirmations, prayer, and lots of meditation for the release process, as well as correct physical setup - electrical grounding when you sleep (essential), running water countermeasures, maybe a nice powerful negative ioniser (I have bought the Wein VI-2500), blessings all around etc. Understand the state of non-duality, expanded consciousness, etc, recreate as much as you can.

Bruces affirmation is good to clear up the baseline issues that negs inevitable create "I am loved and I am worth. I am safe and I am free. I am powerfully protected. I am master of my body and ruler of my mind" - I threw in "I am spiritually pure and full of life" after powerfully protected. I have now moved onto the more targeted affirmation "My body is spiritually clean". Affirmations are very very powerful if you put in enough time.

Never give up. Never accept restrictions. Good luck :).