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View Full Version : Does anyone who has OBE's do the Self-Inquiry meditation?

2nd June 2010, 07:08 AM
I'm a spiritual aspirant who was refered to Hemi-Sync by a spiritual teacher David R. Hawkins. He says that a practical use for Hemi-Sync is to learn to go out of body so that you know, rather than believe that you are not the physical body, and gain a greater understanding of what you are. With this, I was curious if anyone is deep into spiritual work themselves more specifically Self inquiry meditation, and if so, how having an OBE has changed their understanding or approach to meditation. Thanks in advance.

2nd June 2010, 09:54 AM
Hello, mark_james.

I had rather few experiences clearly classifiable as OBE. Most of them happened after using Hemi-Sync or the Focus 10/12 cue technique where you count yourself back into the state. I don't think I ever had an OBE while using Hemisync, but I had many experiences while using it that were out of the ordinary.

Over the years these experiences plus spontaneous experiences at night basically confirmed for me that I am more than my physical body. I can not mark a point or a conversion experience, no big "Aha!" moment, but it has over time created and nourished some beliefs in me why we're here.

I'm sorry, I'm not really sure what "self inquiry meditation" is. Could you elaborate on the practice?

During the years I've tried different meditation techniques and practices, and also found myself experiencing various "symptoms" of the out-of-body state. However I never willed that or had conscious control of it.

I also tried to combine meditation and Hemi-Sync, but so far I did not particularly like the combination. Maybe it is helpful, I cannot say. Hemi-Sync does definitely have an effect on the mind - for me it slows down time, for example. One of the main problems I have with using Hemi-Sync is that the sessions seem absolutely endless, I'm focussed, I'm there, and I have no idea what to do with that state. I am aware, but it is not pleasant, and no psychic things develop from it either. I would be grateful for some suggestions on what actually to do when there.

I'm sure it is not the kind of input you expected, but I actually think I will take up experimenting with this again as I have more time now.

Be well,

2nd June 2010, 02:36 PM
I consider myself a spiritual person who has delved into various spiritual practices/study- and consider self study essential to 'get' it- However, my "Aha" moments have come at other times in my life, not when I OBE. However, it can't be said the experiences are not related- because it depends on how much of a paradigm shift the OBE would indicate to a specific person. I have known people who were stunned into a change of life from having one, and others who have not- so I think it depends.

I don't know what "the" Self-Inquiry meditation is, but I certainly have done many self inquiry meditations complete with affirmation. Perhaps you are familiar with the following affirmation: "Heal what must be healed; Reveal what must be revealed". This is taken from a poem/prayer and I have used it as a meditative "seed"; and the rewards have been tremendous.


2nd June 2010, 03:09 PM
"Heal what must be healed; Reveal what must be revealed".


Where is it from?


2nd June 2010, 03:14 PM
It is a Prayer that is used in Unity churches, by Rev. Debbie Tyson

The Grace Prayer

For Thee I thirst.
Into Thy hands I commit my spirit,
My soul, my body, my life,
This problem, all unforgiven states.
Thy will is my will.
Thy will be done through me.
Heal me at depth.
Reveal that which needs to be revealed.
Heal that which needs to be healed
So I can glorify You, God,
And live in the fullness of grace.
It is finished.

2nd June 2010, 04:49 PM
Self Inquiry meditation is simply meditating with the intent of examining the true Self. Basically, when you have an OBE it seems to be that it is your soul/etheric body that comes out of the physical. In spiritual work your efforts are to undo identification with the body and ego, and identify with the Soul or Self. So it seems to me that to have an OBE would show me directly what I am, as opposed to what I think I am, but have not yet experienced as of yet.

2nd June 2010, 05:31 PM
Ok, then that's what I've been doing all my life, and an OBE is the "I" leaving the body (but not empty) momentarily. So yes, it should help you experience this instead of it being 'theory'.

2nd June 2010, 06:04 PM
Hello, mark_james.

Self Inquiry meditation is simply meditating with the intent of examining the true Self. Basically, when you have an OBE it seems to be that it is your soul/etheric body that comes out of the physical. In spiritual work your efforts are to undo identification with the body and ego, and identify with the Soul or Self. So it seems to me that to have an OBE would show me directly what I am, as opposed to what I think I am, but have not yet experienced as of yet.

Only the etheric body is not what one would consider the "true self" or "soul," except your definition is vastly different from mine. I would call the "Higher Self" the soul, and this is surely not the etheric or even the astral body. The etheric body is but one of the levels of our existence, the branch of theosophy I study currently for example would disagree with the etheric body being our soul.

Be well,

2nd June 2010, 06:28 PM
Thank you Korpo, you may be right, I would only guess that our consciousness inhabits in the etheric body. It is my goal to exanmine it more once I achieve an OBE.

2nd June 2010, 07:10 PM
Well, good luck! It is certainly a vital step. :)

Take care,

5th June 2010, 04:29 PM
I wrote a little bit about this topic on here, since this was what I pondered about as well.

viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16784 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16784)

There is a split and then a merge.

Self inquiry is how we sesparate into the observer and the observed--the two "I", doing interacting probing to get to the core. OBE is also preceeded by this process--maybe not probing, but the observer and the doer.

With a common goal and intent of experiencing true self, the two routes can enhance one another.

To achieve it more often, OBE has a more specific technique to do.

I have been focusing on the experiencing of my own truth by meditating in the nature, getting more familiar with how to face with the non truth part of self. Even without the intent of an OBE, meditation will no doubt cultivate more energy and its movement in our body. When enough is accumulated, the excessive energy can trigger an OBE.

This is just my two cents.