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View Full Version : How many people OBE without Hemi-sync??

7th June 2010, 01:38 AM
I was curious how many people OBE without Hemi-sync and what their process includes? I find that some people have OBE's after they've done a focus session, rather than during, and with that was curious what process they used achieve it. Thanks in advance:)

7th June 2010, 01:42 AM
I OBE without Hemi Sync and my technique is what I learned from Robert:

First, do relaxation methods (progressive muscle relaxation, and light energy work)
Then do some breathing exercises
Then more energy raising
Then do some trance techniques
Then energy body loosening
Then noticing
Then exit techniques.

Most of these are described in the OBE Research and Discussion topics, and others are self-explanatory.

7th June 2010, 02:39 AM
I do.

That is the point of much of Robert Bruce's work, there are many success stories to read on the forums here.

There are many other techniques which work some of the time.

Many people especially in childhood spontaneously Astral Travel with no training.

7th June 2010, 11:44 AM
I do too. In fact, I've never had direct out-of-body success with hemi-sync, even though I still appreciate it for its ability to induce other altered states.

I tend to follow the same routine as CF but if I'm tired and I haven't had time to meditate during my day, I'll essentially just use body loosening techniques as I fall asleep.

14th June 2010, 08:34 PM
I have not had a full obe using the Monroe series alone (although, I'm busy with the 4th cd set, I therefore still have 3 sets to go).
I get really good results if I :
1. relax the muscles, Robert Bruce says it's essential, let's trust him on that one.. (5min)
2. put anything that might bother me in a huge golden treasure box that I close with plenty of locks.
3. use the "reball" to protect my physical body while exploring other dimensions (hopefully)
4.stimulate hands, feet, arms, legs, and torso, (I usually try to do the chakras separately otherwise I'm there for hoursssss)
5. energy rising
6. loosening technique
7. exit technique

If I don't get a monkey mind, I usually have partial separation and astral noise, but I'm still so excited by the noise that I'm loosing my trance grrrr
If I'm really desperate to get an obe, I either go to bed and listen to the music for hours (min 4, then try not to fall asleep), if I don't, it will happen.
90% of the ones I got were when I got up during the night (3-4am), listened to a Monroe cd without instructions and did not allow myself to sleep afterwards. it takes something like 2 hours before I get results and it never lasts for a long time but who cares ?! one second of a remembered obe is worth all the troubles
have you tried the MAP book ? it's really great and I doubt you'll get at the end of it without having experienced anything exciting..
3 months is nothing...

9th November 2010, 09:15 PM
Sleeping Beauty
What is the MAP book?


9th November 2010, 10:39 PM
Sleeping Beauty
What is the MAP book?


http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Astral- ... 0738704679 (http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Astral-Projection-Out-Body/dp/0738704679)