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7th June 2010, 06:17 AM
I noticed that during lucid dreaming (fully aware Im dreaming), that I have problems to get any altitude and often fly only a few metres off the ground. If I will myself higher it works a little then I fall back to the same level. Occasionaly I do go higher, even shooting up into the sky but on those occasions I think I am getting some "help".

Anyone noticed similar when flying?


7th June 2010, 07:34 AM
Hello, jasis.

Have you ever asked for this help consciously?

Maybe you should try.

Be well,

7th June 2010, 07:39 AM
Thanks for the feedback Oliver. I have received assistance on a number of occassions but I dont think I have asked for it specifically. Will definately try this next time I "wake up" and get flying.

Regards, Jasis

19th December 2010, 03:10 PM
hi there ....

Iv had alot of flying dreams in the past m8 , i generly used the flying aspect as a trigger to awareness, bringing on the lucidity , that problem you mention there, i have nt expereinced the exact same as like not being able to gain hieght , but i sometimes struggle to appear at the location im flying to . If ya check my post in this section ` flying as a trigger ` it will give ya a idea where i m coming from .

best of luck with gaining altitude ; D

19th December 2010, 07:52 PM
sometimes when I have trouble flying I make swimming motions and that helps me go higher.

20th December 2010, 12:48 AM
yea that sounds wickid .......

nice 1

20th December 2010, 06:20 AM
Hi Bankporters,

Thanks for the helpful comments. I do often use the "oh hey, Im flying, I must be dreaming" to trigger lucidity. Usually end of trying to tell the people around me to try and wake up too. And the swimming to fly, haha sure I do this too. Many times I woke up and laughed at my swimming/flying efforts :-) Another thing I often notice is wires when Im flying, usually these wires seem to try and block my way. Sometimes I get above them and get "free" and then altitude, sometimes I cant seem to get above the wires and will be limited in altitude. For sure the wires seem to symbolise something holding me back. Lots to work on there I guess :-)

20th December 2010, 12:05 PM
hi .....

must admit i v never seen wires yet when im flying in a dream, could be anything that, your probably aware the imagination aswell can cause visions to materialize , other than that it might be actual dream matter in that dimension , like wires stablizing it togeather lol sounds cool , next time i find myself aware in a dream flying im gonna try look out for wires



20th December 2010, 05:56 PM
Hi Bankporters,

Thanks for the helpful comments. I do often use the "oh hey, Im flying, I must be dreaming" to trigger lucidity. Usually end of trying to tell the people around me to try and wake up too. And the swimming to fly, haha sure I do this too. Many times I woke up and laughed at my swimming/flying efforts :-) Another thing I often notice is wires when Im flying, usually these wires seem to try and block my way. Sometimes I get above them and get "free" and then altitude, sometimes I cant seem to get above the wires and will be limited in altitude. For sure the wires seem to symbolise something holding me back. Lots to work on there I guess :-) My guess about the 'wires' is that it is a self-created boundary between the personal dreamspace and the astral proper, and that they get in the way because your subconsious may be trying to protect you from wandering off too 'far'.

20th December 2010, 08:18 PM
I've often run into wires too while flying -- and tree limbs, and I've watched buildings literally grow taller to stop me from flying higher.

I see two basic explanations for these things:

(1) they're self-imposed limits of an emotionally protective kind;
(2) they're neurological limits that pin you within the current simulation.

A third possibility is that they're limits imposed on you from the outside.

Whatever their explanation, I've been able to fly through wires, tree limbs, and over high buildings -- even a solid blue sky wall -- by "revving" myself up with positive energy from within. Also, I overcome flying problems usually by assuming the "Superman position," or simply by thinking myself up and not trying so hard to fly with my dream body.

20th December 2010, 08:51 PM
I like this concept

`A third possibility is that they're limits imposed on you from the outside`

Its kind of like a Matrix dimension that seems to be created from a higher source maybe. Like theres laws within dimension levels, where by all dream minds with awareness slip into a certain part of the dream GRID. In this GRID , there seems to be solid identifiable visual strata for the dreamer to see. And maybe the thaughts themselves that are changing , fluctuating in that dimension are effecting it and changing it, making it all the harder to accept it as a real dimensional level that may really exist.

This to

`and that they get in the way because your subconsious may be trying to protect you from wandering off too 'far'

This is like a Safety device in a car lol ... if the car is gonna crash or skid off the road , the safety bags dispurse automatically to help you . Maybe as like in a dream your sub-con has a certain ` safety device ` to prevent the dreamer in that particular part of the dream grid to explore further because of the strange nature in which you gained Conscious awareness within that particular dream.

You could theorize all day ...love it !!!



20th December 2010, 09:07 PM
Its kind of like a Matrix dimension that seems to be created from a higher source maybe. Like theres laws within dimension levels, where by all dream minds with awareness slip into a certain part of the dream GRID. In this GRID , there seems to be solid identifiable visual strata for the dreamer to see. And maybe the thaughts themselves that are changing , fluctuating in that dimension are effecting it and changing it, making it all the harder to accept it as a real dimensional level that may really exist.

If there's a limitation imposed on you I don't think it's because it's a law. You may have gone into a simulation. To determine if this is the case, is the area where the buildings grow a place you often project to?

20th December 2010, 09:19 PM
Reason i mentioned ` Law ` defectron is because it was mentioned as a third possibility

`they're limits imposed on you from the outside.`

But yea good point also could be a simulation.

Be interesting to hear dreamosis response


20th December 2010, 09:24 PM
`they're limits imposed on you from the outside.

Well an imposed limit is a bit different then a physical law which is why I said that. When it comes to doing stuff in the astral there aren't very many things that could be called laws that restrict ones movement. If it is something imposed on you from an outside source, I think it would more likely be something imposed by beings that run the simulations or some other intelligence rather then an inherent characteristic of the world that you happen to be in which is what I meant by that.

20th December 2010, 10:20 PM
Thats a cool possibility ......

Beings running simulations for dreamscape Minds that find themselves within it.

I was not reffering to physical law...

Wavelength for example, A evil person might not meet a really good person on the same wavelegnth because of a law that prevents them from meeting on a particular plane or level.

law of Atraction
Dark elemental beings atracted to fear in a projector, or dreamer. Those types of ` laws.

A law that prevents Different Dimensions over spilling into 1 another. As like Wires which was written in a above post.

I m open to possibility here , those wires maybe exactly what you think they are , but then again they maybe part of strata that makes up its bounderies, and whether or not we can cross it and fly straight through it, its all good possibility .

You mentioned ` movement restriction ` I remember when i had a real time projection awhile back which i posted in this forrum, my movement was restricted due to reality fluctuation because i was to close to my body now whether or not laws exist within that area i found myself in, my movement was restricted big time. God knows why, i wish i had that answer, only theory i heard was ` reality fluctuations `, which is written in astral dynamics.


21st December 2010, 01:47 AM
If I may interject-
If you think of the energy body as physical to a point (let's say that the etheric body has physical characteristics) and it also connects to the astral body which has more 'coverage' (like fm and am, for example) you can see why when you get to a certain 'boundary' you stop experiencing the environment as it's energetic equivalent and start affecting the environment more directly (astral)- so that you start to see reality fluctuations on the outermost edges of the etheric body- because at that point your conscious association are interpreting what's there a bit more subjectively- so there is in a way a 'law' associated with this- the law of 'running out of etheric body' :D But not really-
And here is the tricky part of trying to explain a subjective experience.

So wires may be your own way of telling yourself you're running out of objective experiencer (your etheric inner senses), and stumbling into the very-reactive astral, or it can be many other things- I tend not to think it's anything external to you, because by the time you've reached the collective consciousness you're already there, so to speak. Does that make sense?

21st December 2010, 02:04 PM
Hey CFTraveler...

Cool point by the way..... thats another cool possibility. The wires seperating the objectivity from the subjectivity within certain wavelengths or planes or levels,( PHYSICAL, ETHERIC , ASTRAL, MENTAL , ECT ECT ) like you say ` radio frequency are held to different bands`, like AM and FM , so the reality fluctuating at the outer edges are the Seperation areas that the expereincer is seeing or feeling within planes, and the wires seem to be a way of acknoweldging it.



22nd December 2010, 09:03 PM
The best, although the hardest, way to determine what the wires really are is through experimentation -- trying to dream about them over and over.

I haven't intentionally induced lucid dreams so that I can investigate wire blocks (or tree limb blocks or high building blocks), but I have purposely experimented with them when it's occured to me.

From what I gather, dreams occur in spaces with boundaries. Not literal spaces with literal boundaries, but from the point of view of the dreamer, they may as well be literal.

For a myriad of reasons, sometimes it's difficult to traverse between dream "spaces." I suspect the difficulty is associated with the emotional resonance between the mind and the dream material. The more resonance there is, positive or negative, the more difficult it would be to un-dream a certain locale, character, or theme.

Also, complicating the matter is the question of what kind of dream you're in. Some dreams are pretty much totally internal, based only on private memories and mental imagery. Any boundaries encounters in a dream of this type is likely neurological or psychological.

Other dreams might be a communication with the collective soul and the astral. Boundaries encountered in these type of dreams are probably etheric or the contours of simulations designed by higher beings (maybe your higher self or possibly a negative entity).

Simplicity is important in dreaming, though. If I were you, Jasis, the first thing I'd try is the "Superman" position.

27th December 2010, 06:15 AM
Flapping my arms works sometimes, then when I get high enough I can start swimming through the air like a mermaid :lol: .
Another trick I use is to get a running start. I start running for about half a block and then jump. That usually works. When it doesn't I end up crashing on my face!
I don't always have success with flying though, sometimes I prefer to jump really high instead. Up and over buildings.

26th February 2012, 03:29 PM
The problem has to do with what your subconscious mind considers "possible" in a dream, and what not. Those boundaries are movable, and the more crazy things you pull off in your dreams, the easier it gets. In other words: practice! :)

26th February 2012, 11:44 PM
Its a matter of practice. While trancing, get your Astral vision and just enjoy the sensation. Then, when you Real Time, go outside and jump on your house. Look at your street and the other homes around you. Jump down to the ground and then jump up to your roof again. Feel and watch your perspective change as you do this. Jump onto a street light and again notice the perspective. Do this several times. Now I want you to "fly" to an intersection of roads noticing their relation to your home. Then fly back and "feel" the sensations. Little by little go higher and higher, noticing how small your home becomes, because of the altitude. Then fly down to your home. After a while, you'll become more and more sure of your whereabouts. Now in the Astral, height should not be a problem. Practice in the Real Time Zone.


Aunt Clair
25th November 2012, 01:29 AM
Basic Method
* choose a core image or destination
* read the description or recall the view of the destination
* i.e. look at the provided artist's image which resembles that realm
* open in protection
* sit in a comfortable armchair in dim light
* in a hermetically balanced space
* close the physical eyes
* deep cleanse breathe
* dump heavy warm brick brown red earth energy, visualise it leaving
* breathe out from every effluent centre ; heart , palms , heels , mouth
* dump heavy cold blue water energy ,visualise it leaving
* from every effluent centre ; heart , palms , heels , mouth
* raise hot golden orange bright light fire energy
* draw it in from the insteps and souls
* breathe in fire from the nose and mout
* enter a trance
* tune into the brow centre
* anchor the core image by intention
* vocalise where you are going aloud
* lift up the consciousness to the moonstone energy body head
* bring consciousness into the third eye
* as if you are sitting there looking out through the window of the soul
* anchor the core image by visualisation , see the realm in the third eye
* project in mystic consciousness; lift out from the moonstone
* separate a mental body from the crown
* exit ; through the crown or third eye , as you feel
* lift up to the roof
* visualise self entering the colour stream
* visualise the realm opening around you
* enter into it like you stepped from a bus into a new place

NEW by Robert Bruce is an excellent method to learn to feel and move energy.
In Hermetic Magic the magician learns to take in the specific elemental energy required
Earth grounds , hides , shields
Water cleanses, cools
Fire dries, lights, heats
Air lifts and heated air lifts highest.

Hermetic Magick is one pathworkng to learn specific elemental energies. Imho and Ime;
Bull Guardian Demon; Earthstone Belly
Earth is warm damp reds , browns, dark heavy negative male energy

Eagle Guardian Angel; Moonstone Head
Water is cold wet blue, indigo dark heavy negative female energy
Moon is silver akashic female energy

Lion Higher Self ; Sunstone Chest
Fire is hot dry orange, yellow bright light positive male energy
Sun is golden male energy

Angel HS/GA or AA; Supernal Crown
Air is cool moist green , white bright light positive female energy

To fly higher remove the heavy water and earth energy , draw in fire to dry and heat the remaining air and lift out of the body through the crown.

Water and Earth make the projection heavier . Air makes the projection lighter . An air or green projection is therefore sought after as this will allow one to ascend to higher realms . To attain the greenest projection merely dump red earth energy then flush with blue water energy and purge this also . Use the fire energy to heat the remaining air and you are off like a hot air balloon to go where you will . The result will separate a djinn aspect of the soul which is green in head and trunk the arms are attached flatly at the sides and the legs are merely a wisp like genie.

To dump energy ;
Send it with will and visualisation from the open mouth and nostrils as breath . Purge it from the palms and the kandas of the front and back of the heart as a visualised colour of energy ie blue cold heavy water and red warm heavy earth .Complete the purge from the heels which issue stale prana instinctively .

Raise energy;
Once the energies of earth and water are purged the resulting air will make oneself feel light but take fire now up from the sun stone to heat the air in the moon stone and the resultant projection is light air hot and rising air . Recall warm air ascends and cool air descends.

This form of projection of consciousness is ideal during meditative trance because the mind will be alert and awake while the body is sleeplike in trance and thus the projection can be recalled and controlled .

The mental body or djinn of an adept will appear clairvoyantly like a genii body with the face of the projector, the arms tucked at the sides and the bottom half of the body like a wisp of energy in a curl of smoke. After projecting from the moon stone,the face will be recognisable but have a 'mini me ' quality because the entire projection is about half the size of the human projecting . The arms appear uselessly tucked into the flanks and the legs are missing as a vestigial wisp . But this projection advantages the projector because it is so light and it can attain the higher realms effortlessly .

28th November 2012, 10:23 PM
Hi, sorry for the late response.
My experience has been, at first, was traveling near my home. Eventually, roaming farther. As far as altitude goes, it takes a lot of concentration to get into the projection. Use your mind to go where you want. Try flying onto your roof top and sit there watch the surrounding areas. When you want, try jumping onto your neighbors roof top and view the area from there. If you want to go "high", how high is high? Maybe try flying in a Real Time Zone projection around your home at about 50 to 100 feet. Work from there. Sit at the top of the atmosphere. Work from there!!! Good luck !!!!