View Full Version : Drove this huge van through a store front!

10th June 2010, 04:21 PM
The store was my store a long time ago and my ex got it as a judgement when we divorced.I was inside with my daughter and she didn't look so good as in sick.Someone came in and demanded $1,000 but I started to look through these receipts and in the end couldn't find any money.We then went outside and got into this huge van and I decided to drive it through the storefront.Broken windows ,glass everywhere.It kind of made me feel good. :) Then I had another dream but I can't remember it because Fedex rang my doorbell with a package for the upstairs neighbors.

10th June 2010, 05:27 PM
For a second I thought this really happened, given the ! in the title. I'm glad it was only a dream.

10th June 2010, 08:37 PM
Yes,only a dream!I have to stop dreaming about that place.Maybe that's why I drove the huge van through it?Wanted to kill it,lol! :D

11th June 2010, 11:01 AM
Hello, niki123.

Someone comes in and demands money from you. So, there's a feeling of being drained, maybe, a debt/attachment.

At the same time you're looking through the receipts (= what you have received), and find no money (= no value). So there's nothing on the other side of the equation.

There's an imbalance here of giving/owing and receiving/gaining.

"To truck" can mean "to exchange, to have dealings with." Well, here you drive a truck through the window. You smash (= literally to pieces) the harmful exchange, a liberating blow. You free yourself from the attachment to the store, or another harmful exchange represented here in a symbolic action.

It made you feel good. This feeling validates the act of liberation, shows the energetic shift.

Be well,

11th June 2010, 10:44 PM
Thank you Oliver! That is interesting! I think that that place is hunted because every time I used to go down into the basement the hair on the back of my neck was standing up and it was really scary.

Hello, niki123.

Someone comes in and demands money from you. So, there's a feeling of being drained, maybe, a debt/attachment.

At the same time you're looking through the receipts (= what you have received), and find no money (= no value). So there's nothing on the other side of the equation.

There's an imbalance here of giving/owing and receiving/gaining.

"To truck" can mean "to exchange, to have dealings with." Well, here you drive a truck through the window. You smash (= literally to pieces) the harmful exchange, a liberating blow. You free yourself from the attachment to the store, or another harmful exchange represented here in a symbolic action.

It made you feel good. This feeling validates the act of liberation, shows the energetic shift.

Be well,