View Full Version : Paralysed in a wall.

14th June 2010, 09:29 AM
To call this dream Caterpillar Woman, as I did in my dream diary, would be misleading given the context of this site so I've renamed it here.

Mon June 14 (Written much later in the day but easily recalled).

I’m watching this as a movie. James Bond tries to seduce a woman. I seem to be her now. He gives me a card and expects me to turn up at some event. I know this will some way limit or confine me and I’m not at all tempted.

The story has returned to a third person perspective. Something is done to the woman. Now she is totally paralysed. Her limbs are possibly gone and her body is grub-like or she’s bound mummy-like from head to foot.

Two men have bricked her into a wall and operate on her from an entry point above her head. They create a face in the crown of her head (where a face would be if she were in fact a pupa). As soon as they cut in a hole for a mouth she begins to make an exclamatory sound. I feel it will be a moan of pain but it’s not. She can suddenly move, despite her confinement within the wall. She can wriggle now but could not after whatever was done to her. She can express herself through the mouth at the top of her head (her old face doesn’t work) and she expresses joy that some of her freedom has returned.

When I awake, I’m left with the conviction that her brick wall was a type of cocoon and that she would ultimately emerge through the opening at her head and develop wings.

It was a curious dream; not horrifying, as you'd imagine. I felt initially that it was in some ways about the fate of the feminine intuitive aspect that was once able to move and express freely but was then seduced and bound, even though it sensed and tried to evade its coming imprisonment. In its confinement it is temporarily immobilized. A brick wall is built around and there is a left-brain /scientific/ surgical attempt to alter it. It ultimately has no choice but to change its face and while such a change may be a hideous mutation (to a lower form – a grub) it is, in fact a movement in an upward direction that will ultimately lead to metamorphosis.

Now I've typed this, I suspect it's also about incarnating on earth among other things.

I've also noticed the recurrence of the "secret agent" motif.

Input welcome.

14th June 2010, 11:08 AM
Hello, Beek.

It sounds rather gruesome, but the way you feel about it allows for a positive interpretation, as you provided.

My personal take would focus on the fact that the place of the energetic surgery is the crown chakra. I would also go with the cocoon metaphor. Together this could hint at preparing for some kind of evolutionary step:

Seventh chakra: dissolving the perceptual biases that confine you to that plane and body so that you're able to begin exploring the next higher plane

In this context it seems also significant that you are pinned down and immobilised in the body you are in. Maybe a step to bring you to transcend this body? All of this is reminiscent of sleep paralysis in which people are sometimes prompted to explore their etheric or astral bodies for lack of mobility in the physical body. Like getting you to wiggle your astral toes. Only here you are already in an energy body.

her old face doesn’t work

A new way of expressing yourself. A new face instead of an old one. Directed upward.

The imagery might also be a bit misleading in the sense that there is often a tendency to overemphasize being limited into a scenario of being out of control, which is for many people horrifying. Again, the fact that you are not afraid shows a certain amount of detachment. You have an observer attitude, that may be also why you see it from a third person perspective.

I’m watching this as a movie. James Bond tries to seduce a woman. I seem to be her now. He gives me a card and expects me to turn up at some event. I know this will some way limit or confine me and I’m not at all tempted.

James Bond is an interesting symbol. He could stand for a simplified and limiting concept for perceiving what is feminine. You reject being seen in a limited way like this.

I wonder how this premonition of getting limited relates to your real confinement later on.

Be well,

14th June 2010, 02:13 PM
To add: Bond(age).

14th June 2010, 05:20 PM
I just have to say, "Hey. I resemble that dream."

Walls are usually perceived as things which hold us back or must be surmounted or keep us "safe" or similar. But in this case, the wall was actually the means of transformation. Wow.

Neil Templar
14th June 2010, 06:12 PM
it made me think about Gaia. the dawning of the age of Aquarius. the male dominated age is closing, and the female is being re-born.
the male age has seen humanity, and the planet, in shackles, overpowered by all that male energy... dominated and manipulated... but that's changing now..(i hope)
the female aspect is getting ready to shine. :D

something like that. :? :oops:

14th June 2010, 09:36 PM
Thanks, friends.

Oliver, this comment

In this context it seems also significant that you are pinned down and immobilised in the body you are in. Maybe a step to bring you to transcend this body? All of this is reminiscent of sleep paralysis in which people are sometimes prompted to explore their etheric or astral bodies for lack of mobility in the physical body. Like getting you to wiggle your astral toes. Only here you are already in an energy body.

Made me realise the connection of this dream to one a few years ago where I learnt about sleep paralysis. I'm pretty sure the two men were the same dream figures.

2nd July, 2005

Climbing highway with G and the kids. Stop them to show them surreal waves crashing. I say, "This is the same as I've seen in my dreams."

We're carrying pillows.

Get to a railway bridge. We're walking across wooden slats and there's a void beneath us. One of the kids drops a pillow and wants to retrieve it. I'm really worried about the danger.

I see a car coming towards us. Male driver, homemade mask dangles from rear vision mirror. An attractive, well-dressed woman comes towards us. She says something friendly to me. Now a second car. The driver puts on a mask. Instinctively, I step out of view.

The men take her.

I know they're dangerous now. I sneak around to one side of the bridge pillar and I see one coming. I go to the other side and the other is there. They've got guns and I know they're looking for me.

The dream changes. I think I've woken up but it's still just the dream. I'm tied and gagged in a dark box. I cannot move, see or speak. I scream in my throat. I'm terrified.

James Bond is an interesting symbol. He could stand for a simplified and limiting concept for perceiving what is feminine. You reject being seen in a limited way like this.

There was something on TV quite recently. JB tries to seduce a nurse and she resists. Then, through her supposed negligence, Bond is almost killed. She begs him not to tell her superiors and he agrees on one condition. As she’s saying, “No,” he pushes her into the next room and through the frosted glass window of the door we see him removing her blouse. I was horrified that what was essentially rape was supposed to be okay and sexy because Bond was suave and sophisticated.

To add: Bond(age).

Yep, I saw that, CF. It’s amazing the associations you make subconsciously.

Walls are usually perceived as things which hold us back or must be surmounted or keep us "safe" or similar. But in this case, the wall was actually the means of transformation. Wow.

That was the element I found surprising CW. I'm a person who particularly resents restriction.

the male dominated age is closing, and the female is being re-born.

Neil, it did indeed feel bigger than just about me. Initially I was inclined to see this dream as about men and women but I think that may be putting it too crudely. I'd prefer to see it as about feminine emergence in all of us because I feel when the inner domination of the male balances out, then the external oppression will elevate as well.

15th June 2010, 11:42 AM
There was something on TV quite recently. JB tries to seduce a nurse and she resists. Then, through her supposed negligence, Bond is almost killed. She begs him not to tell her superiors and he agrees on one condition. As she’s saying, “No,” he pushes her into the next room and through the frosted glass window of the door we see him removing her blouse. I was horrified that what was essentially rape was supposed to be okay and sexy because Bond was suave and sophisticated.

Especially the Bond as portrayed by Sean Connery is not a nice guy. He's a killer and under his veneer of sophistication he's absolutely goal-oriented, no matter what it takes to get him there. This becomes especially apparent in the first movie. Bond has caught a bad guy, interrogates him, and as he has no way of holding him prisoner he shoots him. This character is amoral by definition. There's always been a degree of voyeurism about watching Bond movies.


15th June 2010, 03:37 PM
The latest Bond is even worse.