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Neil Templar
25th June 2010, 04:55 PM
last night, a small snippet remembered from a dream - some character asks me if i'm familiar with the book Emotional Intelligence.
i say yes i read it many years ago, it's by Daniel Goleman. the character then calls the author by another name, something foreign. i can't remember the exact word, but it was like a word meaning master, or father, something like that.
so he said it like "master Goleman".

then he told me i should take another look at the book.

today, i was walking past a little second hand book/record store i've recently discovered. i felt like i should go in. then i remembered the dream...
i went to the little "esoteric" section at the back of the store.
there was the book. only 3.50.

so i bought it. i wonder what light it will shed on my life right now...

25th June 2010, 06:46 PM
I once had a dream of being in a book store and being very interested in a book entitled In Search of the Miraculous. I'd seen the book before, I believe, but had never talked to anyone about it.

What was interesting was in that in the dream, the book had an older, less common spelling of Ouspensky (Uspensky).

I checked out the book and it was incredible informative.

25th June 2010, 07:09 PM
I can't recall having a dream like that, but I often get flashes of direct inspiration/intuition about books, music, etc. It's a very cool experience. :)

Right at the moment, I'm reading a work of fiction (first time I've read any fiction in ages, because I've been spending so much time reading various non-fiction books on the topic of metaphysics and related stuff). It's a book my husband read some time last year or the year before, which he really enjoyed, but it's a really BIG book and I was busy burying my nose in non-fic... Anyway, I suddenly got the impulse to pick it up and read it, and it has been quite illuminating on a lot of levels. It IS fiction, but it touches on a lot of subjects that I've been pondering for a while. And it's a really good read. ;)

The book, in case anyone cares, is "Anathem" by Neal Stephenson. Generally speaking, I quite like Neal's work, though he occasionally lapses into long and rather boring descriptions of things for no apparent reason other than he likes to describe stuff (i.e., it doesn't further the story), and he sometimes ends books EXTREMELY abruptly ("Snow Crash" ends that way, though I still recommend the book, it's extraordinary).

25th June 2010, 07:20 PM
Very cool, Neil! I love when stuff like that happens. :D

Neil Templar
25th June 2010, 07:36 PM
nice new avatar pic Mishell. 8)

25th June 2010, 09:55 PM
EQ over IQ = PQ under SQ

because EQ is under SQ, and IQ is over PQ; such that two halves hellishly unresolved cannot but yearn for heavenly resolve.

Q = YOU, the body of all quotient quadrants.

Q is the lost word, being your word, what only YOU ordered may order. otherwise there is chaos, intellect over physical that is ever remorphing, and emotional that is ever yearning under spirituality.



26th June 2010, 04:13 PM
Cool story. 8)

Minor synchronicity: A bit before you were posting this yesterday I was sorting out books. I remember thinking about whether to keep Daniel Goleman's "The Meditative Mind" and decided that I will.
