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View Full Version : Help me to cure acute strain with NEW

30th June 2010, 03:58 PM

5 weeks ago I got a strain in lower left ribs area. No physical damage was found using x-ray, it is just a strain of ribs surrounding tissues. Since then I hardly can sleep. My body cannot beat this inflammation. I'm eating EXTREMELY healthy .
I also started doing accupancture 3 weeks ago. BUT...Nothing helps. The body persists to keep those few inflamed ribs.

Could someone please write me a detailed plan how to beat this sutuation
with NEW.

Thank You.

30th June 2010, 04:05 PM

5 weeks ago I got a strain in lower left ribs area. No physical damage was found using x-ray, it is just a strain of ribs surrounding tissues. Since then I hardly can sleep. Dear akira- Did you do something specific (some exercise or some other strain?) Was a cause for this inflammation found?

My body cannot beat this inflammation. I'm eating EXTREMELY healthy . There are a few things you can eat to help with the inflammation- turmeric comes to mind. It is not strong tasting and you can use it as a condiment. I put it on everything I eat lately. Fish oil is also good, but only if from Alaskan Salmon.

I also started doing accupancture 3 weeks ago. BUT...Nothing helps. The body persists to keep those few inflamed ribs. If you have an inflammatory condition around your rib area it seems like five weeks is too long- maybe you need to find a different doctor. Can you take deep breaths?

Could someone please write me a detailed plan how to beat this sutuation
with NEW.

Thank You. I can try to help with NEW, but I don't know if this is the way to go about this.
I'd suggest you try doing a lot of energy raising- full body circuit- but please make sure there is no other reason for this.

30th June 2010, 04:32 PM
There are a few things you can eat to help with the inflammation- turmeric comes to mind. It is not strong tasting and you can use it as a condiment. I put it on everything I eat lately. Fish oil is also good, but only if from Alaskan Salmon.

I'm on strict anti-inflammation diet (Omega3 as capsules and real salmon, antioxidants as capsules and things like red grapefruit and lemon, alot of vegies and fruits, no sweeteners or non-friendly fats ...etc)

If you have an inflammatory condition around your rib area it seems like five weeks is too long- maybe you need to find a different doctor. Can you take deep breaths?]
No problem with breaths. 90% of the pain/uncomfortability is in one position, when I lie down, thus I cannot sleep well.

I can try to help with NEW, but I don't know if this is the way to go about this.
I'd suggest you try doing a lot of energy raising- full body circuit- but please make sure there is no other reason for this.
The problem is that my sleep is real bad because of this condition. Thus I'm tired all the day - at job, on the road, with family. This thing really bugs my life. I am sure NEW can help me to cure faster, and I must take that ticket.

You suggest to do a lot of energy raising- full body circuit. How much time should I do this every day ? Better morning or evening ? Should I also do local energy work in the inflamed area?

30th June 2010, 04:47 PM
When I have an injury or inflammation or such, I do work with the specific area. One thing I like to do is "wrapping", like you would wrap a flexible bandage (I have a lot of trouble with my knees, so that works really well for them). I also use a kind of "massage" motion for some areas that trouble me, and that might work for your ribs.

On a purely mundane level, I also recommend using a simple heat pack if you're not already. Heat can work wonders for inflammation. I know they tell you to use ice, but for me, heat has always worked more efficiently and it's certainly a lot more comfortable and pleasant.

Neil Templar
30th June 2010, 04:58 PM
i have to add, that ribs really do take a loooong time to heal.
i've cracked ribs before, and had unexplained inflammation too, both of which took what felt like a couple of months to heal.
i also wonder how much worse we make things by constantly thinking about them like "i have damaged ribs"... it can't be helping the healing process much..

30th June 2010, 06:44 PM
How much time should I do this every day ? Better morning or evening ? Should I also do local energy work in the inflamed area? Everyone gave you good advice, so I'll just reply to the time question- when I have pain problems I do the action until I can feel relief. This can take from a few minutes to half an hour, but I wouldn't do it longer than that.
As to whether morning or evening, it depends on you. I find it relaxes me, so it doesn't matter.

30th June 2010, 07:47 PM
I"ll try to use your advices. Thank you all for the help :)