View Full Version : "Focus 27" = "Devachan" = "Heaven" ?

12th July 2010, 08:59 PM
Hi Robert

Have you been to what Monroe called his "Focus 27"?

Is F27 only another Belief System "Territory" or is it really sth "higher" (for more developed souls that have discarded dogmatic beliefs)?

Have you been to so-called BSTs? (Also BSTs for Atheists, Philosophics, Agnostics, etc, - if they exist)

Can the theosophic Devachan (state "in-between" incarnations) be likened to Focus 27 (or any BST)?

You said here (literally) you've been to "the Heavens", do you equate it to a BST or F27 or similar?


Robert Bruce
5th August 2010, 02:21 PM

These areas do exist, although they do not have signposts, so its not easy to know exactly where you are at times.

All of these levels are affected by beliefs, and are therefore at least partly affected and shaped by beliefs.

Rudolph Steiner has some interesting thoughts on this, on the wiki link you provided.

There are many heavens and each one has many realms and levels within it.

My best advice here is for you to experience these levels for yourself and make up your own mind.

Be aware that any beliefs you have will affect what you will find.

To be free of beliefs is to transcend the need for belief system territory.


Hi Robert

Have you been to what Monroe called his "Focus 27"?

Is F27 only another Belief System "Territory" or is it really sth "higher" (for more developed souls that have discarded dogmatic beliefs)?

Have you been to so-called BSTs? (Also BSTs for Atheists, Philosophics, Agnostics, etc, - if they exist)

Can the theosophic Devachan (state "in-between" incarnations) be likened to Focus 27 (or any BST)?

You said here (literally) you've been to "the Heavens", do you equate it to a BST or F27 or similar?
