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16th August 2010, 11:26 PM
Whoa! Hope he's not serious. Stand-up ovation from me, Volgerle! :D :D :D :D :D :D


17th August 2010, 02:56 AM
Ditto from me. That was an outstanding presentation.

Neil Templar
17th August 2010, 04:37 AM
indeed. top marks!! 8)

17th August 2010, 08:58 AM
*Claps and cheers very loudly indeed!*

Awesome analysis. Definitely worth the wait. So many insights to be gleaned about the dreaming mind!

Wish I'd participated fully. :(

The girl in my dream was wearing a weird dress. I realise now that the skirt of it was the Sphinx's head dress!

17th August 2010, 04:01 PM
Cool. I never would have guessed that one. Good job.

19th August 2010, 02:10 PM
Awrite. How about a brief one here on the Wheel Of Dreams? :?: :D

I've uploaded a pic to my hosting site, scrambled the IMG code and I thought I'd just watch your posts, see if anyone picks up on it.

It would help if you would post a link here to a dream journal I might miss. :)

Dream away and see what happens. 8)

Ok, with everyone?

Image code: http://i186.x38/eyeoneblack/Hermetics/Qcbapdh1001-1.jpg


Neil Templar
19th August 2010, 03:45 PM
i'm conducting my own experiment at the moment, so i won't be taking part this time.

19th August 2010, 04:00 PM
Ok with me. I think my marbles are back in my head so I can try to make an effort.

20th August 2010, 07:10 AM
I'm so encouraged by the last, I think I can find my marbles too. So, I'll start with tomorrow's dreams.

23rd August 2010, 05:28 AM
Absolutely nothing is going on with regards to my dream symbol. :?

So. I want you NOT to think of it, not at all, stay away from it altogether. Nope, don't even imagine it. Don't you go there.

:evil: :wink:


23rd August 2010, 08:18 AM
Absolutely nothing is going on with regards to my dream symbol. :?

So. I want you NOT to think of it, not at all, stay away from it altogether. Nope, don't even imagine it. Don't you go there.

:evil: :wink:


If I am not to think about it, it must be a pink elephant. Stands to reason. :mrgreen:


24th August 2010, 03:41 PM
Ok, I've redoubled my efforts on the dream symbol. Did a little reasearch, it's actually even cooler than I thought. I feel certain it or something relating to it will pop up in some dreams. Seems we're in a bit a lull right now dream wise but that is sure to change. :D


25th August 2010, 09:44 AM
My dreaming is fine but I have only just started recording again because mornings have been hectic. My problem now is that there are a lot of rude bits. :oops: :lol:

25th August 2010, 01:36 PM
My dreaming is fine but I have only just started recording again because mornings have been hectic. My problem now is that there are a lot of rude bits. :oops: :lol: For the past few days my health hasn't been good, so no dreaming recall, until this morning- with the rude bits. So, I think I'll keep them to myself.

25th August 2010, 03:20 PM
My dreaming is fine but I have only just started recording again because mornings have been hectic. My problem now is that there are a lot of rude bits. :oops: :lol: For the past few days my health hasn't been good, so no dreaming recall, until this morning- with the rude bits. So, I think I'll keep them to myself.

It can't go unremarked that if both of you are getting 'rude bits' there may be something significant about it. :shock: :mrgreen:

25th August 2010, 05:06 PM
Maybe naughtiness is in the air. :twisted:

Neil Templar
25th August 2010, 05:46 PM
last two nights-very rude bits!!
and i'm not trying to take part in this one... :?

25th August 2010, 06:08 PM
I assure you, there is nothing rude about my dream symbol, however, and only in the most sophomoric way, I can see how 'rude' might proceed from it. Very childish, though. :?

We're gettin underway here, at least. :mrgreen:


26th August 2010, 03:36 PM
HoHo. Somebody that isn't playing may be picking up on it. :| Dare not say more.

Neil Templar
26th August 2010, 04:42 PM
ok i'm intrigued by the fact that so many of us had "rude" dreams on the same days...so i'm back in on this one.

i dreamed of what can only be described as "Noah's Ark".
i had been engaged in sexual stuff with a female (human). then i got up and was walking around this large room, which had rows of low beds, almost like pallets on the ground. the room had the feel of a dormitory.
on each of the beds were two or three beings.
all humanoid in shape, but each seemingly a hybrid of human-animal.
the facial features, and hair, made it easy to see which animals these beings were related to.
i saw chimps, lions, tigers, wolves, gorillas etc etc...

there was still a sexual(procreation?) undertone at this time, as i was apparently deciding which of these beings to mate with... :?

27th August 2010, 10:48 AM
I doubt I've picked anything up as it seems to be specific to my experience but there have been some bits that seem a little out of the ordinary. Last three days:

Tuesday 24th August, 2010.

Rearranged room and Beach
This dream is recorded late in the morning, after I've already done a dozen things so it's sketchy.

I'm in a very large room. It has the feel of the lounge room from my childhood home. G has set up the furniture around the TV. It's an odd setup, with the lounge and armchairs in a double row and a reclining chair set up for G right in front of the TV. I think this is a tad selfish of him but decide the TV can be swiveled when needed so others can see it.

We're heading down to the beach. It's the first time in the season and I'm glad winter is nearly over. I'm wearing a two-piece bikini and there's another person in the room; a bearded guy, slightly plump. I'm chatting with him but he stands too near or something and I become aware I'm in a bikini and feel uncomfortable. I move away and notice G in the doorway of the room, so I feel more secure.

The beach is vivid. I meet my niece A, who has just turned 18 in real life but who might be younger in my dream. We discuss body hair removal for the purpose of beach going.

There's something with my sons now. Maybe we're back in a room. I 'remember' when my youngest son was pregnant and tell him that was a horrible time/dream(?)

The rest has been forgotten.

25th August, 2010 (Happy birthday, Mum)
Survival Class
I'm in a body of water, floating. I have two folded blankets and there's a male instructor perhaps 20 metres away, on the bank, elevated. I guess he's telling us how to survive. I seem to be doing okay; I'm quite calm.

The dream apparently repeats. The instructor addresses me but has forgotten my name. My blankets are wet, though still folded. I wonder if they’ll still keep me warm if I need them. I'm still calm.

The Monk Threat
It's a secret agent scenario. I have two things that I have to prevent the enemy laying their hands on: one is concealed as lipstick, the other is a pink foamy stuff that I hide in a pocket. A male instructs me to run, so I do. An Asian monk pursues me through a house. He catches me and then I realize that he’s unaware of the things I’m concealing; his interest is sexual. My mind kicks into survival. I think if I can manipulate him sufficiently, I can overcome him. So, I feign submission. He has exposed himself and he’s unusually large and wide but he cannot penetrate because he’s still partially flaccid. I'm making consoling noises, wondering whether I'm going to treat him with violence or simply restrain him and also aware of the stirring of lustful feelings. :oops:

Young and Totally Casual.
I'm a young dream-self. I've had a shower or am about to have a shower at a friend's house. The friend has had a shower too. I have my toothbrush and walk into the backyard to clean my teeth. The mother (young, brunette, good looking like a TV mum) catches me and expresses disapproval. I conceal that I've dropped some toothpaste on the carpet, which extends well into the backyard.

When she's gone I begin singing Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights". I draw other young people with my singing. A boy continues to follow me. He wants to know who I am and why I'm singing. I ignore him and continue to sing for my own gratification.

The dream alters to a movie dream. The boy is on stage producing music and Miley Syrus goes on stage singing. I watch from behind them. I think the music sounds good but the singing is swamped by it and not very impressive. This hasn't prevented the crowd going wild for Miley when she first comes on.

Thursday 26th August
I'm in a classroom with Ahmed K. I'm worried that he cannot read and write properly and I wonder how he will get on in the world. (In RL, he can read the actual words, he just has trouble understanding it all and he's still very "young" for his age. Yesterday he got upset because the boys in his class were stirring him. I spoke to them about how if the person you're making fun of doesn't like it, it's bullying).

Teacher’s Conference
I'm at a distant place, somewhere I've travelled far to be. I'm with a two women. I think one has spoken about giving me a facial. It seems to be a teacher's conference of some sort.

No use Crying over Spilt Milk
Now I'm in a cafe. I've somehow knocked a sweet milk drink off my table. Instantly a brunette woman (reminds me of a teacher from another school I met at debating last Friday) appears to replace it with a cup of coffee. I'm sorry that I can't drink any more of the milk because I was enjoying it but I'm pleased that I don't have to clean it up and that it's been replaced with a complimentary coffee.

Beth H turns up. (In real life I've never found much affinity with Beth, she's never been warm or friendly towards me and exhibited a fair degree of professional envy shortly after I began working with her that never really dissipated in the 16 years we worked together, despite the fact that she went on to get a PHD). Suddenly she's hugging me and I'm returning the hug. For some reason, she has decided to befriend me. There is a third woman there but I don't know who she is.

27th August, 2010.

Woken by the wind and have trouble recalling earlier dreams. I know I was teaching a small group of adults something and there was another dream involving caring for a baby.

Intermingled Fragments.
I'm staying in a hotel room with my dad. Sometimes, however, he seems to be my deceased stepdad. He takes the larger bed. The beds have already been slept in when we climb into them.

Later I'm in another room and see someone asleep in the bed. I realize it's G and think he must have changed beds through the night.

I'm at a grammar school I worked at casually last year when I took a year "off" to train as a yoga teacher. Two of the women have gotten promotion positions. I'd happily take the vacancy created at the school or follow the other to the school where she's now co-ordinator. I tell them this. I feel welcomed (as I did when I worked there in real life).

I'm with J (former boyfriend from many years ago). I take his hand and lead him down a dark hallway. I enjoy concentrating on the feeling of his hand in the darkness. I seem to get distracted for a while and end up in one of the other dreams. Then I remember him and go looking for him.

Neil Templar
28th August 2010, 04:03 AM
ok, reminder for myself to write up last night's dreaming -
visit to NARNIA!!! then a visit to a faery world...
tomorrow, when i have some time... :D

28th August 2010, 02:32 PM
Countdown: 48 hrs.


28th August 2010, 09:43 PM
Ok, with less than two days left, I'm not getting much (aside from a non-participant). This symbol is ages old, bears into the very fabric of iconology. Ask for it, and it will come. It's out there, I've really built it in the astral - have a look, that's all.



Neil Templar
29th August 2010, 06:29 PM
ok, two nights ago, these two dreams stuck out.
i am aware of the fact that i'm about to be taken into, or allowed into, Narnia.
i'm in the presence of three beings. they are the three children from the stories.
they sit in a circle before me.
they don't look like children tho. each of them seems to be two beings occupying the same space.
in my mind it is this way - the actor who plays the part, and the actual character, are both represented in this being.
they are at the same time a young child, and a very old being.
i can actually "see" two faces overlapping each other, and "hear" two voices.

i communicate with these three beings for some time, and then we fly thru some halls and in thru the open doors of the wardrobe, into Narnia.

it is exactly like in the books, we enter into a snow covered forest.
it is dark...

my recall blurs there..

i'm on my bike, cycling along a grassy path. this feels very much like the same place i was last time i was on my bike and i fell into the quicksand/void..
this time, i look at the grass as i'm cycling.
i see puddles beside the worn grass pathway.
another character ahead of me treads into a puddle and falls into what is actually a rather deep pool of water.
i make a mental note that things are not what they seem, and to take care not to fall into the water..
i continue along, and now see by the side of the path, some small pot-holes, like miniature canyons. they look only 10cm deep.
i am careful not to cycle into any of them, yet am intrigued by them. they are brightly coloured, oranges and reds and yellows.
the next thing i know i've veered off into one.
i fall into a deep canyon, my bike has disappeared.
i am clinging to a rock formation, high above the bottom of the canyon.
i have a little fear of heights, but remember i'm dreaming, and regain composure.
i look for foot-holds, and manage to turn around and climb down..
in the bottom of the canyon, i realise i've been here before.
i know this place.
this is a faery realm.
upon that thought, beings appear out of nowhere, going about their business, as if they'd always been there, but i just hadn't been able to see them.

one comes and talks to me. a friendly sort.
i start to ask how i got there, and what i'm supposed to be doing.
then another one comes over, and i can tell he's not to be trusted.
i know the faery folk can try to trick humans, and use their magic to trap us into staying with them forever, so i am very careful about communicating with this one.
he seems to read my mind, and goes of in a bit of a mood, knowing he'll get no fun from messing with me.
another comes to join us. we're sitting on the ground. it's a wonderful brightly coloured land, i can see the grass at the top of the canyon walls.
there is talk of me going home...

i wake up. 8)

29th August 2010, 07:59 PM
I just want to comment that when I open my dresser drawers my cat likes to jump in and go into the dresser, behind the drawers. This scares me, because I'm afraid if someone doesn't know she's in there and slams one in, she'll be hurt, or if someone closes it she'll be trapped inside.
I call this "going to Narnia", and when she does it I have to remove the drawer and get her out. So when I'm putting laundry away and a drawer is open, she tries to jump in and crawl back in.
Now she hasn't done it in a while, and just two or three days ago I was folding clothes I turned around and there she was, halfway in, butt still hanging out, halfway into Narnia.
So I pulled her out, scolded her (gently, she's a sweetie) and took her out of the room so I could continue doing it without worry.
I said "No Narnia for you today, it's closed for maintenance".
I know it's completely unrelated, but I had to mention it.

29th August 2010, 08:00 PM
ps. your dream reminds me of one I had years ago...

30th August 2010, 03:06 AM
i call it 'cat space' when they dont want to be found, ya look everywhere hollerin for em, then hours later cat shows up like it is all brand new. i miss my last cat, Beauty, been gone a coupla years now, found her in the bathroom sink curled up and departed not long after my boy left home. when my boy's mother left 2 years prior to that, Beauty had a rough time of it with me, never left my side, slept so close to me ya couldnt tell where either of began or ended. she made these sorrowful sounds, feeling it just as i did, just as we did together. then the boy up and leaves with not so much as howdy do see ya later, and boom went both of us again, and she just couldnt bear another loss. i like to think that she saw me hurting so bad that she gave to me the life she had so i'd keep on going. she knew my heart, and she knew my secret thoughts too.

Neil Templar
30th August 2010, 04:16 AM

30th August 2010, 09:15 AM
Hey, Neil.

I wonder if the also the puddles represented elemental realms. You entered one of earth - the canyon. The puddles might have been ones of water. Also the "falling into the puddle" of the person you observe might be the act of entering the realm. You identify these places "as small features" of the wider plane you navigate at first.

I also noticed that you entered the scene when thinking about it. Moving by thought immediately might indicate your presence on the mental plane. The bicycle is then your energy body as you're navigating across the plane. Going within a scene seems to diminish awareness of being in an energy body and immerse you deeper.


30th August 2010, 09:32 AM
Hello, Neil.

I think the three children might be again representative of your three lower energy bodies. Them sitting together in an aligned way (the stone circle) has a special effect - the children are superimposed by another, very old presence. I think this is your soul.

Your soul is much older than this lifetime and it can come through - here represented as an overlay - if you bring your lower bodies into alignment. Then Narnia is the realm of the soul. I think your recall gets blurry here as you have still some trouble downloading an experience of soul consciousness which you are treated to here. You're going there with the three actors as it denotes the alignment necessary in the lower bodies to have this experience, to bring it through and recall it at all.

I think your lower energy bodies are represented as children as you are still in the process of teaching them and aligning them. This might have been the purpose of your conversation - aligning them, learning about their nature, their needs. When they are aligned they speak with a second voice as well - the voice of the soul becomes overlaid on the aligned bodies. In theosophy it is said that the energy bodies start to look alike and more and more like the higher body they align to.

Your energy bodies are your vehicles of immersion in all lower planes. But you see them not only in this aspect, but also "the actor behind." You become aware of this second aspect of reality, the arranged drama, where you are both immersed in the unfolding of the story but also start to realise that there is everything you would expect from an actual drama - people to fill the necessary roles, a script, a directing force. And you become aware of all these aspects happening within yourself - your role in the story, and how gradually a wider awareness starts to come through in all these aspects.

I think your presence in Narnia, actually remembering entering it, is already a vital experience and denotes a new degree of stability in your consciousness with more to follow over time.


30th August 2010, 03:32 PM
That's why she's clairvoyant.

30th August 2010, 08:59 PM
Sorry I couldn't make a better attempt with it Richard but this week has really sucked (and I can't see the coming month as being any better).

31st August 2010, 12:49 AM
Just been thinking about the "♥♥♥♥" reference. There were a couple of dreams I didn't record here because I was too late but one was a variation on a recurring dream about my cockatoo. I dismissed it because it recurs occasionally when I feel weighed down by responsibility as I do currently and I figured it was nothing out of the ordinary.

Certainly, if my subconscious were picking up on your signal it could do better than that!

31st August 2010, 12:52 AM
Sorry I couldn't make a better attempt with it Richard but this week has really sucked (and I can't see the coming month as being any better).

sounds like any attempt at all was as a mountain moved. Good Show BeeKeeper!

I hope for you a better month BK. I will keep ya in my thoughts and prayers, and even blow some love your way. if it all gets sucked in it'll be ok i reckon. :)

I am thinkin of the movie 13th Warrior, where all the bear dudes are attacking at first, and ole antonio banbarearse has killed him one with his lil sword, standin there in the rain and mud realizing "it's a man...it's...a...man!", and the fearless viking smiles at him and says sumptin like, "it's ok....there's more", and back to fightin and killin they go. priceless scene

sometimes life is just like that. we just gotta keep on fearlessly smilin till there aint no more bear dudes comin at us. like that viking character we ought to reckon that it is written just so, we cant change it, and merely in seeing it's end acceptably (whatever it is), is often enough the cause for something like the end of the frightful bear dudes attacking.

sometimes i watch that movie just to be reminded to smile in the face of what life may throw my way. a good flick i think. when i grow up i wanna be a viking and eat honey barbequed peacocks cooked by comely viking maidens over the open fire.

and what's with all these "♥♥♥♥" dreams y'all? :twisted:


31st August 2010, 12:57 AM
Thanks for the support, Tim. :D I'm just whinging because everything comes at once but I should count my blessings, which are numerous to be sure!

Just for the sake of completeness.

Monday 30th August, 2010.

I'm with a group of young women, all dressed for going out. One, a blonde, explains that she's currently unemployed.

Snowy in a Blanket
Snowy is in the backyard, in her cage. G has been feeding her. I take a look at her and she looks healthy. There are two birds at some stages through the dream. G wraps a blanket around her so she can sleep.

Tuesday 31st August, 2010.
Veil dance at the resort

(I'm surprised to have recalled a dream at all, having worked up to bedtime, which is usually a great inhibitor).

I am walking over a narrow bridge, struggling with my suitcase and G's as well as we head for a resort. I unintentionally drop both bags but I don't care all that much when I do. They plummet below and land with a bang, at least G's does. I wonder if something inside it is broken but decide it isn't.

I'm in a large room at the resort, practicing a veil dance. I can feel myself in my dream body and I'm enjoying the movement of gliding and twirling. Gabrielle arrives. She sometimes looks different to RL but I identify her as Gabrielle. She's going to present something to the students. I show her the dance and she's very taken with it. She kisses my cheek and I jokingly tell her not to do that in front of the boys.

The dance has altered something. Now I have abilities in the dream that I didn't have at the start. I sense this ability as if it was an invisible companion but it's essentially telekinesis.

This is all I can remember.

31st August 2010, 10:21 AM
Veil dance at the resort

(I'm surprised to have recalled a dream at all, having worked up to bedtime, which is usually a great inhibitor).

I am walking over a narrow bridge, struggling with my suitcase and G's as well as we head for a resort. I unintentionally drop both bags but I don't care all that much when I do. They plummet below and land with a bang, at least G's does. I wonder if something inside it is broken but decide it isn't.

I'm in a large room at the resort, practicing a veil dance. I can feel myself in my dream body and I'm enjoying the movement of gliding and twirling. Gabrielle arrives. She sometimes looks different to RL but I identify her as Gabrielle. She's going to present something to the students. I show her the dance and she's very taken with it. She kisses my cheek and I jokingly tell her not to do that in front of the boys.

The dance has altered something. Now I have abilities in the dream that I didn't have at the start. I sense this ability as if it was an invisible companion but it's essentially telekinesis.

Solome and the dance of the seven veils :lol: .

She had demanded the head of St. John? Peter? (?) on a silver platter, which she received and did her dance only to reveal at the very last she was hermaphrodite.

And I don't blame you for dropping G's bag, let him carry his own - er, you've just had so much to do lately. I can tell your responsibilities are weighing you down. Perhaps a quiet break is soon to come. I hope.

31st August 2010, 10:49 AM
And I don't blame you for dropping G's bag, let him carry his own - er, you've just had so much to do lately. I can tell your responsibilities are weighing you down. Perhaps a quiet break is soon to come. I hope.

My youngest, who is a great lug of boy, came home from his rugby league game last Saturday excited at having scored 5 tries and that their team were now in the finals. He went straight to the phone and rang my dad, who lives in another state. They hatched it between them that Dad would show up this weekend (which is good, because it's Father's Day) and then Harry informed me that Pop would be seeing his game. :D

The house will go on the market this week and I've made clear I will not be taking sole responsibility for tidiness should potential buyers give short notice. In the meantime, business (or busy-ness) as usual. No rest for the wicked, I guess. :wink:

31st August 2010, 12:45 PM
Peacock animal totem (linsdomain.com)


Resurrection and Watchfulness

The Peacock has many legends
surrounding its beautiful plumage.
Greek mythology tells of Hera
giving the peacock its many "eyes"
while Chinese mythos says that
the blending of the five colors of its feathers
is the sweet harmony of sound.

The Peacock is also associated with the Phoenix.

In Egypt, the Peacock is linked
to the Sun God Ra
and in Christianity,
the Peacock
is the symbol of death and resurrection.

Those who have a Peacock as a totem can receive insight into
their past lives and their karmic connection to their current life.
The study and use of foot reflexology would also be beneficial
as the feet are very pronounced in the Peacock.

The Peacock loud and raucous call, almost like laughter,
reminds us to laugh at life.


31st August 2010, 01:17 PM
Thank you, Serpentarius! :D

Tell, ya' what, let's just let the Peacock hang with us a while. It must not be a mistake that Aunt Claire and I had it on our minds. It's energies for 'enlightenment' are potent and universal. So, unless somebody is ready and eager to start a new symbol, I think we might continue to find it in our dreams and lives.

Just an idea, besides some of us are a little unsettled right now, so taking a break might be a good idea. :P :)

31st August 2010, 01:42 PM
Come to think of it, what if we start with a symbol, icon, motiff and as a group meditate on it, then report however it may have influenced our dreams and lives?

Sort of the opposite way of the experiment...

As always, just thinking out loud. :roll: :mrgreen:

31st August 2010, 08:45 PM
That sounds like a good option for now. Besides, they're pretty. :D

Neil Templar
20th October 2010, 10:24 PM
thanks Oliver for bringing this to my attention, i had forgotten about this thread.

today, out of nowhere, a butterfly appeared, flying out from under my computer desk, towards the window...
i'd never seen such a beautiful butterfly. i took some pics, before letting it out the window.

anyway, it's a Peacock Butterfly, the European/Asian variety.
i tried to find some info about the symbolic meaning of this particular butterfly online, but couldn't find any.
a friend however, said "Oh Neil. That's you officially "in" now. The peacock is the ultimate messenger. Sometimes known as the soul bird as it has eyes on it's wings and it emerges to gift the world with beauty. It transforms itself out of imago cells which form when it's caterpillar body dies in the chrysalis. Death of the old self informs birth of the transcendant."

20th October 2010, 10:41 PM
Rebirth- Development/transformation- Joy.
That's what it makes me think of.

21st October 2010, 12:00 AM
Nice, Neil.

I was in a butterfly enclosure in Sydney a few weeks back. Beautiful!

17th January 2013, 02:12 PM
Note: I've attempted to remove most of the weird ’ characters from the text of most of the posts. They happen when formats change, different systems. The culprits are ", ', and ;. Different systems don't translate smoothly.
Some posts could not be changed, if they were very long (max is 18000 characters and 8 illustrations.) When I tried to edit some of them, to reduce the size of the giant characters and remove the ’s from the text, it told me the posts were too large and had too many illustrations. The only fix for this would be to cut out half the text and post it on a different date (which would be a disaster, because half the images would go away and the posts would be out of sequence), so I just left them the way they were.