View Full Version : Had an extremely vivid,detailed dream this morning !

9th August 2010, 01:48 PM
We were spending the night in this house and by we I mean me,this man I've dreamed about before ,my 2 children this big fluffy grey chow dog and this cat.No,I don't know the dog and cat.This house was amazing,really.It had a top floor used as a huge living room,red and white squares on the 2 rugs side by side and huge windows.To access the bedrooms and it had 7 you had to go down 6 steps and each bedroom had it's own stairs going down.Next to each bedroom it had a huge atrium and it was used as a huge aquarium filled with these amazing colorfull tropical fish and it was lighted.Each bedroom had glass walls with windows coverings.We were looking for a house to rent and we went to see this other house but I didn't really liked the other one because it felt cramped to me.I asked the man if the house we were staying in was for rent and he said that it was for sale and that they wanted more than $100,000 for it.We went to see it with someone else and had to drive up a winding road.It felt like driving up the mountain.When we left we saw the ocean and a reservoir which had dark pink magnolia flowers floating on the surface.The water was blue green and then I woke up,lol. :mrgreen:

9th August 2010, 02:33 PM
Hello, niki123.

There's a comparison of two houses - one feels cramped and this magnificient one. Interestingly the great one is for sale - it's not something temporary (like renting something) but something to settle in - and "own." To own something can also mean to become fully capable of doing something.

The ocean and other parts of the symbolism might indicate this is an energy body. Remember the dream where the ocean was behind the forest, for example. This time the house would be overlooking the ocean. This "overlooking" is also embodied in the big windows you're describing - the glass walls. So, now you're moving over right to adjacent to that ocean instead of still being separated from it.

7 separate bedrooms could be 7 chakras then and the 6 steps to the top floor could be the integration of the first six chakras it takes to be "fully at home" in this energy body on the upper level. The 7th chakra is the crown, which is about integration, enhanced perspective and also transcending an energy body (that's why this is "on top" of the rest - it's the enhanced perspective resulting from integrating all 7 chakras).

"Spending the night" could mean that during your nights you might be working with this energy body, to fully access all its aspects (the access to the 7 bedrooms). Also there's a certain value assigned to it - high enough to require work to get it, but not as high as a real house like this would cost, signifying that it is "attainable, but does not come for free/cheap." Driving up the mountain signifies the level this is at - a higher level or elevation than you're used to now as your base level of consciousness.

All in all the house signifies the expanded perspective of this energy body which quickly becomes your new standard (that's why the other house seemed cramped).


9th August 2010, 02:57 PM
Thank you Oliver! Actually,I didn't mention that I saw a blueprint of the house and I counted the 7 bedrooms.It was truly magnificent !I really feel that I have actually accomplished something.Strange,I know! :D

Hello, niki123.

There's a comparison of two houses - one feels cramped and this magnificient one. Interestingly the great one is for sale - it's not something temporary (like renting something) but something to settle in - and "own." To own something can also mean to become fully capable of doing something.

The ocean and other parts of the symbolism might indicate this is an energy body. Remember the dream where the ocean was behind the forest, for example. This time the house would be overlooking the ocean. This "overlooking" is also embodied in the big windows you're describing - the glass walls. So, now you're moving over right to adjacent to that ocean instead of still being separated from it.

7 separate bedrooms could be 7 chakras then and the 6 steps to the top floor could be the integration of the first six chakras it takes to be "fully at home" in this energy body on the upper level. The 7th chakra is the crown, which is about integration, enhanced perspective and also transcending an energy body (that's why this is "on top" of the rest - it's the enhanced perspective resulting from integrating all 7 chakras).

"Spending the night" could mean that during your nights you might be working with this energy body, to fully access all its aspects (the access to the 7 bedrooms). Also there's a certain value assigned to it - high enough to require work to get it, but not as high as a real house like this would cost, signifying that it is "attainable, but does not come for free/cheap." Driving up the mountain signifies the level this is at - a higher level or elevation than you're used to now as your base level of consciousness.

All in all the house signifies the expanded perspective of this energy body which quickly becomes your new standard (that's why the other house seemed cramped).


9th August 2010, 03:12 PM
If this is accessing a new energy body, then you have truly accomplished something. :)


10th August 2010, 01:16 AM
There are some things in the physical that I have acomplished or I'm about to like serving my LL with court papers and it feels right,lol.Maybe accessing a new energy body is not the only accomplishment... :D

If this is accessing a new energy body, then you have truly accomplished something. :)
