View Full Version : Astral Historians?

13th August 2010, 12:38 PM
Hi guys.

Do we have anyone projecting backwards in time and verifying / investigating historical events and documenting these finds in any form? I was doing some research on linquistics the other day and realized that there is a lot of controversy concerning the beginning of language etc. I am specificaly wondering if all language has a base in one universal language ( babel? ) or if different cells of human civilization started evolving different languages simultaneously.

I know there are many of you that verify the posibilty of time travel through astral projection, but is anyone actively researching historical events.

I would expect reality fluctuations making this a hard job, but hey, it should be possible right?

I guess you could just go visit the akashik.

any comments?

Hugs and love, Mekiel

13th August 2010, 03:27 PM
I wouldn't trust anything that I saw, because all the possibilities for 'alternate pasts', 'possible presents', and just plain old projecting (my/your) beliefs into the experience.
I wouldn't trust anything that anyone else saw either, for the same reasons. There's already so much 'alternate' interpretations of history running around in the collective unconscious to make a 'concrete' target very slippery.

30th September 2010, 01:19 AM
good point some how reminds me of a saying i beleive its trust nothingbu see and only half of what you hear , i would suggest in my opinion to maybe one day try it for your self, and jot down what u see, again thats just my opinion on it, also ive been reading on connective physics and things such as that, its quite an interesting topic, but anyways suggest that all reality is, is just a perception, so maybe even the past is just a reflection of self, hmm idk who cares cheetos are pretty tasty. and im loving these new members.

30th September 2010, 01:23 PM
So are Doritos. :wink:

30th September 2010, 07:01 PM
fritos for me. remember the frito bandito? i do...

30th September 2010, 11:54 PM
So are Doritos. :wink:
lol i was thinking the same thing. but i decided on cheetos, mmm... :D

1st October 2010, 12:26 PM
Hello, Mekiel.

Maybe you want to study theosophic material to answer these questions? In the higher energy bodies it might be doable.

From what I've read, however, I think it's not easy to research just any old question you might come up with. There seems to have to be "a need to know" or some purpose. So, if you are a researcher and this would aid fulfilling part of your life purpose in learning about it on the other side, then I think it should be doable. But that would require researchers interested in spiritual and psychic development enough to "make it there." This cannot be done overnight, but usually requires several years of committing oneself to a spiritual path.

That's certainly possible, and many people would probably be able to pull it off, but the prevailing social conventions, norms and beliefs have to be overcome first. If you are a scientist you might also be afraid of the ridicule of your colleagues - and it's a vocation where peer opinion really can matter. So, there will be certainly some fears to be conquered.

So, there are some obstacles for anyone contemplating doing this, but no matter what, rewards will be rich - inwardly I mean. If one's enthusiasm for knowledge runs deep then I think it can be done and would enrich mankind's image of itself.


4th October 2010, 01:43 PM
Hi, Mekiel! :)

I'm with the general opinion that whatever you might discover time-travel wise would be unreliable. Even if you could examine the Akashic record I'd be wary of that. Things are just too fluid and subjective in the astral to imagine doing any 'empirical' research in that realm.

As an alternative, however, I would turn to a trusted guide to give you answers - 'trusted' being the key. One may turn to discarnate entities anytime for help and surely get it, but they are, for the most part, untrustworthy. On the other hand, if you have a guide already that has taught and led you faithfully then you should expect some reliable clues from that source concerning your interests.

Make it simple. You wonder if language emerged from a single seed or source and spread throughout civilizations from there, or did language develope in a plurality of loci seeminigly independent of each other? Such a question can be answered by your guide simply enough.

Personally, I wonder if there weren't two primary origins of language - one in the occident and one in the orient? :?

4th October 2010, 02:06 PM
The only way I can think of to accomplish this via projection is by the use of sigils. And even then I wouldn't consider it a "foolproof" method. You could try coming up with a sigil to represent the "prime," or local timeline that you have experienced. It would have to be infused with the intent of locking into that specific timeline. Then, while in the astral you could create a door, and on the door place the sigil along with another sigil created to represent whatever time you are wishing to explore...load the sigils on the door with energy to activate them, open it and see what happens.

Unfortunately, this still wouldn't do much good for "objective" investigations even if it worked, as the sigil would only lock into YOUR subjective timeline...it's possible the present moment is merely a harmonic convergence of countless unique timelines, and what is true in your past may not necessarily be true in another's.

On that note, you COULD try creating a sigil that represents the collective shared timelines...in essence, a timeline pieced together out of the events and actions with the highest probability of occurring.

4th October 2010, 06:06 PM
It's definately possible and you should definitely try it.

you'll never know for certain as long as you're taking somebody else's word for it; so you should definitely do the work yourself and claim the experiences for your own.

Every historical event I've ever viewed was considerably different than it is portrayed by modern historians. Big details, subtle details, the people involved; the individual nature of experience (rather than group-think and group-experience), etc. the difference between the real events and the historical narrative is like the difference between a boot and a picture of a boot. ya dig?

if you're concerned about being deceived or confused, it means that you need to figure out how to discern all of the subtle nuances of consciousness and the sooner you start, the better. there are sooooo many things you can do to pwn facts in the astral and dreamstate. you only have to make the effort, do the work and figure out what they are.