View Full Version : The Adyashanti Tape

14th August 2010, 12:20 PM
I dreamed that I had moved to a new apartment or a new room. I had heard that Adyashanti had had a significant experience in just the same situation - maybe even the same apartment? I had acquired a tape of his talks from that time, thinking maybe that could trigger something similar for me.

I think I was not alone when I put in that tape. I found it strange that it seemed to contain a lot of grunting noises. I woke up and realised that my dog snored so loud I heard it in the dream and that woke me up. She can saw a log alone... :roll:

Then a song played in my mind. After a short while I realised what it was - Nirvana, "Come As You Are." That somehow layed my worries to rest I might have missed some vital clue from the tape. :)


16th August 2010, 04:43 AM
I might think this if I were you; that there were no vital clues in the tape, that the dog's grunting was a parody on your anticipation of finding anything of value in the words of others. That henceforth, you must write your own book/tape.

"Come as you are"!

Funny, just my thoughts...

Richard :P

16th August 2010, 04:52 AM
Odd, that was exactly my 300th post. Might want to think about it, because often I'm channeling when i write... :|

16th August 2010, 05:04 AM
Odd, that was exactly my 300th post. Might want to think about it, because often I'm channeling when i write... :|

Which brings up an interesting question; how do we know when we're not simply channeling the energies and minds of the incarnate. As a pianist, I always knew it wasnt' 'me' stroking the piano, writing the music. I never pretended that it could be. It was always a 'force' acting through me.

But can we draw a line somewhere that says 'this is me' and 'that was something else'? After years, the 'something else' became me and that worried me quite a bit. It was living somebody's (with no body) life. Maybe that's simply the way artists work never considering a distinction.

Didn't mean to wax on. :oops:


edit [DIScarnate] :shock:

16th August 2010, 02:53 PM
Sometimes I channel some hidden aspect of myself, and sometimes I don't know where stuff is coming from. I just feel it when it's not 'me'- even if it's 'me'. :)