View Full Version : that black dragon...again!? i need help

23rd August 2010, 05:26 PM
I've dreamt of this black dragon (western kind of dragon).. twice.

the first dream:
i saw the black dragon about to injure a friend (i can't remember who) but i rushed over to protect my friend who was having trouble fighting off the dragon with his magic powers. my friend had fallen to the ground and i rushed to his side and tried to blast my magic at the black dragon but my powers seemed to be weak amd failing.

the second dream:
again, this black dragon, flying around to try and get me (probably to kill me). and I'm flying around too, trying to avoid it's bites. i have a long rope which i suppose is given to me to try and tie up this dragon and so i fly around this place of what looks like the inside of a greystone castle.. but fail to trap the black dragon in the rope's tangles.

is someone able to ... give me an idea of what these two dreams, with the same black dragon, could mean?

23rd August 2010, 05:38 PM
Usually a dragon can be seen as a protector, or as an attacker. It symbolizes magic and possibly mythology. So there may be many ways to look at this.
If your friend is a self aspect, I would guess that the black dragon is a threatening force that you see as wild and scary- maybe practices, maybe something you know about or even think may be possible.
Your friend may be a self- aspect also, one that is either 'rational' (is your friend male of female?) or 'intuitive'. These may be the faculties that may be under attack.
Someone gave you rope- in western culture rope is something you can use to hang yourself or something you can use to control others- you couldn't control the dragon, because of fear? (this is a question) or any other reason?

So a part of you wants to control the wild magical dark side, and isn't sure on how- can it be controlled?

This is all based on how I'm interpreting the images, not necessarily accurate, but go from there.

23rd August 2010, 05:45 PM
thank you so much for the reply!

from the things i read off the net, a dragon, black of all colours, is not a good sign :/

i'm not so worried about my friend there though, but more the dragon itself. but if you're leaning that way.. hmmmm... there were a few others around and that friend... i can't quite recall if it was male or female. likely male. we all had magic powers but my friend was struck down and my powers were weak when i tried to "blast" at the dragon (with hand raised, palm facing the dragon with a force of magic shooting out).

and yes, the feeling of fear is present in both dreams. fear of being killed by the black dragon.

if i remember correctly.. the second dream continues to me failing to tangle the dragon in the ropes.. i'm almost "caught" by it .. and all i remember now is this man-figured monster walking towards me.

majority of the time in both dreams i see as a third-person view. the only time it "switched" to 'from my eyes' was when i was tired from all the flying around trying to tangle the dragon and stopped to see the dragon coming to bite at me.

23rd August 2010, 09:21 PM
Well, with this information I can't get much deeper- if your friend was a male I'd say that your linear 'logical' thinking is threatened by magic, especially dark magic- if the friend is female I'd go with your emotional side being threatened by this, and much more vulnerable, I might add.

Aunt Clair
10th September 2010, 03:44 PM
Another thing to consider is that this dream could represent fear of the metaphysical self . You could be the black dragon and your fear could be your reticence to fly in projection and to embrace development of the energy body with the black dragon which is one metaphor for kundalini.

10th September 2010, 04:00 PM
Another thing to consider is that this dream could represent fear of the metaphysical self . You could be the black dragon and your fear could be your reticence to fly in projection and to embrace development of the energy body with the black dragon which is one metaphor for kundalini.

hello :) thank you for the post. but could you please explain? i'm not familiar with the metaphor for kundalini?

10th September 2010, 05:03 PM
The Kundalini dragon, (http://www.kundalini-gateway.org/kurt/k-faq.html) your own energy body undergoing changes, developing.

Aunt Clair
15th September 2010, 02:43 PM
Another thing to consider is that this dream could represent fear of the metaphysical self . You could be the black dragon and your fear could be your reticence to fly in projection and to embrace development of the energy body with the black dragon which is one metaphor for kundalini.hello :) thank you for the post. but could you please explain? i'm not familiar with the metaphor for kundalini?

The snake, serpent , cobra and dragon are metaphors of kundalini .

This is an archetype of the universal mind transcending cultures and ages. It is depicted in the artefacts of ancient cultures in and in through oral tradition and finally in sacred texts. Probably one of the best sources of kundalini information is the ancient Vedic texts from the Hindu culture of India which are online in English for free;
viewtopic.php?f=10&t=6262&p=47646&hilit=vedic#p47646 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=6262&p=47646&hilit=vedic#p47646)

The Vedas indicate that the cobra of kundalini energy is coiled around the base of the spine 3.5 times.The main channel of kundalini flow through the spine affords
expansion of consciousness and altered states allowing meditative trance visions and dreamstate lesson recall.

With kundalini the continued expansion of consciousness will eventually help the mystic to attain Kether/Samadhi . And so it is called our Axis Mundi , Stairway to Heaven and Jacob's Ladder all of which provide reunion with source in unio mystica. So the spine is our own Tree of Life within our subtle energy body . It consists of 7 basal spinal column chakras the wide channel of the spine as its trunk and innumerable channels of flow called nadis.

There are 14 named major channels each producing profound flames of kundalini when they are initially primed including 3 primary channels called Ida , Pingala and Sushumna .
viewtopic.php?f=10&t=12176&p=92393&hilit=vedic#p92393 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=12176&p=92393&hilit=vedic#p92393)

These channels move through the flat energy centre of the pelvic floor, which has been called the Throne of God, up to the head through the spine . An equal sized but reciprocal energy centre ,which has been called the Crown of the Goddess, occurs on the scalp.These channels are like Stalactites and Stalagmites in a cave in their appearance clustering fatter at the centre around the spine and moving downward from the ceiling and upward from the floor towards the heart.

Nadi means flow.There are innumerable nadis in the human energy body.
http://www.tititudorancea.com/lib/edfil ... 50_w2c.gif (http://www.tititudorancea.com/lib/edfiles/bp/pranayamanadiw450_w2c.gif)
Their size varies like a snake will vary in age . With fat wriggling tiny worms , smaller finger sized immature nadis, thicker longer juveniles and massive arm sized royal hooded king and queen cobras.

In ancient cultures ;Subsaharan African, Egyptian, Assyrian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Indian, Chinese ,Greek , Roman et cetera the Snake/Serpent/Cobra/Dragon is the energy that climbs the spine which is the Tree of Life.The Tree of Life has its roots on Earth and its branches reach up to the heavens like the human condition. The snake /dragon was anciently depicted with the Tree of life either around it , in it or beneath it .The Goddess was the tree or was in the tree. Sometimes the Goddes was the snake. She helps the human to climb to heaven in a metaphor which means the lowly snake becomes the flying dragon as the crude bestial and violent human becomes enlightened and compassionate.

So the snake is magic and not evil although it is depicted as such in Abrahamic texts.The snake is the bringer of light. The snake is energy of enlightenment.

Fear and hysteria caused this beautiful ancient legend adopted from other cultures to become a fear based moral parable to warn the human from being influenced by the evile snake and cautioning them not to eat or climb the Trees of Life or Knowledge. Thus the Goddess of enlightenment known by diverse names including Ishtar Ianna and Lillith became demonised and evil.

It is ironic that the Adam & Eve myth is so inaccurate and inept in its portrayal because the Zohar and the Judaic Kabballah are brilliant in their occult wisdoms and in the metaphysical scaffolding provided. Within Abrahamic texts the chakras are called the 7 lamps of God and are seen as portals in projection to 7 heavens and 7 hells.
The Tree of Life is described in the Old Testament as an almond tree with branches and blossoms. The branches are the nadis the blossoms are the chakras and the sepiroth occurring on each joint.

Elemental energies have gender and attributes named in vedic texts as tattwas.
Kundalini events occur in a predictable continuum which demonstrates the pattern for the further development of the human energy body; Sun, Moon, Earth , Star or Fire , Water, Earth , Air in that order.

The first K events will be felt as fire rushing up the spine. These are Mother Kundalini images of a crawling cobra over earth felt as fire. The heat is intense but it does not feel painful if the channels are clean and clear. Father Kundalini flys in the air and is felt as cold water.

Subsequent K events will vary. Kundalini will;
*rise up the front channels of the spine as a different elemental energy in this order; sun, moon, earth , heavens.
*fall down the back as cold sheets of energy like akashic rain
*fall down the spine as a cold dragon

The events cause an increase in the vibration of the magician which will afford greater metaphysical prowess and easier communication with teaching spirits and angels as well as greater projection , intuition and psychic ability. There will be a heightened vibration for 1 to 7 days and then this abates somewhat but the residual vibration maintained will be significantly higher than before the flame occurred.

By reading selectively and by careful journaling one's own metaphysical experiences one will get a huge help to understanding the enigma of kundalini which is sadly presented on the net with much hype and phobia. When there are mental disturbances , substance addictions or physical ailments such as spinal issues then K events can become problematic. However, if the channels are clean and the mind, body, soul, and spirit are healthy and happy then each k event is a joy.

The cobra is an apt descriptor because Kundalini feels like a thick round snake is moving through the physical body in it , through it and from it.

Googling images of "cobra Hindu God" will provide numerous examples of fans of cobras extending from the back of the belly , chest and head .
http://www.energyenhancement.org/Avatar ... vishnu.gif (http://www.energyenhancement.org/Avatar-Campbell-Movie/AVATAR-vishnu.gif)
or "cobra Krishna"
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_GDu8u7coxl0/S ... +kalia.gif (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_GDu8u7coxl0/SYvsXDbuAqI/AAAAAAAABPU/mK3EoPiC7vA/s320/lord+krishna+dancing+on+serpent+kalia.gif)
http://www.ecoheritage.cpreec.org/sacre ... obra_4.jpg (http://www.ecoheritage.cpreec.org/sacredelement/sacredanimal/130209031333-cobra_4.jpg)
These cobras do manifest on the energy body. The magician can learn to see these energies manifest like cobras clairvoyantly and feel them with clairsentience. Robert Bruce has written about remote linking with these cobras by assigning and naming the cobra to a person which can then be found in the astral by following that cobra's path of direction.

It is through the braiding of the golden nuggets from many ancient paths that we can learn more about the legacy of this universal energy which changes the vibration of the human energy body along a linear continuum.

At the basal neutral state , the human is an unaware "muggle "incapable of recalling a dream , incapable of conscious projected flight , incapable of seeing or hearing metaphysically and incapable of feeling instinctively or psychically.

From this basal state there are, as Led Zeppelin espoused, two directions to move;
Ascension or Descension.

Descension is luckily not permanent . It can cause ;
an excess of blockages
negative attachments
limitation of metaphysical growth
loss of abilities ie losing ability to recall dreams , see clairvoyantly and fly in projection
Addiction, Alcoholism,negative karma, abuse, violence,negative attachments, negative emotions ; grief , fear , anger , rage can cause descension. The human can manifest a demon which will plague its own monad and those influenced by its group soul . We can be haunted by our past lives transgressions in this manner.

Descension like depression can be reactive or chemical in nature. Reactive Depression occurs when a person is grieving for a loss and/or hating self . This is a temporary reaction to extreme stressors such as death of a loved one. Descension can be a temporary state caused by medications especially narcotics and other anesthetics. It can be caused by an attack. This type of descension occurs briefly and the normal vibration is quickly attained again.

Clinical Depression occurs when there is an imbalance such as in hormones, it may be lifelong and require ongoing therapy and medication. Lifelong descension can occur as a consequence for negative karma from past lives or from ongoing abuse and violence of any and all forms. Sadly the victim of abuse can suffer descension as easily as a perpetrator. Suffering can cause descension albeit temporary in nature. Forgiving and letting go of the pain is hugely healing in these cases.

Ascension affords the manifestation of new energy centres and the improvement of existing ones. The vibration thus improved causes a brighter light and a higher sound. Higher vibrations afford greater ;
*expansion of consciousness
* longevity and health
*metaphysical abilities aka called sidhi powers
Ascension is facilitated by kundalini which is ongoing infinite and eternal. Acceptance of karmic debt , suffering to cleanse karma and ownership of blame h causes ascension. The improved vibration continues into the next incarnation and begins to heal the self and the monad. With deliberation and dedication, ascension can manifest an angel from the soul of any human. This becomes a servant to the universe obedient to the Godhead and capable of healing the monad of that magician.

The monad projects concurrent and subsequent incarnations of the same soul and finds other souls which it has related to in multiple past lives. Robert Bruce has written about finding himself in other authors with uncanny physical resemblances to self . This is a predictable stage of the magician during which they begin to be aware of their other concurrent incarnations. They will dream about the birth or death of seeming strangers and eventually realise that this is a part of self. They will find polluted anti-selves and perhaps brighter stronger selves too.

The monad can not ascend unless all of the souls attach to it ascend also. It is possible to divorce one's current soul group and move on by removing them like dropping an anchor. But it is better to heal them and forgive them as this builds good karma and creates a higher vibration in the monad.

The affects of Kundalini ascension are evident clairvoyantly. Upcoming K events can be witnessed on the energy body of the magician and the vibration of that magician will be coloured up according to their works. Bright jewel toned colours indicate a higher vibration. Dull muddy colours that cause a burning indicate a negative vibration.

"Yes there are two paths , you can go back but in the long run , there's still time to change the road you're on." ~ Stairway to Heaven.

15th September 2010, 04:46 PM
ow wow that's much! thank you! i'll take my time to read through :))))