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View Full Version : POLL: Are the Greys' intentions good or evil?

31st August 2010, 07:13 PM
Please vote and give your reasons why. Feel free to cite any literature you base your opinion on.

31st August 2010, 08:52 PM
I have always withheld an opinion, because I have always thought that any characterization would be anthropomorphized- but after reading the ebook "The Allies of Humanity" it occurs to me that a benevolent entity doesn't kidnap without permission, and if the experiences are as reported, there is a lack of basic manners in the way it's being done- so at the very least the entities responsible for this certainly don't consider us worthy of any consideration whatsoever.
I think the question is more complex than the choices above, because, provided the experiences are as reported-
We don't know who's in charge- grays could be anything from animated robots to entities in and of themselves-
We assume they're the ones doing all the things that are reported- but experiencers report other types in the combo when stuff happens.

So I'll say, I don't think they're our friends, but I don't know that they're our enemies.

31st August 2010, 09:01 PM
Like most people, I'm unsure. My experience during childhood with something that may have been a grey suggested a degree of malevolence. Because two of the three encounters occurred in dreams (one lucid) I can't even be sure the creature I encountered was even real.

Recently I heard an interview with a woman who said people remember their encounters with greys as traumatic because their minds cannot really grasp what happened. This explanation doesn't quite cut it with me. It seems to me that if they indeed exist as something other than archetypal symbols, and I believe they do, that there's something wrong with the way they operate with confusion and manipulation as their modus operandi. If they've studied human kind for a long, long time, then they should be aware of what we consider to be human rights. They do not seem to have respect for these.

The fact they don't murder humans, as far as we know, is not evidence that their agenda is a benign one.

1st September 2010, 08:24 AM
Nice poll as one can choose all three!!! So I did :mrgreen:
As CFT pointed out, the question is more complex - just as one can't really ask "are the humans intentions good or evil?". Also I do not believe in the whole concept of good and evil. But besides that, I have a opinion similar to CFT.

The Greys are not benevolent towards humans, but the Grey have their own best interest and purpose in mind. They do pretend to be "higher beings", they do manipulate and use humans. So far I have not become aware of anything helpful they might have done to "humankind". Same category as Pleiadians, Andromedans, Reptiles - they just use a bit different strategies/approaches, but are all intruders here to exploit earth and its inhabitants.

PS: There are also benevolent/helpful ETs out there, but those keep more in the background and are not in the media. They do not interfere with us, but might offer some help and insight when asked for such.

1st September 2010, 03:00 PM
CFTraveler, I agree. When you encounter a being of light, meaning someone that means you well you don't experience any fear or unpleasantness. Meanwhile, with these Greys people are constantly reporting unpleasant things happening to them and the element of fear. It's like meeting with a longtime friend vs. meeting with a manipulator. With the manipulator you sense that something is off.

In the books The Law of One, Ra Material, entities are not categorized as good or evil, rather as people who seek service to self (aka negative polarity) vs. people who seek service to others (aka positive polarity) vs. people who are in between (aka most of the earth population). I believe these Greys are definitely acting in their own interests.

2nd September 2010, 10:55 AM
A lot of the alternative information available seems to suggest that humans may well be about to undergo some kind of evolutionary leap that is naturally destined for us at this time. If this were true and we were dealing with entities far more in the know than us, wouldn't it be convenient for them to have us believe that they had somehow orchestrated our development? Of course, it's possible they're interfering to try to prevent that development, because it might create a more even playing field or it might undo previous genetic manipulation designed to limit us. Then there's the possibility of one set of entities playing us off against another set or, as is claimed by the "Allies of Humanity," there are entities attempting to infiltrate and control through interbreeding.

Graham Hancock's book (reviewed in the book section) explores the idea of alien intervention over a long period of time. I remember hearing an interview on youtube of a mother whose daughter shared an apartment with someone she was convinced was a hybrid. It presents an interesting possibility.

A number of indigenous groups welcome the return of our interstellar brothers and sisters. They could be wrong to do so, of course but they might know things we do not. Stephen Greer is also very much in the "good aliens" camp.

Since we still haven't reached the stage of official disclosure and extra terrestrials/ inter-dimensionals haven't announced themselves universally, it's all speculation at this point. If this all changes, we'll need to use our powers of discernment.

2nd September 2010, 05:07 PM
And I certainly hope we can, and do.

Palehorse Redivivus
2nd September 2010, 08:25 PM
When you encounter a being of light, meaning someone that means you well you don't experience any fear or unpleasantness.

Just wanted to chime in here that unfortunately, lack of fear and unpleasantness doesn't necessarily mean "not malicious or harmful." I myself have had to stop using that as an indicator, as there are a lot of things that have learned how to use things like coercively fabricated rapport, love 'n light and the lie of universal benevolence as a smokescreen for some really messed up personal violations that they may even be fooling themselves to believe they're not actually committing. I maintain that this is even more dangerous and disturbing than someone who attacks outright.

2nd September 2010, 10:48 PM
i hardly know what my intentions are till hindsight gives me 20/20 where i had no sight prior to.

i am more curious why opinions need be based in literary works. tryin to wrap my lil ole pin head around that. :roll:

i agree with CFT, and i like where PHR is heading with his awareness that what it is, is not always what it would seem as, and more often than not, is opposite of what it would appear to be.

i myself am certainly a varying mixture of both good and evil on any given day. :shock:

3rd September 2010, 09:22 AM
When you encounter a being of light, meaning someone that means you well you don't experience any fear or unpleasantness.

Just wanted to chime in here that unfortunately, lack of fear and unpleasantness doesn't necessarily mean "not malicious or harmful." I myself have had to stop using that as an indicator, as there are a lot of things that have learned how to use things like coercively fabricated rapport, love 'n light and the lie of universal benevolence as a smokescreen for some really messed up personal violations that they may even be fooling themselves to believe they're not actually committing. I maintain that this is even more dangerous and disturbing than someone who attacks outright.

On the astral level you cannot rely on any kind of appearance. It's the level where the "glamour effect" is possible. Everybody needs to be judged by their actions and effects. Nothing replaces your own discernment of what is harmful or beneficial. Especially in the astral mischief and deception are possible.

Having said that, I almost exclusively have positive experiences.


3rd September 2010, 01:12 PM
Personally, I imagine that any true agency of God is not going to intervene upon human freedom of will and choice. with that said, i also imagine that like ourselves, humans, having multiple agendas, many of which we not totally aware of; that entitys perhaps less or more than human also are steeped in agendas. it is my practice to not allow persuasion from either end of it, because i value my personal freedom of choice based in my own experiences, experiences which in all due respect are the keys that open up true understanding, where otherwise learned from higher/lower entitys the information would cause inner confusion (harm) without the experience that has opened itself to understanding.

here is a quote which shares the same sentiment:

"Although heavenly powers wanted to give Elijah, the Gaon (Sage) of Vilna, mystical and theosophical secrets through the medium of daemons, who were masters of secret knowledge and Princes of the Torah, without the necessity of human effort, he refused them. He said that on numerous occasions heavenly mentors came to him volunteering to hand over to him the mystical secrets of the Torah without any effort on his part and he refused to take any notice of them. He said: I do not want what I aquire of God's holy teaching (Torah) to come to me through any intermediary of whatever kind. Instead I am completely dependent on God and what he wants to reveal to me of his Torah, through my own labour which I am engaged in with all my might. He will give me wisdom, and an understanding heart. In that way I shall know that I have found favour in His eyes."

I listen to my own voice, uncluttered with building prejudicial thought. even if i am reading a thread in this forum, i hear my voice speaking what i am reading, and in my own voice speaking are the keys to understanding what I am reading, what is really being said in the posts as i feel to hear and see it. otherwise, i do not 'pay' attention to other means, as i imagine 'truth' is free.

here is another snippet on Elijah the Gaon of Vilna:

"Elijah, the Gaon of Vilna, said that what the soul attains, the wonderful and awesome levels that it reaches, in the state of sleep, through the upward journey of the soul to higher worlds, is not the main thing. What is important is what a man achieves whilst incarnated in this world in the waking state through his own struggle and effort. It is then that man can exercise his free choice and clear his mind of all else but concentration on spiritual matters."

i only choose these quotes because they are readily availiable to me at this present moment, not because i lean particularly in any one direction of religion, though God is the source of my spirituality.


3rd September 2010, 02:31 PM
When you encounter a being of light, meaning someone that means you well you don't experience any fear or unpleasantness.

Just wanted to chime in here that unfortunately, lack of fear and unpleasantness doesn't necessarily mean "not malicious or harmful." I myself have had to stop using that as an indicator, as there are a lot of things that have learned how to use things like coercively fabricated rapport, love 'n light and the lie of universal benevolence as a smokescreen for some really messed up personal violations that they may even be fooling themselves to believe they're not actually committing. I maintain that this is even more dangerous and disturbing than someone who attacks outright.

Palehorse, that's not what I meant. I said when you encounter a being of light, meaning someone that means you well, not someone posing as a being of light, not someone with an outward perception of glamour or light, I meant when you encounter a REAL being of light, I don't think they would do unpleasant things to you.

So what I really meant is that someone who does things to you that are unpleasant or inspire fear in you are definitely not looking out for your best interest. A real being of light would not do these things to you. Therefore, being that the Greys have done these things to people, I have to assume that they are negative beings.

3rd September 2010, 02:47 PM
Hello, TheLawOfOne.

Therefore, being that the Greys have done these things to people, I have to assume that they are negative beings.

Actually, I'm not too sure of that. We understand too little and too many people are using astral information they don't understand, I think. In all metaphysical matters seeing is not necessarily understanding, perceptions can be deceptive and the potential for misunderstanding is great.

I had such misunderstandings myself, and I saw how my own ego, mind and mental elemental can distort information in ways that they don't even resemble the original anymore. The only remedy I know is an attitude that is both skeptical and open - skeptical enough to not come to conclusions too soon, open enough for a variety of interpretations.

We have to be careful in the world of phenomena. Forms and appearances can by their nature be deceptive. It is too easy to declare the unknown or anything outside our understanding or control as dangerous, harmful or negative. Beliefs and expectations form and distort our perception of reality. If we want to perceive the underlying reality, we must be mindful of our attitude and the mental filters it consists of, and carefully interpret any data, symbols and messages we receive.


3rd September 2010, 02:48 PM
One other point I wanted to mention. Which I think is very interesting, what do you all think of the comment that Stephen Hawkings said about aliens back in April? The one where he said we should beware of aliens because if they came here it would be like what happened to the Native Americans when Columbus found the New World.

What I thought was strange about this is why did the networks make such a big deal about this comment, like it was some enlightening idea or something? I mean, I always thought this might be possible and I know there have been quite a few movies out about aliens coming to destroy us. So why make such a big deal now?

3rd September 2010, 03:19 PM
Because the culture in which (at least here in the US) makes a big deal about ridiculing such ideas. Even though many governments have officially admitted studying seriously the UFO phenomenon, the US and to some extent other western countries continue to foster the idea that UFOs are some sort of delusion and anyone involved in the movement to study it has to be some kind of crackpot. It's not just the official government position, but the default cultural position, as well.
After all, who wants to admit that we are vulnerable to interference in the most personal way? It's more comfortable to tell ourselves this really didn't happen and we should not only forget about it, but we should make fun of anyone that speaks seriously about it.

Other respected scientists, such as Michio Kaku have expressed interest in the phenomenon, but it's easy for the lay populace to pretend they don't know this or to simply not watch anything that remotely sounds like a serious look at this stuff- and since now it is fashionable to demonize science, (and we see this in this and other forums), it's easy to dismiss.
But dismissing someone like Stephen Hawking is a completely different thing- after all, he is not just another physicist with his head in the clouds- he is a person that has been set aside and worshipped because he has made all kinds of discoveries while battling a life-shattering illness- he's not just 'another physicist'. So we are forced to look at what he says because of the conditioning we receive by the media- don't be surprised if rumors start floating around saying that 'he's lost it' or something similar- because he has publicly crossed the invisible line.

3rd September 2010, 03:26 PM

I am enamored with the scope of your personal understanding. much respect!

the mind is like many fun house mirrors, where we would ask, "which reflection is my own to undistortedly own?".

true story here. I used to write and speak without God and/or Jesus in it. several years back i found myself speaking to a drunkard, completely plastered out of his mind, his words slurred beyond recognition. I was across a table from him, and suddenly, just as sober as a bell ringing he spoke with a gentle clear voice, saying, "do you think that I cannot speak through the drunkedness of this man?" well i was shocked, but sensing no danger or fear. following that intro "he" proceded to tell me all about myself, my gifts as well as my shortcomings, things nobody could know as I was not expressive of either gift or shortcoming for fear of being seen, he repeated my talk and everybit revealed my lack of walk. but most of all, I was repremanded for not attributing my spirituality to God, primarily scolded for my paraphrasing of "Jesus" without attributing to His name and nature. finally asking me straight out, "Who do you think that I speaking, am?". I answer with all confidence, "You are Himself, Jesus", whereupon He smiled from ear to ear. the whole repremand went on for more than an hour - maybe two, starting very gentle, rising up to voiced repremand in an angry yet assertive tone that took nothing from me, ending gently, with an understanding that there is nothing in and of my life that is not known beyond myself, moreso than I myself could know, as I am most blind to it. following that brief interlude the drunken man returned to pass out and sleep it off. I spoke with him the next morning and he had no memory whatsoever of it, and his last "worldly" words to me were, "go with god".

ultimately the moral is, don't judge a book by it's momentary cover, for apparently in a sobering state this man was "with god" to an abnormal extent; moreso at, the face of god is everywhere as everyone right in front of our face.

a prayer for peace within myself often delivers inner war, as those things not myself are revealed, exposed to be seen by I alone. sometimes i am caught as throwing a stone into it, and i shamed must regroup in my truth, seeing that this stone was not I, but exposure of what is not rightfully myself, yet that which myself had held, and in holding there was need in having thrown it.

the mystery/ies of this world outlying would have us purge what is not ourselves into it, to that point where we awaken to poner, "when is enough...enough?". this "when" i yet ponder, wondering "when".

but I see the why, the who, the what, the where, and I even see the how. this "when" i suggest is not any "mine" to say, and is everybit up to everyone as everyman in due time, exclaimed in one assertive voice.



3rd September 2010, 03:39 PM
What a remarkable experience, Tim. It took my breath away and made me a little envious.

3rd September 2010, 03:44 PM
Yeah, definitely. Wow.


3rd September 2010, 04:04 PM
a prayer for peace within myself often delivers inner war, as those things not myself are revealed, exposed to be seen by I alone. sometimes i am caught as throwing a stone into it, and i shamed must regroup in my truth, seeing that this stone was not I, but exposure of what is not rightfully myself, yet that which myself had held, and in holding there was need in having thrown it.

in addition, and following this quoted (apparently locked) statement:

pondered upon, the wonder of truth reveals itself, where Judas "the betrayer" did cast "the chief corner stone" into it. Judas was without sin, thereby with inner sight, he saw, even todays sees that which within himself is God alone and "I", the unique child of god, the child of wonder uniquely within each in every of one.

just as the Buddha ascribed in his words, "if you see me on the road, kill me", himself realizing the truth uniquely within each to be translated experientially and uniquely understood within, and the obstacle held within which would obstruct that very 'real' unique and personal truth.

it would appear that in truth, all of man's expressions are as many feathers in spirited wings and tail/tale, and our world is but that shadow cast below from flight far above.

3rd September 2010, 04:35 PM
Didn't want you to delete it months later.

3rd September 2010, 09:38 PM
or even minutes later... :wink:

lol, you even have edit lock on it, can't make it a smiley face even. you wascalwy wabbit, err...i mean maneuvering minx. oh well... :roll:

3rd September 2010, 09:39 PM
Tutor, amazing story. But at least with drunk people there is no anal probing involved. :D

I'm out for the day. Have a great weekend everyone.

5th September 2010, 06:50 AM
That was a strange and interesting story for certain, Tim.