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View Full Version : GURMUKH Kundalini Yoga Returning to the Heart

Aunt Clair
2nd September 2010, 10:42 AM
Find Opportunity in Crisis
Some Kriya poses of Kundalini Yoga
to ease tension, stress, anxiety and thereby activate Kundalini!
Leave a mind of fear and return to a mind of happiness.

"Our system does not work. It does not keep people happy and healthy and whole"We can create the meditative mind to feel whole to feel hop and peace to make a golden opportunity of every suffering.

"Return to your heart"
"If we listen to our heart, talk from our heart, feel from our heart ; the whole world looks different and we will have prosperity and we will never go without."

Get up before the sun comes up , light a candle and say 10 things you are thankful to the creator for and include some thing that challenges/challenged you and you will be able to look back upon it as a blessing.

Buddha says "Be thankful for everything that comes on our path. It is a golden opportunity. "

Quicky meditations ;

1. To Calm
*3 minutes of left nostril breathing by closing off the right nostril
2. To Calm and to Choose
*close your eyes , focus in between the eyebrows,
(rubbing gently deosil the third eye with the middlefinger & ring finger
together) causing the pituitary to give you wisdom, if you are ready to make a decision or want to yell at someone or get angry or say something you wish you hadn't said, just go ( pushing the right nostril closed) inhale and exhale. If you can do this 26 times deep breathing from the belly you will centre self and feel able to make the right decision.
3. To Choose to see Truth and hear Wisdom
* with splayed fingers
a. take index fingers and thumbs from opposite hands and hit them together and take them apart
b. take middle fingers and thumbs and hit them together and take them apart
c.take ring fingers and thumbs and hit them together and take them apart
d. take pinkys and thumbs and hit them together and take them apart.

Do this for 11 minutes each series quickly saying Sa Ta Na MA
which means TRUTH.

"Your whole brain will come into balance and you will be able to hear wisdom from your heart and that's a promise"