View Full Version : Bee Following and Negs

7th September 2010, 01:34 PM
Hey Rob,

I've been getting into manifestation, law of attraction and stuff for a couple of years now. I've noticed some very interesting things about the nature of reality.

I'm sure you experience synchronicity in your life, I certainly do. I will put out a strong idea and then receive lots of co-incidences related to it in the following days. One thing is like I would imagine having an Audi R8 GT convertible, and then I start seeing it everywhere. I then see 3:33 everywhere for about a week, including a popup advert on my computer for the same car coming up at 3:33 and 33 seconds!! The advert appeared again months later at a different time, so it wasn't even pre-coded to only come up then. I go online and type Audi R8 333 and a wikipedia page comes up saying they're only making 333 models of which 33 are being sent to the UK (where I live)!

This stuff happens all the time with me now, it's crazy. Anyway, it's really got me thinking about what you focus on grows in your life. Bee following basically, nothing new right. Like when you have a lucid dream, your thoughts, beliefs, emotions affect the dream-scape. In waking life the same thing happens albeit a bit slower.

I've started getting back into NEW and read a few things on negs. I forgot just how great NEW is, and have a lot more energy.

But after having the neg stuff in my consciousness I then perceive possible negs in my room and do a complete and thorough hermetic fire torching of the place. And now I'm getting prickles on my feet at night and it was getting pretty sharp last night. The consequence is today I reek of garlic for obvious reasons. It's like a manifested conflict with minor parasite negs, the more I perceive them and battle the more they're real... when before I really didn't actually have a problem with them and stuff in my mind was pretty normal life positive stuff.

Started getting some more foot prickles a few hours ago and instead of trying to char-grill anything I just started to try and shift my reality by focusing on how I want things to be. In my ideal life I never think about negs, things are just good etc.

Would love your opinions on this, because you of course have a lot of experience with ridding people of negs. I have a fighting spirit and it seems a waste to not use it, but I sometimes wonder if I'm creating my own battles when I could just be enjoying myself instead.

, Thanks for taking your time to read this

Robert Bruce
29th October 2010, 05:38 AM

What I suggest is happening here is:::

Your return to energy work has enhanced the sensitivity of your body. This is allowing you to sense and feel things you previously could not feel. These 'things' would have already been around you...you just could not feel them before.

your description of these sensations indicate low order astral wildlife. Nothing a good spring clean, fumigation, incense, and some cleansing with purple fire should not clear away.

Rub some Tiger Balm, or Tea Tree oil, into your feet. That helps.

Also consider a grounding sheet for your bed, so you sleep electrically grounded.

Performing the LBRP would also be a great help.

Enjoy your new car when you get it!
