View Full Version : My theory

18th September 2010, 03:33 AM
I have a theory that our universe is condensed of Rhythmic Planes. A "rhythm" I define as a pattern of regular and irregular vibrations (energy) that methodically resolves itself. Everything is made out of infinite amounts of energy which then vibrates on these "planes". An example is when you reach awakening it is really your spirit's vibrational energy conducting to other rhythmical planes. On a large scale this gives us our perception, this is why the physical acts accordingly to laws such as physics which is followed by the core native result of "rhythm", the projections we create, say and think resolve differently to different people, why? Because we as people are energetic conductors with our own vibrations, we act as a triple beam scaling out different energies, with such differential will resolve in unknown variables. If you achieve a completely rhythmic balance of energy then you can further produce at higher vibrational frequency and can then live in a state of happiness and eternal knowing that your rhythm isn't hindered by negative external energies. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE?

18th September 2010, 06:24 PM
Well, it sounds like an interesting idea.

If you achieve a completely rhythmic balance of energy then you can further produce at higher vibrational frequency and can then live in a state of happiness and eternal knowing that your rhythm isn't hindered by negative external energies.

However you define it, it takes a bit of work, I'd say. ;)


21st September 2010, 07:44 AM
it makes sense to me. my theory is based alot on energy frequencies or vibrations, physics, and balancing/tuning your vibrations to the differing vibrations of the universe, both in what is known to be the physical universe, and the non-physical part of the universe or what we can't percieve with our physical senses or instruments. i also believe our being to stretch across all of these frequencies and the balancing/tuning of our energies is whats neccisary to be aware of all levels of being