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27th September 2010, 09:50 PM
i was meditating last night, with no particular goal other than clearing my mind and sleeping. I noticed my brow chakra suddenly became really active, so i just observed what it was doing. it started vibrating consistently faster, and i noticed a blue-grey glow comming from my upper right, and an orange-yellow glow comming from my upper left. i had some strange vision shift, where i was looking from about an inch behind my eyes, and could see the glow on my face. at this point my brow chakra started glowing really bright gold, with beams going off to the left and the right which turned into gold wings. they extened as far out as half my head on either side, and i could feel them as if they were acually part of my body.
also, just before that vision shift, my heart charka felt almost like it was letting out a low frequency vibration. it was interesting to say the least.

28th September 2010, 06:10 AM
Oh, yes, I've had the wings vision (or, err... experience, anyway, dunno if I'd call it a vision).

I remember AuntClair had something that put it into perspective at the time, but at the moment I can't recall what she said about it (it was quite a while ago). Perhaps she'll turn up again. :)

Anyway, it's apparently a known and specific kind of sign or stage of development. So there you go. Not very helpful, but interesting, anyway.

EDIT: Okay, I found a couple threads that may or may not be pertinent:

viewtopic.php?f=23&t=9649 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=9649)
viewtopic.php?t=2491 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2491)

28th September 2010, 06:51 AM
that would make sense in a way. tho the wings were coming from my brow, like attatched to the chakra

29th September 2010, 02:54 PM
these peripherals/wings are you centering within your emf. sounds like you were within green, if blue and yellow-orange bordered you. green would be the heart/fa. perhaps you are in love to a degree, pondering whether to let go and fall in love. much anxious thoughts to be resolved, old/new fears holding back, weighing the risks based in experiences...etc. to be or not to be

interesting that with blue was gray, this reveals the anticipatory schizm, the gray area of not knowing, so one fills it with the past, thereby placing a blockage, eliminating the risk taken.

it is ok not to know, to risk the heart in the leap of faith. blue is depth of waters, height of sky, the soul/sol/throat caught up either way, to learn through the self.

it is a minor fall from green/heart, but the blue updraft (singing) gives to a major lift/indigo/la/brow. dont be afraid to sing your song out loud and proud. sing along with this song...and listen to the lyrics. friends are those whom even knowing the real you support/lift you.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YRKXPJK ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YRKXPJKUwY&feature=related)

dunno really, is what i gather from it


29th September 2010, 11:17 PM
that makes alot of sense. i have some thoughts on it that are right in line with what you said. my personal experience with my brow, is that it has everything to do with perception, both physically and metaphysically. I have had alot of spontaneous brow activations lately even before this, which have been pretty interesting so far. when it activates its not like energy just flowing through it, but like it turned on full blast, and is both creating and using energy if that makes sense. during these activations i've had a general heightened awareness, especially visually, and a few of the times, i've been seeing auras of people, even in my peripheral vision.

the colors make sense as well, aside from my brow looking like solid gold that glowed. being in green would certainly explain why my heart was humming. green is also a color i am naturally drawn to and i tend to think more with my heart haha. The interesting thing with the gray to me is it wasn't an undefined grey, infact it was very defined. which makes me tend to think less of it as uncertainty, and more as a middle ground. while i do have a decent amount of uncertainty in my life, i tend to think of gray, especially so defined, as being a balance between two opposing forces, and the place you will find the most knowledge, because you can see it from both sides. if it was a blurry or cloudy grey i would definately think it to be uncertainty.

Aunt Clair
4th November 2010, 05:02 AM
...The interesting thing with the gray to me is it wasn't an undefined grey, infact it was very defined. which makes me tend to think less of it as uncertainty, and more as a middle ground. while i do have a decent amount of uncertainty in my life, i tend to think of gray, especially so defined, as being a balance between two opposing forces, and the place you will find the most knowledge, because you can see it from both sides. if it was a blurry or cloudy grey i would definately think it to be uncertainty.
Wings appear continually in stages of alchemical ascension. The angelic manifestations begin with the Guardian Angel and continue to form a legion of higher angelic forms as branches on the Tree of Life which is the spine and its extensions on the human energy body.

Guardian Angel no face
GA with past life face
GA with half past half current face
GA with current face
GA with half current/half future face split in vertical symmetry
GA with future face

Angel on front Demon on Back
Angel all around
Sphinx Angel with 4 heads like a Kerubim/Cherubim/Throne

Archangel with no face
AA with past life face
AA with current face
AA with half current/half future face split in vertical symmetry
AA with future face

4 AA heads on one body
4 AA bodies around magician attached at hips
4 AA bodies around magician attached at heels
4 distinct AA bodies

4 nodes on the Spinal Tree of Life each node begins to form 4 angels
hips,waist, shoulders, crown/supernal growing 4, 8, 12, 16
the mirror reflects a doubling of this angelic form beneath the ground 32

initially all of these forms are wispy blue white gray often faceless
the face appears and the body becomes distinct
the emancipated angel is not attached to the magician but is autonomous to it
and fully coloured with a name given to it and a job

The jobs given are to serve humanity
these angels fly in our dreamstate with us as they go past us and we learn from them but then they fly solo and we try to catch up
they choose with us and the universe and Godhead a job ie;
*influencing people about to commit acts of violence to have mercy and compassion
*influencing those tempted to selfish acts which harm children and families to love
*influencing those considering self harm to stop and think it over
*influencing , inspiring , consoling , comforting, healing ...

The wings we see on ourselves are of course not necessary to fly we fly in projection without them but they are a regal dressing and an honorific which reminds us all we belong to a higher cause and to Godhead and to each other.

12th November 2010, 08:05 AM
my friend's wings come out when she is really sad. they are for raising our energy frequency. for me I point them toward the sky to do that.
i think everyone gets them at some point.
they come with a large number of angelic energies we are given access to if we percieve them, i find them good and potentially powerfulll.