View Full Version : trouble moving in recent projections

4th October 2010, 02:53 PM
I recently had two breif projections where I had trouble moving. This is something that never happened in previous projections. I'm hoping this won't be a lingering issue so I thought I would bring this up here to find out what might be going on.

In the first projection I came back from a dream and had to sort of wrench myself out of my body as it seemed to be a bit more difficult then usual. After getting out I had a bit of trouble moving and woke up afterwards.

Then this morning I had another one. This time I sort of rolled my astral body back and forth until it rolled out. Like before I had a bit more trouble getting it out this time. Try as I might, even after putting all of my will power into it I could only barely move. One odd thing I noticed was that a floating semi transparent patch of someones face breifly popped up, the single visible eye looked at me for a moment before it went away again. Though this time my room looked exactly as it should from what I remember seeing so this one seemed to be freer of dream elements then alot of other projections.

A bit before these two I had another almost projection but woke up right as I was exiting.

Thinking back on it, there are a few things that were different during these then before, I dont know if any of these would effect things. One is that I've been sleeping on the opposite end of my bed then before since a depression formed where I was sleeping which was uncomfortable. another is that I think I may have been closer to being awake during these projections then usual. Lastly at least during the last one I did not have time to do the astral excercises the previous night, I dont remember if I did them the nights beofre the other two or not but I do think I did them the night before the first one I mentioned at least.

7th October 2010, 11:03 AM
It's possible that you had already projected and forgotten, become aware again, tried to project and had too little energy left or you were at the wrong part of your sleep cycle to pull it off successfully again.

One odd thing I noticed was that a floating semi transparent patch of someones face breifly popped up, the single visible eye looked at me for a moment before it went away again.

Could this had been an exteriorization of your next energy body (the astral body perhaps) that you were struggling to move into?

7th October 2010, 04:14 PM
It's possible that you had already projected and forgotten, become aware again, tried to project and had too little energy left or you were at the wrong part of your sleep cycle to pull it off successfully again.

This was at the right time , all the projections I remember happen in early morning which was the time of day these were. As for possibly forgetting, I would have either needed to have a really long one or multiple projections as in the past I often have enough energy to come out more then twice in a single night.

Could this had been an exteriorization of your next energy body (the astral body perhaps) that you were struggling to move into?

Maybe? I've never seen it before, but it was kinda looking over at me whatever it was. From what I could see, it didn't look like me, but then again there's no gaurantee my astral body would look exactly like me either.

7th October 2010, 09:21 PM
In that case, it could be some kind of interference (internal or external) or you're possibly moving into a new energy body (say from astral to mental) and you're insufficiently progressed at this stage.

Is it continuing? Perhaps some dream programming will lead to insight on what is actually happening.

8th October 2010, 01:35 PM
I don't know if its continuing yet, I haven't really had a chance to try projecting again since then. I'll find out the next time I try.

11th October 2010, 02:19 PM
Ok got some updates, yesterday and this morning I had six unsuccesful trys, but in the end I was able to succesfully prject on the 7th try just a few minutes ago, anyway here are a few observations.

The other day when I attempted it, I rolled out of my body and hit the floor, but part of my conciouness still seemed to be in my body as when I tried to look around I was seeing things from the pov of my body still in bed even though my conciousness was on the floor. Also I had trouble moving like that other projection. Todays attempts didn't even get that far as I'd start to roll out and then wake up. I noticed a couple things, none of todays projections were from dreams, each one had me fall back to sleep and realize right as I was getting into the theta state that I could try projecting. In fact out of all these unsuccesful attempts I recall only one being from a dream. Also it looked like there wasn't as much dream elements, from what I saw during the attempts, so these may have been real time projections? I did notice an action figure I had on a shelf in the wrong place, but that was it.

Now after all this I was getting kind of frustrated. But on the 7th try I finnally got it. I rolled out and got up, oddly I seemed to have projected a copy of my blankets with my body, this sometimes happens? Did this happen to anyone else? Once again this felt like my physical body but lighter. But this was a really real projection, I think I may have made it to real time but can't be sure. I walked out into the hall which was lit up for some reason, I don't think it was in the physical world, at least not when I woke up. And I sort of jumped past the flight of stairs before gliding to the floor. One thing I noticed that was probably either a dream element or a reality fluctuation was that some balding middle aged dude wearing a trench coat was standing in the corner who I never saw before. I didn't think much of him though and went about trying to find the doorway to the akashic records once more. One odd thing that happened is that my vision seemed to temporarily black out for a moment but then I sort of willed it back on and went into another room before being called back to my body.

11th October 2010, 03:41 PM
It sounds like you did project to the RTZ, but because of your repeated tries you didn't completely lose focus off your body, and brought the feel of the covers with you to your experience. Since the astral is thought responsive, the feel of the blankets caused the view of them also. The lighting of an RTZ projection can vary, mainly because you're not seeing with your eyes, but with your energy body, and the mind converts it into an image for you.
So congrats, it sounds like you exited.

11th October 2010, 05:25 PM
Any idea why I had that spat of projections where I had trouble moving? I thought maybe it was because I was closer to being awake but that's just a guess. Hopefully with this projection that won't be happening anymore.

11th October 2010, 06:41 PM
I always have trouble moving when my energy is low. When my energy is high, i'm only subtly aware of my astral body and i tend to have an opposite problem: i rapidly move towards whatever i'm looking at (and away from where i'd like to be).

the main reason my energy is low is because i work myself to near exhaustion, both intellectually and physically, every day. so my priorities every day are dual: both to schedule in time for R&R, as well as to support my health enough to support my lifestyle.

i dont' know if your energy is low...but you might want to assess yourself. do you have emotional strife in your life? emotional conflict is very draining.

good luck.


11th October 2010, 06:53 PM
There are various reasons why you may have trouble navigating while out- sometimes it's low energy, sometimes it's split awareness, and sometimes it has to do with the environment and your readiness for it.
I've had clusters of projections in which I have trouble navigating and then have them stop, for no apparent reason. I like to think that it's because I'm changing, but there are so many possibilities.

11th October 2010, 06:58 PM
I don't think low energy is the problem, as I mentioned this morning I tried projecting about five times unssuccesfully before finnally doing it right. I never would have got it in the end if it was an energy issue. The plit awareness thing sounds like that might be part of the issue. Like I said before that time on sunday, my conciouness seemed to both be on the floor and in my body at the same time, so that may be what happened there.

12th October 2010, 01:21 PM
Ok had two and a half projections this morning. First time, I got stuck on the way out and woke up like what was happening before. But then after that I had two projections where I was able to get out and do stuff. Both were fairly dream element contaminated, especially the first one where I somehow ended up in a strange version of my old neighborhood (don't remember a whole lot of that one only that it was really contaminated). In the second one though I rolled out of my body going in the opposite direction as usual so I sort of had to maneuver around my legs to get off the bed. Oddly, I almost never look at my body, and didn't this time either. The only time I tried I didn't see anything there. Anyway I went in another room I didn't usually go in. This is where the dream elements became apparent because the room looked pretty different then usual as I later confirmmed because among other things there was a trash can and pink slippers that weren't supposed to be there. In the corner I noticed a door and went towards it since that isn't there in the real world. I never think to try to confirm anything in my more realistic projections, gotta remember to do that next time. Once again that girl voice thing I mentioned in that other projection happened becuase I remember saying "The record" and it sounded like a girls voice. Anyway I made it over there and it looked alot like it did the other time I went to the record, except the room was a different shape, but it looked like a spooky attic room. I couldn't see much though so I began to reach for a pull string to turn on the lights. Right as I was doing this I got pulled back

So yeah I'm having my usual problems with dream elements and being pulled back right as I'm about to get somewhere, but at least I'm projecting regularly again.

12th October 2010, 01:37 PM
Defectron, dream elements are not problems, they are characteristics of projection. Astral projections are not supposed to be lifelike unless the lesson is supposed to be lifelike, and RTZ projections that have a lot of dream elements are either telling you a message or letting you know that you are ready for a different experience- they can be portals to the mid-astral.

12th October 2010, 03:30 PM
Sometime I need to read further into the books to the parts that talk about the mid astral plane. But until I get the time for that how would I use a dream element projection to get there? Should I look for a doorway like I do when looking for the records?

12th October 2010, 03:57 PM
Sometime I need to read further into the books to the parts that talk about the mid astral plane. But until I get the time for that how would I use a dream element projection to get there? Should I look for a doorway like I do when looking for the records? Anything like a door or window that is out of place. I have also used mirrors but others report different results than I have.

12th October 2010, 05:39 PM
When looking for a doorway to the record you need tohold an intention to go tot he record. When going to other astral worlds I'm guessing this works similarly. When I find a door I just need to hold an intention to get to a certain type of world when I go through it right?

12th October 2010, 05:58 PM
Yes, but it will work if you're ready for the specific realm you're aiming to. If not, you'll end up "somewhere else", but somehow helpful (I wanted to capitalize that) to your intention.

12th October 2010, 06:39 PM
I see, if I wanted to learn how to use a type of skill such as something related to ESP such as remote viewing, Telekinesis, etc, would I be able to use this method to project to a place where I could learn how to do that if I was ready to go there? Just wondering if you can do it with such a specific intent as that was one of the things I wanted to learn to do by going to the record.

12th October 2010, 10:18 PM
I haven't done that. I usually find myself presented with tasks to perform, and when I do them I 'graduate'.