View Full Version : Translation?

6th October 2010, 07:41 PM
hello Robert,

a little introduction of myself is here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=21810 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=21810)

and in short my questions are.

1. will your book Astral Dynamics be translated into german language and be available any time in future ?

2. would it be okay to work with the contents of your book translated by myself in our german Obe-Forum ?

thanx for your attention, best greetings


Robert Bruce
28th November 2010, 06:34 AM

My publishers handle this aspect, and they actively market translation rights.

So far, the first edition of AD is available in Russian, and possibly Slovakian.

If you would like to help this, contact some German publishers and suggest they publish a translation. This is what caused the Russian translation to happen.

I hold 'electronic' rights for this book, first and second edition, so I could produce any translation as an eBook. This is something I am open to.

But, this would be a lot of work to do right.


6th December 2010, 02:44 PM
Reply from Istia:

Thanx a lot for your detailed answer! The requests to translate and publish your great explorations (primarily online) are on the way to all appropriate german publishers. Im wishing much luck to Germany that also here finally will be understood better and therefore deeply appreaciated and honoured the help and insights your wonderful work does provide.