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19th March 2006, 12:05 PM
|I had a "Semi-lucid dream" last night where i couldn't control anything except my arms becuase I was beatring this guy up, I lost lucidity in a few seconds tho...

Is it possible to have a semi-lucid dream or was it an illusiopn of consciousness??

19th March 2006, 12:43 PM
It depends on what you call "semi-lucid dream" I guess. I have noticed that in some dreams I was aware that the environment was strange and unusual, I'm even somtimes aware that it's not reality, but I don't get lucid, I don't realize it's a dream, although I act freely upon the environment, the story etc. and know I can control everything an that it's not the "real" reality. I call this semi-lucid. I also call semi-lucid those dreams where I become lucid but try to convince the characters that it's a dream, or more generally continue nevertheless to act as if I was in a real environment. I am intellectually aware that it's a dream, but I don't ... "Feel" it. I eventually lose lucidity quite quickly in those types of dreams.

In which case where you ?

19th March 2006, 06:54 PM
sometimes in dreams i realize that this is a movie (?) and that i know wht is happening next because ive seen this move before. sounds kinda freaky but this also leads to a semi lucid state. since i started energy work i had many dreams where i knew that this isnt real somehow but only a few where i really realized that its a dream.

19th March 2006, 07:16 PM
I see what type of dreams you're talking about jalef. Sometimes I just know that I can act upon the environment but am not lucid, although I know in my gutts that it's not the "right" reality. This leads me to do some weird stuff ie. going back in time in my dream if it becomes unpleasant, deleting events or characters etc. but I'm still not lucid. I don't know if we could classified this as "semi-lucid", or maybe more of a "pre-lucid" or "sub-lucid" state, as it's really close to lucidity (and sometimes I become fully lucid).

19th March 2006, 07:52 PM
Ah, yes, I have these a lot lately. And if I become truely lucid it does not come as a surprise any more. Also, I seem to control the dreams, but at no moment I actually think "this is a dream".

I wonder if this is a devellopment towards permanent lucidity in dreams. Maybe one day it will simply change and one stays lucid the whole time rather than having to force lucidity from dream-start to dream-end.

What do you think?