View Full Version : OBE re-entry / post-wake-up chills

14th October 2010, 10:23 PM
I'd be interested, does anyone else experience them too?
Kind of electric cold shivering, but only slight. A bit of goosebumps might be involved too, but not quite the same.

15th October 2010, 02:23 AM
Yep goosebumps and chills down my spine. Only thing is i get this prior to exit when i am right on the brink of falling asleep. I havn't been aware of the chills post obe. it could be happening and i'm not noticing it.

15th October 2010, 02:53 AM
I have to say, that's a new one for me. Never have anything like them.

15th October 2010, 09:28 AM
Love your new avatar, Volgerie. :D

15th October 2010, 12:47 PM
Love your new avatar, Volgerie. :D
yeah, animals rule!

15th October 2010, 12:50 PM
I have these "chills" all over body only a few seconds or a minute or so after re-entry/wake-up. It does not feel like normal goose-bumps, but neither is it vibrations-related. Still it feels energetic too me (one could argue that it might be "only" goosebumps due to some emotional state, excitement etc.., but I have the impression there is much more to it). It's difficult to describe.