View Full Version : Dreamed I was someone else!

22nd October 2010, 12:46 PM
Weird dream ?!I was in this strange apartment and I lit a candle ,put it on an empty glass showcase then looked out the living room window,left the room and went in the bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror.It was not me looking back.I had bright red short hair up to my shoulders and it wasn't even my face then the door bell rang and I went to blow out the candle then I answered the door and it was someone who looked exactly like the woman in the mirror and she started talking and I hugged her and then my alarm clock went off !What is going on ?! :shock:

22nd October 2010, 01:14 PM
wow great, and if i would have had this experience i would assign it to a Dream-Obe-Mix, especially cause of this several appearences of yourself so to say, to me feels like you`ve first met your astral-double in the mirror, then your astral-double could split better/further hence you could meet it coming through the door, and i find best of all is that you hugged her, cause i once had a quite similar exp. but the one outside my door looked so terrible that i could not welcome him but got afraid, and first later could laugh about silly-afraid-me as i had understood some points of "split-probs" mentioned by R.B. - but okay thats just my look on it, that must not be true for you what i say here, just my associations only.


22nd October 2010, 03:57 PM
This used to happen to me all the time, at a certain stage in my life. When I realized what was happening it slowed down, and when I expressed the intention for it not to happen anymore, it stopped. However, in your case it may be a different phenomenon.

22nd October 2010, 04:16 PM
I can only recall having a dream where I was someone else once, but I've had a few where I'm in the position of a neutral third party observer (like the camera in a film or television show).

The dream where I dreamed I was someone else took place in an era before I was born and I was actually male and homosexual. I won't give all the details of it, but it had all the earmarks of a spontaneous "other life" memory. I later confirmed some details of that life story (not the specific person, but the circumstances). At the time, it really freaked me out (the male part, not the homosexual part; apparently, I usually like men ;)).

23rd October 2010, 04:42 PM
Thank you ,istia.I've never dreamed about me being someone else before.Shocking,that's for sure !Lol. :)

wow great, and if i would have had this experience i would assign it to a Dream-Obe-Mix, especially cause of this several appearences of yourself so to say, to me feels like you`ve first met your astral-double in the mirror, then your astral-double could split better/further hence you could meet it coming through the door, and i find best of all is that you hugged her, cause i once had a quite similar exp. but the one outside my door looked so terrible that i could not welcome him but got afraid, and first later could laugh about silly-afraid-me as i had understood some points of "split-probs" mentioned by R.B. - but okay thats just my look on it, that must not be true for you what i say here, just my associations only.


23rd October 2010, 04:47 PM
CFTraveler,that sounds interesting.If you don't mind me asking,at what stage in your life you had these dreams ? :)

This used to happen to me all the time, at a certain stage in my life. When I realized what was happening it slowed down, and when I expressed the intention for it not to happen anymore, it stopped. However, in your case it may be a different phenomenon.

23rd October 2010, 04:51 PM
He,he,I have these dreams when I'm an observer but I'm also myself watching myself too but seeing myself look like a different person takes the cake. :)

I can only recall having a dream where I was someone else once, but I've had a few where I'm in the position of a neutral third party observer (like the camera in a film or television show).

The dream where I dreamed I was someone else took place in an era before I was born and I was actually male and homosexual. I won't give all the details of it, but it had all the earmarks of a spontaneous "other life" memory. I later confirmed some details of that life story (not the specific person, but the circumstances). At the time, it really freaked me out (the male part, not the homosexual part; apparently, I usually like men ;)).

23rd October 2010, 05:02 PM
CFTraveler,that sounds interesting.If you don't mind me asking,at what stage in your life you had these dreams ? :)

This used to happen to me all the time, at a certain stage in my life. When I realized what was happening it slowed down, and when I expressed the intention for it not to happen anymore, it stopped. However, in your case it may be a different phenomenon. When I wasn't happy with the way my life was going and wanted to be somewhere else, someone else. It is my belief that this seeded the experience of going into someone else's body, and this was not pleasant. For a while this kept happening until I figured out why it was happening, and it stopped.

24th October 2010, 07:21 AM
I have this a few times a year usually. The last time I looked in a mirror and was a twenty-something oriental girl. I thought, "Geeze, I'm prettier than I thought!" :P Didn't get lucid though. :lol:

I've been several different women of African descent living in different times and places, an elderly Indian woman (actually, IIRC I switched among several Indian women identities in that one dream) and I've also been horrified to look down and discover myself to be a man (more than once too :!: ).

Now, what I'd REALLY like to experience is being in an animal body in a dream.

26th October 2010, 12:40 AM
It might have something to do with what you said CFTraveler.I don't like my life right now either but I think that I've read somewhere that other people have seen themselves in the astral body and it was different and had an orange glow.I do have lt brown hair with red highlights so maybe that could be it.

CFTraveler,that sounds interesting.If you don't mind me asking,at what stage in your life you had these dreams ? :)

This used to happen to me all the time, at a certain stage in my life. When I realized what was happening it slowed down, and when I expressed the intention for it not to happen anymore, it stopped. However, in your case it may be a different phenomenon. When I wasn't happy with the way my life was going and wanted to be somewhere else, someone else. It is my belief that this seeded the experience of going into someone else's body, and this was not pleasant. For a while this kept happening until I figured out why it was happening, and it stopped.

26th October 2010, 12:45 AM
Wow,that's amazing,Beekeeper !I remembered that I've had this dream about this man and woman and I knew I was her but I was also watching myself like a movie.I saw them change into 3 different people one after the other. :)

I have this a few times a year usually. The last time I looked in a mirror and was a twenty-something oriental girl. I thought, "Geeze, I'm prettier than I thought!" :P Didn't get lucid though. :lol:

I've been several different women of African descent living in different times and places, an elderly Indian woman (actually, IIRC I switched among several Indian women identities in that one dream) and I've also been horrified to look down and discover myself to be a man (more than once too :!: ).

Now, what I'd REALLY like to experience is being in an animal body in a dream.

10th November 2010, 11:46 PM
I've dreamed of beinbg alot of things/people that aren't me, this is actually a somewhat common occurence for me, I dont think any of these are past life memories though as alot of people/things I dream about being are either fictional characters, characters from my imagination or people I know. Recently I have tried changing my form during projections, but so far have not perfected this ability as it only seems to be able to do it part way as of right now. But untintentionally I've done it plenty of times in dreams, I wish I could do it properly on purpose.

I've dreampt about being a vast variety of things/people. The oddest dream of this sort I had was one of being a keeper from the scifi series babylon 5. In babylon 5 a keeper is a parasitic alien stuck on the necks of people to control them. In that dream I was stuck on my freinds neck for some reason, I'm not the sort to want to control him in the real world, so I have no idea why I dreampt that.