View Full Version : Premature greying - Energy body link?

31st October 2010, 07:29 PM
Hi all! This is my first post and I'm afraid it's a kind of frivolous one! I'm in my late twenties and for a few years my hair has been going progressively greyer and greyer (i'd say I'm at about 30% grey right now). It came on pretty suddenly and has gone grey quite fast; friends I haven't seen for a year or two are often.. :shock: ! It doesn't actually bother me at all (I had vaguely thought about dying it but I decided I don't want to put all those nasty chemicals on my head!) but it did get me casually wondering if it could be a symptom of an energy body blockage/problem?

There's no particular reason for me to suspect an energetic link, but I was just curious if anyone had any experience or had heard of any links to blockages etc. I suppose the main things which I find strange are the speed and suddenness with which it became grey and the fact that it's fairly unprecedented in my family. Recently I've started working fairly seriously with NEW so I suppose every time I work on my crown centre I am stimulating my scalp and so that could be beneficial (or making it worse??! :D who knows ). I've also started daily affirmations to see if I can get it back to its original colour and give myself a personal self-healing miracle as RB advises (if you can call changing hair colour self-healing!)

So yeah basically, is anyone aware of premature greying being a sign of an energetic problem?

1st November 2010, 12:01 AM
interesting query. i am satisfied with my grayed hair, its the balding crown meeting the forehead i dont like. i grayed early, though it did seem that suddenly i was gray headed. but this runs in my family, as does this cursed oncoming baldness????eeekkkkk!

1st November 2010, 12:56 AM
I've had gray hair since I was thirty five. At fifty three my hair is now white, and I low-light it with hair coloring, and people think I highlight it. But anyway, my point is that my dad had white hair at forty, and his dad also. So, more than likely it's genetic.
However, things like blockages can slow down normal growth or aggravate underlying problems, so I would think that doing energy work could help in delaying the inevitable, if such a thing can be considered inevitable.

2nd November 2010, 10:40 AM

There are people who had grey hair early on. I don't think it's necessarily connected to aging.


3rd November 2010, 04:32 PM
I've been going grey since 5th grade - although it was only a few strands back then...my situation is definitely genetics...

4th November 2010, 01:45 PM
Interesting thoughts, thanks guys! I suspect you are right and it is down to genetics, although it's hard to see a link in my family as none went grey young like I have. I will of course be continuing with the energy work so who knows I may yet have an effect on the process!

4th November 2010, 06:06 PM
i think though, that as physical metaphors the spiritual, that the hair would become silver. i know that even as i was salt and pepper before 90-91, the outcoming hair had grey wings from my temples. and that, as i began to feel my spiritual uprising, and study, and my life took on a rearranging of its own, that through the years, i now have silver hair everywhere. well, except for where baldness has assumed to establish its ornery self. my vanity hasnt yet made peace with loss of hair. i've also noticed an increasing need for light if i am to read, or do anything close up, kind of a 4-5 foot inbetween zone of blurred dimness. reading glasses help, but i still need more light in that zone of closeup focus.
so maybe it isnt 'premature', but rather, it is 'maturity', even present as latent possibility in youth. perhaps in ancient days, youth graying was a sign of spiritual prosperity to uprise and mature in that particular child's given life time. who knows?
i stumbled upon a used book once, looked at the title thinking 'nahhh', but on the cover was a picture, simply of a pair of reading glasses. so i got the book on a whim of curiosity, and poured through its pages. it turned out to be an important read after all. and i understand why the picture of reading glasses was on the front. because, for such a book to have been written, the author had spent a lifetime taxing the eyes in aquiring understanding as the foundation of learning that could have authored such a book.
i reckon that 4-5 blind spot to be like the ignition point for afterburners on a jet fueled airplane. such a point literally steals everything in its ignition that would otherwise escape as waste, and abundantly propels in that extra-accelerating moment. so, upon inspection with the eyes, the more one sees, the more rocks they see to turn over to see some more, and so on. up until nothing escapes as waste.

4th November 2010, 07:07 PM
I don't know about energetic links but I can suggest a few things. One is taking 2 TB of blackstrap molasses (unsulfured) per day. Check out the link below from earthclinic.com. Many women have reported good results with this

http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/hair_g ... SSES_38555 (http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/hair_gray.html#BLACKSTRAPMOLASSES_38555)

another thing could be that your head is not getting enough circulation. Maybe an impairment of the cervical vertebrae on your spine (basically your neck). You might want to see a chiropractor. Or you could try massaging your scalp every day. You might see results in a couple of months.

26th December 2010, 11:15 PM
You know grey hair is more resistant to hairloss (that's scientifically demonstrated). That doesn't mean it's not going to fall eventually, but it has more chances to hold to your head.

My grey hair came to my life when I was 33. And it did so in a rush, mixing with the black one. The thing is that I look better now, kind of more interesting. I tried a new hair style (going to a different barbershop), and I'm quite satisfied nowadays.

27th December 2010, 01:15 AM
for a few years my hair has been going progressively greyer and greyer

I envy you, since for a few years I has been going progressively balder and balder...