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View Full Version : Different types of vibrations

21st March 2006, 11:49 AM
While doing the "Rope Technique" this morning while playing the preset (I guess since I was focusing on doing the rope the preset was background noise to my conscious mind) I did experience vibrations--almost a shuddering feeling. Unfortunately I thought about them and took my focus off rope climbing and they diminished... I realize I shouldn't do that. I relaxed for a few moments and actually just listened to the preset and I got vibrations more in the head---these were more of a pulsing type... I then visualized myself flying for a few moments and the vibrations stayed for a few moments then I tried to shift back to rope and the vibrations went away.

Q1: Are there really different types of vibrations, and if so, which are better?

Q2: I am not sure I can stay in a trance-like state while doing rope since it is such an active activity... I feel like my legs are actually moving also as I visualize climbing the rope.

Q3: Does each successive preset have something extra that alters the brainwaves making projection easier? I notice meaningful differences in the latter presets even when I listen to them for only 10 seconds?


21st March 2006, 02:13 PM
While doing the "Rope Technique" this morning while playing the preset (I guess since I was focusing on doing the rope the preset was background noise to my conscious mind) I did experience vibrations--almost a shuddering feeling. Unfortunately I thought about them and took my focus off rope climbing and they diminished... I realize I shouldn't do that. I relaxed for a few moments and actually just listened to the preset and I got vibrations more in the head---these were more of a pulsing type... I then visualized myself flying for a few moments and the vibrations stayed for a few moments then I tried to shift back to rope and the vibrations went away.

Q1: Are there really different types of vibrations, and if so, which are better?

Q2: I am not sure I can stay in a trance-like state while doing rope since it is such an active activity... I feel like my legs are actually moving also as I visualize climbing the rope.

Q3: Does each successive preset have something extra that alters the brainwaves making projection easier? I notice meaningful differences in the latter presets even when I listen to them for only 10 seconds?

1- Vibrations are experienced differently by different people- Sometimes strong, sometimes hardly noticeable- What's better depends on what works for you- strong vibs. seemed to 'take me out' but that's my experience.
2-You should not be using rope to get in trance, you should be in trance already before doing rope. You should be completely paralyzed (yes, there are exceptions to this rule) so your body doesn't move. Getting in trance should be done before any exit technique.
3-Yes and yes. You will notice some have a prescribed time set to them, some don't. Brian would give you better info about this particular question.

22nd March 2006, 11:32 AM
1)Is there a way of determining whether I am in a waking paralysis state without trying to move? Is there a total absence of physical feeling anywhere? Also, if I am in a waking paralysis will I still be able to do brow eye trigger to enhance vibrations? If I am in a state of paralysis presumably I won't be able to move my eyes. ????

2)Does the vibrations precede the paralysis or follow it?

3)I have seen writings saying to ignore the vibrations and focus on the exiting techniques, others say to enhance or try to move the vibrations up and down the body... I am confused


22nd March 2006, 01:47 PM
1)Is there a way of determining whether I am in a waking paralysis state without trying to move? Is there a total absence of physical feeling anywhere? Also, if I am in a waking paralysis will I still be able to do brow eye trigger to enhance vibrations? If I am in a state of paralysis presumably I won't be able to move my eyes. ????

2)Does the vibrations precede the paralysis or follow it?

3)I have seen writings saying to ignore the vibrations and focus on the exiting techniques, others say to enhance or try to move the vibrations up and down the body... I am confused

1- It's hard to determine- I can be paralyzed yet feel my body. I would say when you're 'going in' do the eye trigger as part of trance practice. I don't know if it enhances vibrations, but it does stimulate your astral vision. Which is the answer to this- when you have astral vision you don't need to move your eyes.
2- This is tricky. Vibrations can do both- I have had them after being paralyzed, and other people report feeling vibs as they do their practice, while still awake. I believe they are reporting vibrations such as are felt with NEW movement, which are not exactly the same as exit sensations. But I can't be sure of this.
3-It depends who you are reading. Vibrations tend to scare or startle people right out of trance, so they recommend to ignore them, to stay calm. But they are an exit sensation, and if they don't scare you, they they are the easiest thing to use to get out. Believe me, I wish I still got them- you can just 'ride them' out.
The problem for some is that vibrations are sometimes accompanied by loud machinelike noises (Imagine that there is a sledgehammer next to your bed, and you're vibrating with it- the noise can be like a lawnmower, chainsaw, sledgehammer, or light and gentle like a bee buzz. But if you don't expect this, and wake to experience this, and feel your body vibrating you 'out of it', it can be quite startling and that's why you will read 'to ignore them.' Also, if you are not trying to go OB, some phasers try to ignore vibrations, because it is not their desire to get OB, so they will consider a nuisance to be overcome.
I miss that nuisance! :lol:

28th March 2006, 09:31 PM
Q1: Are there really different types of vibrations, and if so, which are better?

The vibrations seemed to vary based on several factors: level of relaxation, depth and quality of trance, levels of accessible energy, etc. Some of my best OBEs have had little to no vibrations.

Q2: I am not sure I can stay in a trance-like state while doing rope since it is such an active activity... I feel like my legs are actually moving also as I visualize climbing the rope.

This was one of my biggest challenges, too, because my body wanted to tense up in response to the visualization. To combat this I switch exit techniques often, going back and forth from active techniques like Rope to passive techniques like the Bouncing Ball. I use one for a few minutes than the other, switching back and forth. This helps my mind focus without blinking out.

Q3: Does each successive preset have something extra that alters the brainwaves making projection easier? I notice meaningful differences in the latter presets even when I listen to them for only 10 seconds?

I designed the latter presets to take listeners deeper than the earlier presets, with the idea that by the latter stages of the program users would have more experience with altered states and be able to stay awake through them. Even with the latter presets, it's possible for the mind to get used to them, so I wouldn't use any one of them for more than a week at a time (i.e., switch them at least once a week to keep it your mind from adapting to the stimuli).