View Full Version : Energy Body work, exercise, diet, and healing...

Astral Traveler
5th December 2010, 03:16 PM
I'm a very active person and recently picked up body building as a gym hobby. I have been lifting very heavy weights 4 days a week for the last 5 weeks. My routine is very balanced in the sense that I work my muscles evenly throughout my body. Does anybody have any insight or experience as to how this may affect any Energy Body work I will be doing in the beginning weeks of my MAP Guide? Advantages, disadvantages, or any other information I should be aware of from performing such a physical activity?

I started Week 3 of the program and have had excellent improvement in dream memory recollection. My energy body stimulation so far is doing fairly well, stimulation of my hands and arms came so naturally the first time I attempted that area (possibly due to my teenage years practicing chinese martial arts). However I've been stressing out over a few things lately and been smoking cigarettes the last few days and noticed that most of my dream memory has diminished so quickly (Don't worry I stopped smoking today). Anyone else have similar experiences like that?

If I were to strain or pull a muscle, could I use the energy body stimulation exercises to relieve the affected area without requiring the assistance of a physical/massage therapist?

5th December 2010, 07:32 PM
I'm a very active person and recently picked up body building as a gym hobby. I have been lifting very heavy weights 4 days a week for the last 5 weeks. My routine is very balanced in the sense that I work my muscles evenly throughout my body. Does anybody have any insight or experience as to how this may affect any Energy Body work I will be doing in the beginning weeks of my MAP Guide? Advantages, disadvantages, or any other information I should be aware of from performing such a physical activity?
Robert has said (and I agree) that physical exercise and energy work are very compatible and beneficial to each other. When you lift weights, (and you should already know this) you should always exhale on the 'lift/press' and inhale on the relaxation part of the lift. This is to keep your blood pressure from rising too much. This is also an excellent way to move energy, when you get to that part. So lifting weights is very compatible to NEW.

started Week 3 of the program and have had excellent improvement in dream memory recollection. My energy body stimulation so far is doing fairly well, stimulation of my hands and arms came so naturally the first time I attempted that area (possibly due to my teenage years practicing chinese martial arts). However I've been stressing out over a few things lately and been smoking cigarettes the last few days and noticed that most of my dream memory has diminished so quickly (Don't worry I stopped smoking today). Anyone else have similar experiences like that? No, but I became exhausted around a month into the program, and had to take two months (more or less, it's been years) off training, and then when I came back and started again, I immediately projected. So it's not uncommon to become exhausted while your body/mind is getting used to the new routines, so if you were also having 'life' problems it's not surprising to have minor setbacks. Not to worry, take a break and come back where you were.

If I were to strain or pull a muscle, could I use the energy body stimulation exercises to relieve the affected area without requiring the assistance of a physical/massage therapist? You should use NEW but you still should get checked out. Always get the physical stuff looked at professionally first, then use whatever modality you prefer to help with the healing process.

12th December 2010, 10:07 AM
Hi, you need to stop cigarettes immediatly if you want results in spirituality.
Tabacco decreases a lot of sexual energy (jing), the basis of spiritual alchemy, It makes more difficult to feel energy/chi, and it makes it more difficult to enter trance and deeper trance which greatly help energy work.
There is a lot of reasons you wont make great progress if you smoke even 1 cig per day.
This is not a theory. I was a smoker myself and my results skyrocketed when I stoped cig while practicing the same energy work/yoga routine.

Sport is a great energy circulation activity, it is an advantage for you.