View Full Version : lucid dreams with aliens

10th December 2010, 08:00 PM
Last night I had the weirdest dream I have had in a long time! It was very vivid, and I kept shifting back and forth between knowing I was dreaming and not knowing. In my dream the government announced that it made contact with aliens and there was a very important message for us that will be announced on the 4th of january. The message was that our planet was going to be hit by an astroid but the aliens could only take about half the world's population. So there were some rules to this, (they made sense at the time) you could only take 1 daughter and 1 son, if you had any cousins you could only take 3 :lol: . I was with my parents and sister at the time, and my sister was freaking out while I was calm (since I know there is no "death") I told my parents I would stay behind.

One of the funny parts of this dream was that I told my mom "this is wierd, I always have dreams about an astroid hitting earth, maybe that was preparation for this?" I knew right away which daughter I would have stay behind with me. I chose my 1 year old, since I feel a strong spiritual connection with her and I feel like she is still close to source.

Then we were all seperated and filed onto a ship of some sort (more like a building). The aliens chose to take the appearance of humans to make us feel more comfortable. But they were tall and really skinny. I felt nothing but love from them, and I loved them as well. I was sad because me and my sister got seperated from my parents, and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to them. I went up to one of the aliens and telepathicaly told them to help me and they teleported me and my sister next to my parents. Then the alien took his normal form, he looked like one of the typical greys. But when I went to shake his hand to thank him his hand was a lot less dense than ours and my hand kind of just went through it, this made him smile. But I felt a rush of love and calmness from this. Most of the people were afraid of them, but I wasn't.

So after I was reunited with my parents the 4 of us were taken into a small room because my parents had to tell me something important. My dad started crying and he said "they don't want the rest of you to die on earth, they are giving you the option to pass on right now." I said "okay, that's fine" my sister was freaking out at the thought of losing me, but I told her that your body dies and that your consciousness never stops. And not to worry because this is just a dream anyways! :mrgreen: So then they left and I was in the room with a few other aliens, they asked me which daughter I chose to move on with, and I told them my youngest's name. They said not to worry because after my body dies I will see her immediately. I saw this big huge tank with tubes coming out of it, I can't remember what it said on it but it looked colorful and cheerful with smiley faces. I started to get a little nervous when they put the mask on my face. I was starting to think maybe I should wake up. So I tried to open my eyes a bit, but when I started to feel the vibrations in my chest I thought "no, I want to see what happens when you die in a dream this way" so they turned it on and I started to breathe in this cherry flavored stuff- yumm. I started to feel really sleepy and my eyes got heavy. I lowered myself to the ground and fell asleep. Then I woke up from this dream and noticed I was staring at the ceiling with my eyes closed. I knew what this meant, but instead of projecting I decided to go right back into the dream and see my daughter.

So I was back in my dream body but it wasn't physical anymore, I was more like a ghost. I saw the aliens setting up for the next person. Then I saw my daughter, she looked the same but she could walk. We communicated telepathically. She said that since she just came from Source that she knew what to do. Then she took the shape of who she was in her last life, a man in his 30's. The mother/daughter roles completely vanished and it was as if I was talking to one of my peers, but a lot wiser! I thanked him for chosing me to be his mother. He said now was the time that we could do anything or be anything that we wanted to be during our life on earth, and once we got that out of our system we could move on.

I told him that I always wanted to have the "perfect body" so as soon as I thought about it, it became. But after experiencing that for a few minutes it got boring and he said that was the point! I couldn't think of anything else I wanted. And I can't really remember much after that. The strange thing about this was that I knew that we were part of a spirit family, like she/he was one of my soulmates.

I know this is a long post, so kudos if you read the whole thing!! It was probably like homework! I also wanted to mention something that happened a few days ago, I woke up some time in the morning and saw my 2 year old daughter standing at the doorway of my bedroom :shock: . This might not seem odd, but considering her bedroom door is always closed at night, and this perfect copy of her didn't come to jump on my bed and cause mahem , it was odd! I think I saw her astral projection! She was quiet and just standing there looking at me :shock: . And let me tell you, this 2 year old is NEVER quiet!

I'm pretty sure I had that alien dream last night because I was Youtubing crop circle videos before bed. I guess the aliens answered a question we sent out to the stars a while back. How the heck are crop circles made anyhow??

Alright, naptime!

Neil Templar
10th December 2010, 08:37 PM
excellent! thanks for sharing Natalie 8)

11th December 2010, 01:28 PM
Hello, natalie-1984.

Asteroid impact could mean "event with massive impact," or "earth-shattering event." Alternatively it could be the "demolition" of a physical-reality-biased worldview (the Earth as symbol for physical reality itself).

Falling asleep in a dream can denote a change in state of consciousness, see here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17113&p=121425#p121425 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17113&p=121425#p121425)

Take note how the "alien intelligences" facilitated the experience, and how soon afterward you had an experience that looked "behind the facade" and introduced you to a more soul-level relation with your daughter.


16th December 2010, 09:47 PM
Wow, really interesting and gripping read!

I normally freak out in my dreams when there are aliens in them. Very odd about the 'death machine'! But interesting that you did not fear walking into it or dying. Whenever I die in my dreams it's usually painful (physically) and then I black out and wake up. Cool :D

23rd December 2010, 05:04 AM
Marvellous dream thanks for sharing!