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View Full Version : Bruce Moen on Manifesting

5th January 2011, 06:05 PM
In his book "Voyages Into the Unknown", Bruce Moen writes:

The thing in the physical world most easily affected by human thought is pure randomness. The more purely or perfectly random any given event in the physical world is the more easily it can be influenced by human thought. I found this thought very compelling. In the book he goes on to explain why, but I think this 'distilled' thought is worth it's weight in gold.

ps. Yes, after all these years, I finally got around to reading his books, and am enjoying it very much. It is really fascinating to see someone write about the stuff you've experienced, with more 'understanding' eyes, so to speak.
If I would have read them years ago, I may not have gotten as much from them as I am now.


6th January 2011, 05:53 AM
In synchronicity, as AC would say, I am also currently reading them.

I interpret his sentence as similar to the science behind the "power of NOW" techniques. If you want something very specific, it will take longer to manifest. If you're more vague, it won't take as long.

26th March 2011, 04:37 PM
If you want something very specific, it will take longer to manifest. If you're more vague, it won't take as long.

I disagree with that. From my own experience, it takes as long as it needs to take, vague or specific, it doesn't matter. Actually, vagueness seems to equal to something like "be careful of what you wish for." kind of thing. I've asked for specific things via MBOs and I've had these specific things happen when I needed them to. That might be right away or sometime down the line.