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View Full Version : Projection impossible when rested!? (map week2)

21st January 2011, 09:22 PM
I´m on week 2 of MAP and I´ve discovered that if try to project when the time is not
right its practically impossible to even get into a trance.
It does not matter if I do mind taming, relaxation or listen to the brainwave generator files.
I know I´m only on week 2 but I can hold my mind calm from thought for at least 30 minutes by now,
thoughts might crawl in but they don´t stay long.

Does the obe state require a "windows of opportunity" I mean a sufficiently tired state of mind, but
not tired enough for sleep, or is it possible with enough practice to project no matter how tired or rested you are?
Can the body learn to shut down more easily while the mind stays awake?

If I´m not mistaken, an obe can be much clearer than normal waking experience in some circumstances,
how can this be if an obe only can happen when you are in the tired zone or is this not so?

When I have completed the 90 day program will things be easier than they are now?

21st January 2011, 10:09 PM
Everyone is different. I OBE the best in the morning after having a full night's sleep, and others report needing to be tired. Week 2 is not enough time to decide when is the best time for you, you will have to experiment different things, and MAP will introduce you to lots of different techniques as you go along.
Yes, things will be easier after you've completed the program, because you will have more practice and 'tools' in your 'toolbelt'.

22nd January 2011, 06:14 AM
I see what you mean here magic.

I can't project if i am wide awake, my mind is on keeping busy with work, friends, family etc...
It's just not a priority until i'm starting to wind down at the end of the day. Maybe that is just me
though, i am a hobbyist with this. But if i had time to hole myself up in a cave somewhere and avoid
taking care of my work, family and friends i probably could project whenever i wanted.For some reason i project most often upon going to bed at night. I have very very few in the morning.

I think the benefit of projecting when you are going to bed or while waking is you will be able to exploit the mind awake body asleep
state with less effort since you pass though that state on your way to lala land.

Not to say anyone is incapable of projecting whenever you want under any conditions. I guess that might take a lot of work for most people.

22nd January 2011, 12:08 PM
Ok, yeah I guess two weeks is not enough time really and I think I should be satisfied to be able to consciously project at all, and perhaps "fine tune" after that.

Yesterday I was really tired (up 18 hours) and did my routine in bed on my back, my body was close to falling asleep because I felt tickling almost all over my body but I resisted it.
Unfortunately my mind was tired too since I for a moment caught myself speaking nonsense which awoke me, I tried again but my mind was (despite tiredness) not clear and the tickling was
more harder to ignore so I gave up for the night. I turned over to my stomach (which is my sleeping position) and got unconscious pretty quickly.

One of my other problems is that I work day and alternating night shifts which complicates it a little further, it makes it a little harder to get a regular routine but I will keep at it :)


27th January 2011, 01:19 PM
Ya, i hear ya. At times it can feel like you are training for a championship match. It can take a lot of prep work, sometimes you'll just be so tired you just need to sleep. If you are up to it though you can tell yourself to wake up during the night and have little mini sessions throughout the night.You might not have as good a night sleep as usual if you do this though

Ok, yeah I guess two weeks is not enough time really and I think I should be satisfied to be able to consciously project at all, and perhaps "fine tune" after that.

Yesterday I was really tired (up 18 hours) and did my routine in bed on my back, my body was close to falling asleep because I felt tickling almost all over my body but I resisted it.
Unfortunately my mind was tired too since I for a moment caught myself speaking nonsense which awoke me, I tried again but my mind was (despite tiredness) not clear and the tickling was
more harder to ignore so I gave up for the night. I turned over to my stomach (which is my sleeping position) and got unconscious pretty quickly.

One of my other problems is that I work day and alternating night shifts which complicates it a little further, it makes it a little harder to get a regular routine but I will keep at it :)


29th January 2011, 10:28 PM
Jesus you have been abble to project after 2 weeks???

I sucks at this then...

now a month and didnt projet yet.

well well well desapointing.

29th January 2011, 10:32 PM
what are you calling transe state people. because many things happen to me but i don't know witch state is transe

29th January 2011, 10:36 PM
Jesus you have been abble to project after 2 weeks???

I sucks at this then...

now a month and didnt projet yet.

well well well desapointing.
:cry: Don't be disappointed. Those results are not typical. I projected on day 30 (which took a month and a half because I had to take some time off after the first two weeks), and I'd been doing it practically since I was born.

30th January 2011, 01:11 AM
I have found out that by leaving my headphone one and sleep , and still lstening to the MAP, its like my brain still work and follow bruce voice, when i wake up i feel like i'm floating

2nd February 2011, 10:48 AM
Ok, I thought I should update a little. Last night I was able to get what felt like a deep trance while sitting in my office chair, this is a improvement for me since I´ve had problems achieving this in my chair (much easier in bed)
I also went back and checked if I was really doing all the relaxation right, I worked a little more on fine tuning and I think this was part of my progress.

I didn´t project but I´m happy that I´m making progress, and I don´t think you should expect to project (beginning of week 4 now for me) until you are at the very end of the program, everyone if different and expectations only leads to frustration if you don´t get your desired results.


2nd February 2011, 02:30 PM
what are you calling transe state people. because many things happen to me but i don't know witch state is transe Here, read this: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4571&p=123877&hilit=hypnotherapist+trance#p123877 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4571&p=123877&hilit=hypnotherapist+trance#p123877)