View Full Version : I think I have gone to the future...

25th January 2011, 05:49 AM
Almost a week ago, I was meditating at night and wishing for an OBE. (I am a new into this and only had 3 experience so far)...
During the trance state, I tried to visualize myself in the morning sitting in my cubicle in front of my computer hoping to see the closing price of my stocks:) seriously...
I fall a sleep briefly and wake up shortly after...I thought nothing happened so I give up and go to sleep.
Now, here comes the interesting part...

Next day, after lunch I had my smoke/coffee...I came to my desk and reading some newspapers. I started having day dreaming. As soon as I wake up (in a blink of an eye), I see my face flying over the screen - like a ghost...It was soo weird...At first, I thought I hallucinated. Then hours later, thinking about this incident, I remember what I wish yesterday night during the meditation. Probably, my projection was successful and I saw my projected body from yesterday hovering around my cubicle. Note that I saw my ghostly face right after I wake up from day dreaming but I guess I was still in altered conscious state.

what do you guys make of this?

28th January 2011, 04:27 PM
It is said that there is a difference with time and the etheric, but not 'that' different- the truth is that the dimension of time is dependent on space, and in the etheric space may be something different than in the physical. So there may be a chance that you did go into the future- it is not unheard of.
However, since you were somewhat napping when you saw it, I could classify this as a possible hypnopomp (http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=24173), or possibly a feedback effect- you see, when you sleep you expand your energy body (which is why we say you project every time you sleep) and if you woke before reintegrating, it's a chance you saw your projected double before reintegration.
There is also a different neurological phenomenon called autoscopy (http://dictionary.reference.com/medical/autoscopy), which happens to epileptics. But I don't know how common it is.