View Full Version : i can feel it but can't move it

26th January 2011, 06:51 PM
i can generate energy in my arms and leg but they don't easy or at all
energy in my back is not even felt sometimes.

i have found thaat my back dosnt respond to energy work easy as my lrgs and arms.

any help for me to improve my control over this issues?
thank you

26th January 2011, 10:39 PM
Are you doing sponging and brushing, and if you are, are you sponging with a sponge or an energy ball?

27th January 2011, 11:31 AM
i'm doing energy balls.
i feel a little bit of the energy moving i will say maybe 5 percent of the energy is moving , little tingles vely little, when i visualise it ,
also the energy refuse to move faster when i try, it always move the way i'm breathing.
i cant do anything to change it

27th January 2011, 03:34 PM
Yes you can.
First, it's OK to not feel it the same in different areas of your body- different energy structures will respond differently, and the speed is not that important at this point- with practice you will get more proficient at it.

If you want to feel it more strongly (don't do it every time, but when you feel you need more feedback)
lay on the floor on your back, with your arms up over your head, and slide the energy from your feet up your legs through your torso/head up your arms to your hands, bouncing it back down through your body down your feet and back up again. Do this about ten times, and you will feel it with a little more intensity.

28th January 2011, 12:40 PM
I wasnt doing any kind of energy work. i was talking to my student, i was teaching a guy how to do thai boxing.
while i was talking, i could feel in my left hand, the heat, like a heat that was blown in my hand, it was nice heat, i knew what it was, it was spinning just in the middle of my left hand, i was having a smile on my face but nobody knew why.
i love it.
Last night also, i left the headphone in my hear and the astral projection cd was playing when i woke up i was actulay listening to it still and it was like my body was doing everything even while i was sleping, i felt like in deep relaxation, and floating...
it was very nice and advance state, because i could hear myself snorring loudly.

28th January 2011, 02:40 PM
Making Qi balls is doing energy work. If you want to get more feedback try NEW- it trains you to feel energy, so that when you are using a different form of energy work you will get a better sense of what exactly is going on.

28th January 2011, 09:01 PM
i'm french so i dont understand all. what do you mean by QI ball

28th January 2011, 09:21 PM
i'm doing energy balls.
i feel a little bit of the energy moving i will say maybe 5 percent of the energy is moving , little tingles vely little, when i visualise it ,
also the energy refuse to move faster when i try, it always move the way i'm breathing.
i cant do anything to change it I used the term Qi=energy.
So, I'll rephrase. Doing energy balls is doing energy work.

29th January 2011, 01:51 AM
thansk CFtraveler :D :D :D :D :D