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1st February 2011, 03:36 AM
I am very curious as to how every one else's energy bodies have developed. I am about a year and a half into this journey and have been absolutely amazed by experiences with the energy body. At this point I am constantly feeling electrical like waves fluttering through my body. I feel like my inner body is being brought out of dormancy.

What kind of techniques have you come up with when stimulating?

What are some of your favorite exercises?

1st February 2011, 04:05 AM
I am very curious as to how every one else's energy bodies have developed. I am about a year and a half into this journey and have been absolutely amazed by experiences with the energy body. Not being clairvoyant, I'm not sure what it's doing. I have gone from not feeling it, to feeling it very intensely, from acquiring a certain control of it and to not feeling it so strongly, but knowing 'where' it 'is', so to speak.

What kind of techniques have you come up with when stimulating? I've come up with a variety of techs that are adaptations from NEW, like something I like to call 'cobra breathing', and doing NEW first in my etheric body (tertiaries, secondaries) and then on my two other bodies, also adapted from Kurt Leland's ' 'feeling for the bodies' as he describes in his latest book 'Multidimensional Human'.

What are some of your favorite exercises? Still sponging with a good ol' fashioned sponge, but I do adapt other things to my routine like 'creating colors' when I work on chakras.

1st February 2011, 07:20 PM
I've come up with a variety of techs that are adaptations from NEW, like something I like to call 'cobra breathing', and doing NEW first in my etheric body (tertiaries, secondaries) and then on my two other bodies, also adapted from Kurt Leland's ' 'feeling for the bodies' as he describes in his latest book 'Multidimensional Human'.

CFT, how do you apply NEW on the different bodies? How do you get a sense of each body? How do you differentiate the sensations from the different bodies?

1st February 2011, 07:59 PM
I adapted it from a method Kurt Leland (in his book Multidimensional Human) uses to get the feel of the various energy bodies.
I do my usual sponging and brushing on my regular body. Then I mentally extend the energy about one or two inches from my physical body (using imagination and body awareness) and then use brushing on that edge. After doing this (which takes a while, as long as your regular body or a little more) then I extend my energy arms out about a foot (more or less) imagining feeling there is an energy egg around me. Then I use brushing on the inside edge (shell) and the outside, unless I'm over it by then.
That's pretty much it.

11th March 2011, 11:34 PM
I am very curious as to how every one else's energy bodies have developed. I am about a year and a half into this journey and have been absolutely amazed by experiences with the energy body. At this point I am constantly feeling electrical like waves fluttering through my body. I feel like my inner body is being brought out of dormancy.

What kind of techniques have you come up with when stimulating?

What are some of your favorite exercises?

I'm new to energy work but this is my goal. I want to be aware of this kind of sensations all the time. Are you using NEW?

12th March 2011, 01:06 AM
Ever since AD first came out I've been trying to do NEW, I just can't do it. I don't know why.

And I've never heard of someone else who can't do it...

12th March 2011, 02:04 AM
Ever since AD first came out I've been trying to do NEW, I just can't do it. In what way?

12th March 2011, 01:42 PM
That's strange that it doesnt work for you! How much time and effort did you put into it. Maybe try thinking about it like exercises in focused concentration. I might also recommend working on a very small area ie like a finger. Remember to pre-stimulate and keep us updated.
