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13th February 2011, 09:28 PM
Not a very nice one....
I woke up last night and tried to induce an obe, I must have lost consciousness for a while but there was a point I was completely conscious. I was in "space", ie. A dark dimension but no house, no floor or anything. There were 3 entities, two of which seemed to obey the orders of a third one, these two entities were trying to grab me at which point I told myself to 'shield myself' I imagined energy going up and down my body and, to my surprise, I could see the energy, it was gold in colour. As the energy was going up and down, the third entity, the leader, had his face which kept changing from 'normal' to the face of a dead person. The gold light was traveling faster and faster through my body then burst and I opened my eyes (with no loss of consciousness) to find myself in bed (quite scared at that point!)
Is there any meaning to this ?

14th February 2011, 09:32 AM
Hello, sleepingbeauty.

Hard to tell. All discarnates are basically dead people. The lack of recognisable surroundings is a bit strange in combination with sensing entities present.

If in doubt a reaction like yours is certainly the safer option.
