View Full Version : I lost the control of the energy then this happened.

23rd February 2011, 01:48 PM
i'm now in my bed and wild awake.
I had a bit of anger , a bit pissed off with my wife bla bla.
i was trying to set up my new dj turntable also no succes...
now 11 48 doing nothing wasting time on facebook.
finaly decided to do some energy work,
Robert dosnt talk in this 1.
i just started my energy work for the first time without Robert talking, i decided to bring the energy a bit higher than normal , before i was stoping at my hips.
i forced the energy to go after my hip bone then boom, the energy couldnt go back i could feel it like a bubble gas in my tummy, then it was like attracted to my omblical area, i tried again to do some energy work , i couldnt creat a ball nowere in my legs again, so i tried my arm no response also, i though thats so strange, then i just decided to follow that ball, then when the ball reached the middle of my stomac, then boooooom, like a massive energy charge all over my body i could open my eyes , count move my legs and arm or body, intense energy, all over the place exept my face, i felt again like i had a little air to breathe in, i didnt mind it it happened before, i opened my eyes still going , now i'm writing to u i have stopped everything i'm trying to sleep but my legs are like millions of littles ants walking around it and also like fire around, hot , and little tingling stuff like that no stop... it just keeping doing what it want, hope if i sleep tomorrow it willl be gone i dont know what happenend but i wil try again

23rd February 2011, 02:26 PM
I have never experienced anything like that before, but it seems like your second chakra, or your sub-navel energy center strobed. Have you done any energy raising?
And, btw, I don't think anything bad happened- as you were listening to the binaurals you were probably in a deeper trance than you thought, and it made all the energy sensations more dramatic.

In here (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/new-energy-ways/using-new-full-tutorial/92-part-12-energy-movement-sensations.html), under Case Histories: update 2, Robert describes a third eye strobe.

23rd February 2011, 07:23 PM
i don't know how but it happened to me,and i couldnt do nothing . everything was out of control. my taget is the first chakra i remember having a very light sensation yesterday.
and i was telling you also how hard it was for me to feel thing but 5 hours ago what i felt from my belly to legs and arms and also its the first time energy work was out of control i dont know to explain but i could feel that ball moving on it's own and going straight to my ombilic...
well i loved it