View Full Version : i'm snoring and i can hear it but nothing else

1st March 2011, 01:58 AM
I'm on CD 5, of MAP. Now relaxation is very easy, i don't even have to be in deep relaxation then i can move energy through my legs pretty easy , my legs are the most easy to manage followed by my arms, then my belly shakra is definitively open, the first one is tigling but not quit well, my chest is doing things sometimes , but sometimes nothing, my heart shakra is quiet.
the one in the neck i can feel is only if i creat a tiny energy ball that flic around at maybe 100k/hours, then i feel it inside my nexck. then brow and head are also a bit quiet...

but what is new is that i can hear myself snoring for longer time , then i feel like falling and kind of energy in my chest then it stops, then it happen again then stop, then happen again...
then i hear myself snoring again...

that's it same thing again and again....
:roll: :roll: :( :( :(

I don't know what to do but i keep doing it anyway

1st March 2011, 02:02 AM
Are you passing out? What do you do when you're done with the energy work part of the routine?

1st March 2011, 02:58 AM
After I finish energy work I focus on my breathing and on the darkness then I do energy work again then I don't know what else to do I keep dpig that then I start to hear myself snoring then I feel like I'm falling and I kind of jump but my physical body Dosnt jump . It's just a feeling then I do again energy work I feel shakes busing and tingling specially belly . When I feel like falling there is something a feelig in my chest that stop it all.
I can't really explain the all thing. When I feel that energy in my chest I feel also like falling and I jump then everything restart from scratch but I'm still relax

1st March 2011, 05:09 AM
I recommend you see a doctor. What you're describing sounds very like sleep apnea, which can be dangerous (potentially life-shortening, in fact). There are things that can be done to help alleviate it, but first you need to get the testing to confirm that you do or do not have a problem with it.

1st March 2011, 05:22 AM
No this is only appening when i'm very relax and floating, otherwise i can sleep normaly when i'm not doing any energy work :D

1st March 2011, 06:00 AM
How do you know you sleep normally? How do you know you're not having breathing difficulties when you're actually asleep? I can tell you that I had no idea that I snored until I started hearing it from other people who were awake and nearby when I was sleeping.

Possibly the reason you're aware of the issue in a trance state is because you're actually consciously aware, unlike when you're sleeping. This is the only reason I mentioned it.

But, obviously, if you don't feel this is an issue, feel free to disregard. :)

1st March 2011, 07:43 AM
my dad, me and brothers uncles all of us snore nobody died from it ever...
start from my grand father dad's and dad we all snore lol....
nothing to worry about ...
snoring and apnea are different i reckon...

1st March 2011, 03:20 PM
After I finish energy work I focus on my breathing and on the darkness then I do energy work again then I don't know what else to do I keep dpig that then I start to hear myself snoring then I feel like I'm falling and I kind of jump but my physical body Dosnt jump . It's just a feeling then I do again energy work I feel shakes busing and tingling specially belly . When I feel like falling there is something a feelig in my chest that stop it all.
I can't really explain the all thing. When I feel that energy in my chest I feel also like falling and I jump then everything restart from scratch but I'm still relax The physical jump sounds like a myoclonic jerk, the chest feeling (if not physical) sounds like heart chakra, and the shakes sound like exit vibrations- so then maybe you should start doing energy body loosening, and an exit attempt.

1st March 2011, 03:24 PM
ps. I just want to stress something- there is snoring and there is sleep apnea. If you're stopping breathing (as in, have apnea) it's easy to check- have someone observe you while you sleep, and see if they see you stop breathing, gasp for air while you're deeply asleep.
If other people in your family snore, observe them while they're sleeping, and see if it's just plain snoring.
Sleep apnea doesn't kill, but because of the reduced amount of oxygen can cause other problems, like for example heart problems.