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View Full Version : Sharing a couple of energy methods.

2nd April 2006, 07:41 AM
I've meant to post in this section but never do. Thought I'd share a couple of energy raising methods that I like. Don't know if anyone else has used the same ideas.

One is raising energy using an imaginary paint roller. It can adjust in size to whatever part of the body you're working with (a very little one for calves, a large one for a back, for example). Just a bit different to the sponge. Works better for me.

Another is an imaginary towel. Just like you'd dry your back by holding it in both hands and rubbing it across, you can energetically stimulate an area using an imaginary towel. I don't wish to embarrass myself here, but it can help with a recalcitrant root chakra, at least to keep it working once you get it going. :oops:

2nd April 2006, 11:07 PM
Thanks for posting this! I was just posting in another thread about struggling with sponges and the root chakra.

4th April 2006, 03:55 AM
Hey, Stargazer, you're welcome.

I was thinking later that a pink feather boa might be easier to imagine!

Let me know if it works for you. :wink:

4th April 2006, 12:59 PM
I was thinking later that a pink feather boa might be easier to imagine! :D :D :D

5th April 2006, 09:02 AM
That's because you're naughty. 8)

5th April 2006, 09:45 AM
That's pretty funny, I just experimented with the towel method on my root chakra for two seconds while reading it in your post, and it has already stimulated it.



5th April 2006, 11:58 AM
Fantastic! You've made my day. :wink:

6th April 2006, 03:46 AM
After watching the video demonstrations Robert has up I have just used a ball of energy and it changes size or splits in to two or more balls of energy that run up and down my body or along the surface... the stimulation techniques are so maleable.

I remember when I first started NEW for some reason electrical tools popped into my head as being more powerful that a paintbrush so I was stimulating my palm chakras with an imaginary palm sander!!!!

That tool didn't last too long :p

6th April 2006, 07:52 AM
I haven't watched the videos, but, like you, I've used all sorts of ideas. Most work pretty well too. Balls of energy are as good as anything.

Palm sanders, hmm, can't say that one ever occurred to me.

To be honest, I've never had a lot of trouble getting energy sensations. At times, I've had trouble with too much at certain points but I've always managed to get that sorted. Different things will work for different types, I guess, and it all gets better as you go, anyway.

Just sharin'

6th April 2006, 03:09 PM
Now I think Robert would have something to say about that and being careful around the groin and base centres, as arousal tends to interfere with energy work :?


6th April 2006, 05:44 PM
What videos? Where are they?

On a side note, that towel tech is pretty grovey.


And er... So is the ah :oops: mouth tech one too.

14th April 2006, 10:27 AM
After watching the video demonstrations Robert has up I have just used a ball of energy and it changes size or splits in to two or more balls of energy that run up and down my body or along the surface... the stimulation techniques are so maleable.

I remember when I first started NEW for some reason electrical tools popped into my head as being more powerful that a paintbrush so I was stimulating my palm chakras with an imaginary palm sander!!!!

That tool didn't last too long :p

Where did you find those videos?

14th April 2006, 07:31 PM
I think sexual energy is the most interesting energy to raise. Longing for those kundalini orgasms :)

14th April 2006, 11:22 PM
I must admit, I wonder alot about this. Lots of conflicting information.

I also wonder if raising energy makes you feel more sexual and if that has the potential of getting in the way of spiritual development. Paradox.

Not advocating supression, of course.

15th April 2006, 04:39 PM
As a female (And I know that we're different this way lol) If you do lower chakra work around ovulation time it can get in the way of development and can cause your OBEs to change character, if you know what I mean.
So it depends on many factors- what your goals are for that evening. Maybe you want the stimulation, maybe you don't.

15th April 2006, 10:10 PM
"As a female (And I know that we're different this way lol) If you do lower chakra work around ovulation time it can get in the way of development and can cause your OBEs to change character, if you know what I mean."

I'm not trying to be obtuse; do you mean they take on a sexual nature? (I'm not in your league when it comes to OBEs- so I ask with genuine interest)

I generally stimulate the seven chakras in the interest of balance (hey, I'm a libran). I spend different amounts of time on them, though, depending on responsiveness on any given day. I've often noticed the sensations in some chakras (usually upper) spontaneously throughout the day. This has been happening in the root chakra this week, something completely new. Maybe it's all the attention I've given it in this post? :lol:

I too have noticed a pattern of energy fluctuations related to the reproductive cycles.


15th April 2006, 10:24 PM
I'm not trying to be obtuse; do you mean they take on a sexual nature? Yes ma'am, they certainly do.

(I'm not in your league when it comes to OBEs- so I ask with genuine interest) Well, that's mighty nice of you to say- but I haven't been very accomplished lately.

16th April 2006, 11:27 AM
Being called ma'am always makes me smile for some reason.

In the US, kids call the teacher ma'am? In Australia it's "Miss"

16th April 2006, 08:44 PM
No- it's a southern thing. Even though I'm Puerto Rican I live in Florida in the part that is considered the South.
In Puerto Rico, they call teachers 'missy'. In Florida it's also "Miss."

16th April 2006, 11:13 PM
Yes, I know you're Puerto Rican. "Missy" would be sweet, especially lisping off the lips of smaller children.

I have an American friend who is currently back in Florida. Her mother died suddenly last week. She's married to an Australian. We're thinking about her a lot.

I hope your OBEs return to good form soon. :)

17th April 2006, 12:55 AM
Where's the beef!? ...ummm... i mean videos?

If you go here to this page, and read the title words "Welcome Beginners!", just to the right of it is a beigh-ish box entitled "Video".

17th April 2006, 08:53 PM
Yes, Rayson, took a look. It's good, isn't it?