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View Full Version : Are Prayers enough?

14th March 2011, 03:04 AM
I've been using affirmations for about 2 and a half years to remove thoughtforms and negative spirits. Even after much patience and deliberation, I so far have not gotten any results.

In the past, I was able to remove alot of the negative spirts with em grounding. For one specific thoughtform I have been dealing with, I have tried many countermeasures (mostly affirmations) and have not been able to dissolve detach from it.

In the first edition of Practical Psychic Self Defense, using books, I read about a method for gaining information that could could proove helpful. Robert Bruce calls the method "Messages in bottles".

I tried the method dozens of times, and several times (on different ocasions) I opened a bible to a part that mentions Jesus healing a boy that was troubled by a "dumb and deaf spirit". The disciples of jesus could not remove the entitiy from the boy. And when asked by his disciples why they could not heal the boy, Jesus said, "this kind can not be driven out but prayer".

That has made me more interested in prayers.

A long time ago, I went to a church with a preist who said that all that is needed to get prayers awnsered is patience and to be prayerful. Is it really that simple?

If there's a specific post or topic that could help, I ask to please direct me to it.

It would also be a big help if theres anyone who can use their intuition to tell me if I should use prayers instead of the other methods to remove the thoughtform that has possessed me.

14th March 2011, 02:25 PM
I believe in affirmative prayer, and is what I use for a variety of things. There is a way to do this that goes beyond just saying random affirmations. I'll see if I can find you a link to some publication that explains it better than me.
Here's a couple.
http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Af ... wer/134953 (http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Affirmative-Prayer---One-Key-To-Power/134953)
In this publication, the word 'scientific' does not mean what it means nowadays, it is a word that really means "technical", and was coined in the nineteenth century to mean something specific (technique).
This one has examples.
http://www.rsintl.org/index.php?option= ... icle&id=83 (http://www.rsintl.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83)

14th March 2011, 09:25 PM
I believe in affirmative prayer, and is what I use for a variety of things. There is a way to do this that goes beyond just saying random affirmations. I'll see if I can find you a link to some publication that explains it better than me.
Here's a couple.
http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Af ... wer/134953 (http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Affirmative-Prayer---One-Key-To-Power/134953)
In this publication, the word 'scientific' does not mean what it means nowadays, it is a word that really means "technical", and was coined in the nineteenth century to mean something specific (technique).
This one has examples.
http://www.rsintl.org/index.php?option= ... icle&id=83 (http://www.rsintl.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83)

thanks for responding

Is it necessary to say the affirmative prayers more than once?
Does getting the prayers to work have similar obstacles as thows that are encountered with affirmations (such as being tricked in dreams to say affirmations that contridict the waking intents...and the need to avoid things and thougts that go against the affirmations?)

15th March 2011, 12:48 AM
Say them as many times as they feel good.

If you are clear in your faith, there shouldn't be a problem with the fear of interference. If however, you are of the belief that (humans) are 'not worthy', or that God has needs and limitations similar to humans, then that can cause a problem.
When you are firm in your belief that God is benevolence and that God has given you the entitlement to use God's gifts of grace, then there should not be a problem.

15th March 2011, 08:13 PM
If you are clear in your faith, there shouldn't be a problem with the fear of interference.

What exactlly should I have faith in?

Cam you give me any advice about what I can do to become clear in faith?

When you are firm in your belief that God is benevolence and that God has given you the entitlement to use God's gifts of grace, then there should not be a problem.

Any tips on developing that belief?
Also, can you suggest an ammount of time that should pass before I know if I did everything right?

15th March 2011, 08:23 PM
If you are clear in your faith, there shouldn't be a problem with the fear of interference.

What exactlly should I have faith in? That God is in charge and good is your entitlement.

Cam you give me any advice about what I can do to become clear in faith? Faith comes from the inside, so I'd say, no.

When you are firm in your belief that God is benevolence and that God has given you the entitlement to use God's gifts of grace, then there should not be a problem.

Any tips on developing that belief? I think that you come to this belief, and perhaps your asking these questions is the first step to it. If you really want to establish a relationship with the God of your understanding, there are books that can help you with that, and it depends on the religious affiliation that you were born in.
If you are of a christian background, I would recommend reading "Discover the Power Within" by Butterworth, and there are other Biblically based books that are also very good- The Sermont on the Mount by Emmet Fox is another goodie.
If you are more esoterically inclined, there are a few books by Yogananda that I would recommend, and I believe he wrote a few that get into Divine concepts that may be beneficial to you.

25th March 2011, 10:27 PM
It took me a long time to get my prayers answered. I prayed every night and sometimes several times a day without any real responce. Not until after some months I got several prayers answered. And no prayers are not enough in my experience. You need to work with everything that is available.

26th March 2011, 04:49 PM
It took me a long time to get my prayers answered. I prayed every night and sometimes several times a day without any real responce. Not until after some months I got several prayers answered. And no prayers are not enough in my experience. You need to work with everything that is available. Well, I'll tell you what I understand about this- when you pray for something this is an indication that a part of you wants something, and that this part of you is your Higher Self. The wanting it is a sign that you must now find a way to make it happen. (I'm not talking about 'stuff', but sometimes even 'stuff' is symbolic of something deeper, or necessary for yourself or others). So this wanting is a sign that it is now time to do something.
So you pray as if you know you have it. Now, a few things can happen, depending on what it is and why you felt the need to want it- it may just appear at your doorstep by means that you did not anticipate- or the universe will arrange itself to enable you to take steps to 'get' that thing-and that could be anything from that employer calling you back from when you filled out that job application, the one more person who convinces you to write that book, or the opportune time where someone turns on the TV or radio just at the time you're walking by and hear that one thing you needed to hear. It can mean that you need to put some 'work' energy into it, some 'emotional' energy into it, or just relax and accept the gifts that are coming your way.
It all depends on many factors. IMO.

18th April 2011, 12:39 AM
I believe in affirmative prayer, and is what I use for a variety of things. There is a way to do this that goes beyond just saying random affirmations. I'll see if I can find you a link to some publication that explains it better than me.
Here's a couple.
http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Af ... wer/134953 (http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Affirmative-Prayer---One-Key-To-Power/134953)

what exactly is the universal power that is mentioned in the artical "Affirmative Prayer - One Key To Power"?

and when making contact with the power using the methods in the artical, is it absolutely neccesary to feel something that indicates that the contact is made? The artical mentions different sensations but i've felt nothing other than sensations that are caused by a thought form.

are affirmative prayers are effecitve than other ways of adding changes to reality(like creative visualization)?

18th April 2011, 03:15 AM
God's creative power.