View Full Version : Question on the Prerequisites Before Begining MAP

14th March 2011, 10:58 PM
So I have the book MAP in 90 days as well as Astral Dynamics but I don't feel like I have learned enough of the basics of spirituality and self discovery/awakening. I have been working with the NEW system which I love and has changed me. I know how to lucid dream (not well because all my focus is with energy work) but OBE is at a totally different level and I don't think the average person can just do it quickly. I also know MAP has a guided program that will lead you to a positive end result whether you OBE or not but wouldn't I increase my chances of success by focusing my "energy/time" on energy work for 1 year or more? Any advice would be much appreciated :D

14th March 2011, 11:34 PM
Hi Archimedes.
When I started the MAP program, I knew what a lucid dream was (because LDs were part of my subconscious life), I knew what OBEs were (because I have been projecting all my life, and I was having involuntary projections before I found Robert and his techniques) but I had no idea whatsoever what Energy Work was. I had heard of 'bodywork' because I knew someone who claimed to do it (she did Reiki massage) but I didn't even know what it was, and had no knowledge whatsoever about the energy body- I had only heard of chakras because of meditation books who used the chakra colors for mediating, and I knew about auras because I could see them since I was little, but I thought it had to do with the physical body, like color and heat are.
I learned about energy work through MAP (I hadn't read AD yet, and EW had yet to be published years later) and applied to what I learned (back then, sponging was done with a sponge, and I still prefer it to energy balls) for my purpose.
I managed to score a fully conscious exit at day 30, the energy work helped stop the involuntary stuff, and I have been doing it ever since.
So, I don't know why you would delay the projection for until after you master energy work, but IMO, all of it, the energy aspect, the awareness aspect and the 'big picture' aspect are all part of your evolution, and go hand in hand. Once you start on any of these things, they sort of 'fall in' by themselves.

15th March 2011, 12:11 AM
Another quick response...thank you!

I guess there is no point in waiting then. I wish I knew you better but I still trust you. I will start MAP soon but will read a little more in NEW first just because I a currently back in school (Masters) and have tons to read with school. I know it is a day by day program and NEW is a go at your our pace as well but I feel getting through a smaller book will e more effective (almost done anyway). My concerns for OBE are that I have difficulty LDing and since I have been doing NEW I feel much more developed and ready for more difficult challenges.
