View Full Version : legless dog?

1st April 2011, 09:53 AM
Can someone please remind me what having a legless dog in a dream means? What about plane travel? Thank you! I know someone had mentioned the dog thing somewhere but I can't find it.

18th April 2011, 05:49 AM
Can someone please remind me what having a legless dog in a dream means?
Off the top of my head: can't run, can't escape, helpless, etc. But it's all pretty personal, perhaps there's something specific for you?

I can't get this joke out of my head, though:

Q: What do you call a dog with no legs?
A: Doesn't matter. He won't come when you call, anyway.

What about plane travel?
Again, personal, but when I dream of it, I actually dream that I'm going to fly somewhere and I never dream of the actual flight (as in, I'm late for my flight, I can't find the airport, I don't have some important travel document and have to go back and find it, etc etc). For me, planes represent going on a new journey. Last time I was personally on a plane, it was to immigrate to a new country, so that's pretty significant for me. I also have travelled a lot in my life, and moved frequently as a kid (father in the military), so for me, planes were and are about big life change.

For others, it could be a "change of pace" (i.e., going on vacation) or could represent "achieving new heights" (though in a plane, you're only a passenger, along for the ride, so there's additional symbolism there) or maybe a desire to "fly" (rise up, achieve new heights, ascend, etc.). As noted, while some dream symbols are common and a few are universal, it's still very personal (which is why I gave my own symbolism, above, to give some ideas on how you work out what it means to YOU).

18th April 2011, 07:11 PM
Can someone please remind me what having a legless dog in a dream means?

To me this seems to be about your loyalties. Dog = faithful companion. Without a leg to stand on.

Misplaced loyalty.