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View Full Version : First lucid dream (?)

5th April 2006, 08:10 PM
Hello all - after months or maybe a year of trying to have a lucid dream, I think I had my first. In the dream, I was driving an old jeep that I no longer own. Everything about it was exactly the same as my old vehicle, down to the blue digital odometer. When I looked at that odometer in the dream, I said to myself "But I no longer own the jeep. I must be dreaming." With that statement, I was hurled up and out of the vehicle which disappeared beneath me. That's all there was - no opportunity to do anything else in the dream.

Any comments welcome!


9th April 2006, 08:27 AM
Congratulations, yes, this is a lucid dream :-D

Both the recognition via "this is not possible" and the wake up once lucidity is reached are typical for lucid dreams - especially at the beginning. Don't worry, the time of lucidity in the dream will increase with practice. It is more difficult to hold the lucidity when you try to control the dream, so I suggest to focus on keeping the lucidity while letting the dream do what it wants.