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View Full Version : A beautiful lady with tons of curses

26th April 2011, 08:45 PM
I have found a picture of a very beautiful lady I used to like but she rejected me. She could not ever look into my eyes again after I bored her out. She was somehow told to not keep contact with me but to me it seems she liked me. We kissed but we never had anything really sexual. I'm a virgin myself. She was like a perfect antipole of me. Now when I look into her picture with a new ability of my third eye. I see tons of curses and I see a lot of demons inside her. She has the colors of a man (blue and yellow) and she may be the most gorgeous girl to have ever existed but her inside is horrible. Hell is raging inside her.

Her eyes have been covered in darkness and she has become totally twisted.

She keeps changing names all the time except the first name.

How do I drive the "demons" out of her and lift the curse?

26th April 2011, 08:52 PM
You don't, unless she asks.
She has free will, and can decide what her life has to be.

26th April 2011, 09:03 PM
You don't, unless she asks.
She has free will, and can decide what her life has to be.

I understand but it feels like everything is my fault. It wasn't she who rejected me, I rejected her in some way. She wanted to be friend with me. She said "Why don't you say hello anymore?"

It's like she cannot remove her picture from the internet and change her first name. The picture has been edited however heavily covering her eyes with black color.

How could these curses be held back? I mean she is very beautiful and she seems mentally stable. She cannot look me into the eyes no matter what. It's all about the eyes.

I mean if you've seen what I've seen It's totally wicked... The eyes are covered in darkness, there's smoke coming out of her left eye, she has very nasty teeth and a typical stereotypical jewish nose. And I can see the joker inside her but also hell. It's almost like I see myself in her as well.

26th April 2011, 09:19 PM
Perhaps you could pray for her.

26th April 2011, 09:22 PM
The picture has been heavily modified as well when I looked at it.

Thank you CFTraveler. I will pray for her.

I can't make a connection to her either. She is blocking me but I usually have no problem getting through to people.

This will be very hard.

I have watched an unmodified picture now.

She really has a stereotypical jewish nose just like me.

I got this from my guide.

Sanctus est dominus spiritus!

27th April 2011, 10:43 AM

I'm going to be frank with you and tell you what I think. It's to help you, okay? You often talk about your neg problems. If negs can influence your perceptions, how can you be sure that they're not influencing your perception of this woman? Chances are that she doesn't make eye contact because she is avoiding intimacy - heck we all do it. I suggest you follow CF's advice and pray for this woman, but leave her well alone. Don't even look at her image, just put her out of mind.

27th April 2011, 06:34 PM
Nevermind, I have gotten back at least one eye (the moon). My eyes are stabilizing. I'm sick of all the eye problems. I think she has been forgiven...

28th April 2011, 03:32 PM

I'm going to be frank with you and tell you what I think. It's to help you, okay? You often talk about your neg problems. If negs can influence your perceptions, how can you be sure that they're not influencing your perception of this woman? Chances are that she doesn't make eye contact because she is avoiding intimacy - heck we all do it. I suggest you follow CF's advice and pray for this woman, but leave her well alone. Don't even look at her image, just put her out of mind.

Because I've seen her often before in the physical when the curses were less. She seemed to want to look at me but when I looked directly she avoided me instantly. I've been told she put a curse at me and that it bounced back at least 10 fold. I've seen her eyes and they are glowing just like goauld.

It's all training. It's a competition which everyone has agreed to be in. I'm telling the truth.

28th April 2011, 04:28 PM
the inner adversarial which within each is, is most frightening when from foe has become friend. therefore is this which had been adversarial within and has come out to play, also put behind you, that the road ahead is clearly and innocently seen/scene. for such a friend kept, may talk one into just about anything, if one is not of their own mind...innocent, such that all about one is as well...remaining innocent.

this reminds me of when i was a young boy. i had set up my tent in the back yard. the tent had no floor, so i dug a shallow hole in the center, gathered me up some twigs and paper, and lit me a fire. the tent filled with smoke, and i had to promptly exit. my mom happened to notice the unfolding drama, brought herself over and put the fire out. then she turned, walked over to some shrubbery, broke off a switch, and commenced to beating me within an inch of my life. true story and how i learned at an early age not to play with fire.

28th April 2011, 04:50 PM

For example when I look at this picture, there are no glowing eyes... But for example when I look at Antonio Banderas there are glowing eyes.

My friend also has problems just like me with the phone reception getting blocked as well with the internet and the busses not stopping and so on.

The girl I was talking about looked a lot like the mother to the left. My mother however has as the actor of Alexander the great's mother the same temper. It's like the system keeps rotating... Psychic -> Ruler -> Fighter and so on.

28th April 2011, 05:29 PM

all food from without for thought, fuels the fire of our thoughts within. let us endeavor to keep fire from getting 'out of hand'. as smokey the bear said to my particular childhood's generation, "it's not nice to play with fire".

fire's partner is water, though all too often we do not heed fire's derirous ways, and water comes in the form of regretful tears. balance is a partnership freed from regret

rightfully so, one is but a candle flame in the winds of time. beyond that is flight of fancy and fear drawn to it. of moths that slowly and silently consume the fabric of our lives. yet, did we not naked arrive, and will we not nakedly return?

but, this understood rightly so, can aid in one's purposeful unclothing of what is not them true self being, or to say, true being is always naked, as it eternally rests before our naked eyes as innocent seen/scene.

beyond that is personal individual filtering which clouds and clothes the eyes found disabled of a sight causally deep within blinded of the effects within out-lying shallow reflectivity.

but then one must ask themself, what is water without but that which has from us become polluted, and thus polluted also requiring of filtration toward the inner pure lake of our resolving thirst's drink.

never is an answer without question. there are no maxims of thought toward finality of thought. merely they beg for deeper questioning, a depth which is as the height, having no end in-SIGHT.

therefore, why do we allow what thoughtfully feeds us to also define us. are we not that which ever is the center, always remaining to BE? ahh, there be innocence on it's knees, wailing toward god's mercy for grace to rain down upon fires freely set within the drought of our co-forgetfulness.

i pray you, these latter rains...friend, before the tears of life's dis-course find you wanting. may grace be yours

drain the inner lake of pure waters out into the life. all of us are found wanting and thirsty.

be well...friend.

an additional thought: so here we all are, standing before us the grand opening. we are in need of "live musicians" (as opposed to dead ones?). i actually borrow that line from a friend's/mentor's email this afternoon. food for thought

28th April 2011, 05:56 PM
Thank you for your wise words tutor. Do you ever wonder why your nick is tutor? :lol:

Someone called me recently I got a very feminine cold sensation in the root chakra. I got a bit worried so I asked the father in heaven to remove the call log of that call and it got removed.

Currently it almost feels like I'm in the spirit world if you know what I mean. I don't longer feel like I'm in the physical.

28th April 2011, 06:09 PM
The thing I ask who do you trust the most?

The will
The psychic
The counselor
The ruler

My eyes now look like a womans eyes but in a good way... Unbelievable.


28th April 2011, 06:34 PM
no i do not have to wonder of "tutor". i was born two years after my older brother. my brother was born, for better of for worse, with limited capacities...well compared to our social norms, for he to me is my hero...always. however, in the process of my having been born "normal" as it were, i inadvertantly became a force tethered to him, pulling him into the "norms", this by example and by my god given tenacious (often mean) enterprizing. bad side of this story, is that this was cause for him resenting me through much of our life. this however came to an end some, gosh...coming up on 7 years, during my divorce from a 20 year marriage, and the subsequent loss of everything we'd worked toward in that marriage's blinding pursuit of the american dream.

so there i sat, wallowing in profound self-indignation and self-pity, crying like a baby, snot running out my nose taboot. my older brother by my side, also started crying, as he recognized that I, whom he'd always resented as that which could normally go out and build a world, sat in the midst of my bitter limiting ends, all gone in the blink of eye. he said to me, "tim, i've always resented you for easily being able to do what i couldnt seem to do, and for that i am truly sorry, I love you Tim."

up until those beloved releasing brotherly words, i had held this "me", this god damned "tutor", as a bonafide curse upon myself, this because my brother had so little to give as per the often viciously represented norms always cast at his feet to remind him that he was abnormal.

finally, god granted me my above and beyond normal Big Brother, wherein love is all ya got when everything else falls down around your vain persuasions of forgetfulness chasing an unachievable dream - happiness.

aye, it were my brother all along that had been, and still is my Tutor. for myself it is merely a moniker of wishful thinking, that i might one day, by the example of my big brother, also be above and beyond "normal".

I trust in the Lord, for as a man i cannot trust what within myself, being without certainty, is unknown to me.

28th April 2011, 07:06 PM
Ok, myself I was a bit unlucky but at the same time lucky. I'm the only son in my family... I have neither a sister or brother but I have realised that there are sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers everywhere.

29th April 2011, 03:20 PM

I would say 90% identical but Angelina Jolie has been in plastic surgery and the lady I'm talking about is more natural.

About the time I forgave her my butt cheeks got loose. I have got complaints that my butt is too stiff. I've had this since my childhood. LOL. My sexual organ has gotten bigger after it has been too retreated after I felt a cold stimulation in that area.

I feel somehow that belief shapes your looks. Does it sound crazy? I feel like sometimes everything I think becomes reality and I'm talking dead serious.

This is the typical behaviour of my mother. She is looking at me all the time.


Ok so there are two kinds, those with glowing eyes and those with dark eyes sometimes combined with chinese eyes.

1st May 2011, 08:15 PM
I have gotten it confirmed that it is a sorcery war. It's black vs protection.

But I have this one on my side confirmed.


I'm going to try to burn the curse now with sun, moon triaxel rotation, light chamber sarcophagus and fire.