View Full Version : Triangle Method Results

29th April 2011, 01:20 PM
Hi, this is in response to CFTraveler's suggestion that I try the 'Triangle Method' (listening to ear hiss tones) while waiting for Hypnagogic imagery to appear. I tried this a couple of times and I can see how it would work given the right environment. You would need a quiet environment to do this which is not usually what I have. I have a five year old and 7 month old who are always making noise during waking hours (with my wife yelling at the older one occasionally) as well as other ambient noises. If I meditate during the night, it is quieter but even then there is often a fan or air conditioner running which makes it hard to focus on ear noise.

Last night I decided to meditate around 2 AM after waking up in the middle of the night. I did this while lying in bed. I eventually gave up since I didn't feel in the right mood but later on I spontaneously found myself in the Mind awake body asleep state and I heard astral noises. I used my own exit technique of flying up through the ceiling and into space and I immediately got vibrations...but then I blew it after that. I tried the rope technique thinking I could make the vibrations stonger but it only caused me to tense up. I abandoned that and tried rolling out but I wasn't ready and only caused my physical body to move slightly. That ended my MABA state. What I am finding, though, is that when I decide to meditate in bed in the middle of the night or early morning, I often get vibrations or find myself in MABA where I can easily induce vibrations. So far, I am not having any success during my regular meditations in a reclining chair. I have not been able to solidly get into MABA while meditating in a chair for 30 - 90 minutes.

29th April 2011, 02:28 PM
A couple of comments:
First, congratulations on being able to meditate at 2am. I'd just fall asleep.

Now- you mentioned trying to induce vibrations. Please get this out of your mind. Vibrations are not a method to get out, they are a side effect of the phase shift that happens when your conscious awareness is moving from your body/material/awake state to the nonphysical, and don't always happen when you are exiting.
Sometimes (at least at first) they are felt when you are upon an imminent exit-but as you gain experience (especially if this is not your first time) they move on to earlier in the process, so that it may be (some to many) minutes after feeling them that you are actually ready to separate-so at this moment I'd start energy body loosening, and not before.

As to the noise, I sometimes use earplugs to drown noise when I'm practicing. But I agree, the family running around you is not a good environment for you to try.

I have a fan running when I project, and what I do is concentrate on the fan noise (as opposed to trying to ignore it). This is enough to get you tranced in itself (but of course I recommend it done after all the other stuff, including trance, energy body loosening and centering- And start out listening to the fan noise and staring at your 'inner space'- when you are then sufficiently focused you will then notice the earhiss naturally over the drone of the fan- then you can move on to separating tones, and all that good stuff- and it's perfectly ok to alternate between earhiss noise and fan noise. Consider it "something to do that isn't verbal" while concentrating on the inner space that is opening up in front of you. Once that starts to turn into somehting (the noise can turn into voices, for example, and the nothingness/blobs can turn into flashes or pictures) then you're ready to try an exit technique.

About the exit tech- try to tailor the exit to the symptoms you're having- so if for example you're feeling 'floaty', don't use rope- use something that uses that movement like
'being a balloon' going up in space, or if you have swaying pretend you're surfing or on a rocking chair and launch yourself.
I prefer rope when the vibrations are hard and loud, or the symptoms are that I have projected but am still in my body- which happens, and you know it when the environment around you changes but you're still lying (or sitting) there.
As usual, if you think you've failed don't turn around and go to sleep- get up and walk around. You'd be surprised at what can happen next.


29th April 2011, 03:22 PM
Thanks again for the advice. I think it's clear that when I end up in the MABA state again, I need to relax and not rush things. I will keep all of your suggestions in mind.

>First, congratulations on being able to meditate at 2am. I'd just fall asleep.

Yes, I am a light sleeper / someone who does not fall asleep easily. I remember reading about Robert warning many times against meditating in bed. However, in my case falling asleep is often difficult for me (especially in a focused state like meditation). At the same time, I have trouble relaxing so I would never consider trying to meditate in a hard-backed chair. I don't think that would work for me.

BTW, I started posting to this forum because I feel a need to talk about this stuff with others who share my interest. I don't know anyone in my regular life who shares this interest. Also, my wife is often not very sympathetic. I told her about my failed OBE attempt last night and her response was to laugh. She doesn't really believe in it. However, this is very important to me and i plan to keep doing it indefinitely. I would like to use this for my spiritual / psychic growth in the same way that people like Robert have used it.

29th April 2011, 03:25 PM
You're very welcome, ml.
That's what we're here for. Not everyone can find an openminded community, even within a spiritually- minded group of people.

1st May 2011, 09:32 AM
BTW, I started posting to this forum because I feel a need to talk about this stuff with others who share my interest. I don't know anyone in my regular life who shares this interest. Also, my wife is often not very sympathetic. I told her about my failed OBE attempt last night and her response was to laugh. She doesn't really believe in it. However, this is very important to me and i plan to keep doing it indefinitely. I would like to use this for my spiritual / psychic growth in the same way that people like Robert have used it.

Hi Mlgarton :D
My partner brushes me off when I want to share an experience also. It is hurtful but I have to remind myself what it must sound like to him, he has only remembered one dream in the ten years we have been together!

2nd May 2011, 05:05 PM
Thanks for sharing that NightWalker. The strange thing about my wife is that she has had many paranormal things happen in her life. When she was young, she remembered things that only her grandfather (who died many years before her birth) knew and she often talked like she was her grandfather. She was one of those kids who remembered a past life. Later on in her life, she had a vision that one of her nephews was going to die and that vision came to pass. I try to remind her about these strange things that occurred in her life and she says that she would rather forget. She thinks that I am imagining or hallucinating my OBE experiences. I think that she just doesn't want to think about paranormal things and what they might mean. However, she is not always so insensitive about what I am doing. It's just that she has no interest in what I am doing. So, it is good to talk to others who share my interest.

2nd May 2011, 09:25 PM
I can see how these events (especially her nephew's passing) can cause a traumatic association in regards to the "paranormal". Her way of protecting herself is to rationalize it away. It's understandable, and she may change her mind one of these days, but for now it may be better to let her have her protective beliefs.
Just my opinion.

4th May 2011, 02:20 PM
I agree. I understand that the death premonition is not a positive thing. She may or may not change.