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View Full Version : pulling someone out

5th May 2011, 08:03 AM
Okay, so if someone were laying next to me in bed and I was already OUT how would I go about pulling them out? I see some issues with this. First of all, if I NEVER see my own physical body while I'm out how would I be able to see someone else's? And 2nd, where do I pull from? Is it like Mr. Bruce says, your astral body hovers over your physical body?

Has anyone on here ever successfuly pulled someone out? And were they able to remember it afterwards and validate the experience?

I can imagine how incredible it would be to go exploring with them!

5th May 2011, 09:42 AM
Hello, Natalie.

It's not so much a pulling out, as getting them to become lucid, I guess. If you see them, you can try to interact with them.

There are reports from some who tried. Results are mixed. On the top of the head I cannot remember a success, but I remember that "partnered exploration" featured very strongly with Bruce Moen. Both were experienced projectors at that stage. Robert Monroe often tried to interact with people but they often had no memory of it. They may remember it as a dream.

If the person is trying to attain OBE himself it might work. People might react similarly to the reports you read here on the forum - it's an unusual experience and people may react with fear. If you know of someone who is prepared to try OBE and has agreed for you to help this might be optimum for trying. Also, a person you know might be easiest to target and travel to.


5th May 2011, 06:03 PM
Yes, this person wants me to do this. He believes it's possbile and said he wouldn't be afraid. But at the same time he never has dreams that he remembers, and ecspecially not lucid ones!

5th May 2011, 06:10 PM
Okay, so if someone were laying next to me in bed and I was already OUT how would I go about pulling them out? I see some issues with this. First of all, if I NEVER see my own physical body while I'm out how would I be able to see someone else's? And 2nd, where do I pull from? Is it like Mr. Bruce says, your astral body hovers over your physical body?

First of all if you can't see yourself, there's a good chance you aren't in the realtime zone, especially if there are other anomalies besides that. First focus on getting to the realtime zone, then you can try doing that. I actually plan to do this myself when I get to the realtime zone.

5th May 2011, 09:28 PM
I wouldn't assume that being in the RTZ is a prerequisite. I remember reading several reports of seeing people engaged in dreams or being able to see what was "on their mind" vividly displayed out. This would all have happened on the astral plane, I guess. (Maybe it was in "The Holographic Universe.")

Lack of recall does not seem like an ideal starting point. One can still try.


6th May 2011, 02:55 AM
If it can be done from the astral, how would you go about doing it? While the astral might look like places in the physical world, from my experience these don't actually seem to be the counterparts of it, but rather appearances made to look like it based on what's in ones mind, for example this is why the card trick won't work under normal cercumstances if you aren't in the realtime zone. From what I understand pulling someone out means you have to find them while their sleeping. How can you find them if you aren't in the realtime? I have few guesses, maybe by focusing on the person you can jump to wherever they are, but I'm interested in hearing how you would go about doing it in the astral.

6th May 2011, 11:42 AM
Hello, defectron.

As I said - I don't see "pulling someone out" as the problem. No matter what plane you encounter a sleeper on, the challenge is to get them lucid to what is happening and for them to recall that it happened. From my point of view, nobody needs to be pulled out if your astral body is already out there on the astral plane.

Astral projection is the transfer of the conscious focus into the astral body. There's an interesting related bit in one of Kurt's latest AC:

“I was actually talking to your buddhic body, but no one was home. Your consciousness couldn’t rise higher than the astral plane. [...]

“What do you mean, you were talking to my buddhic body?” I asked.

“It doesn’t go away just because you’re not focused in it, any more than do the other bodies,” Athena said. “They’re all stacked up around your core like nested dolls. We nonphysical Guides always go knocking on the door, as it were, of the highest body people have access to in order to see whether they’re awake and aware at that level. If nobody’s home, we go down to the next lower body, and so on.

“When we find the level where we can connect, we see whether we can get people to wake up again at the higher levels–hoping that we can get them lucid in the highest body they have access to.(from: http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-projection-log/2010/189-haiti-after-the-earthquake-buddhic-body)

The approach I suggest is fundamentally the same, but with a trick: For nonphysical guides it's no problem to switch planes and focus in different bodies, as discarnates it comes naturally to them. For a projector it is however much easier to stay in the body they became conscious in. So, my suggestion is to focus on the goal to "wake somebody up" with the means available to you when you become lucid.

When you try to focus instead on getting to the RTZ and then on the act of pulling someone out, you have basically erected additional obstacles by assuming you know which mechanism works and which one doesn't. In nonphysical reality, however, intent itself is powerful tool. If your intent is to get someone else lucid without focussing so much on the mechanism of how to do it might get the job done much easier than the other way round.


7th May 2011, 09:52 PM
I felt the OP's questions weren't entirely answered.Just some thaughts for her.

Okay, so if someone were laying next to me in bed and I was already OUT how would I go about pulling them out?

this person wants me to do this. He believes it's possbile and said he wouldn't be afraid

where do I pull from?

I can imagine how incredible it would be to go exploring with them!

Hi Natalie :) ,
If you were going to take an experiment/undertaking like that to performance, I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to assess your standing risk-profile.
* sometimes when people assist/participate ejection/uplifting procedures on another persons energetic-constructs, a residual psi-link is left insidiously made.
*People who aren't aware of their own energetic-constructs are sometimes very strangely more prone to happenstance of these psi-knots...You can however ,ostensibly start out, thinking that since their sleeping/knocked-out constructs are more accessible you can just start engaging them onto your locale of consciousness...by this idea does it not appear an entanglement of sorts might form?
*are you entirely very sure that theres even a 0.01% risk that guy might just start randomly appearing in your astral periphery and you would be okay with that hereafter?

sometimes going out and exploring the astral yourself isn't short of an amazing experience itself either!