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View Full Version : First OBE?!

7th May 2011, 04:19 PM
Idk what to call this, either a dream, sleep paralysis, or an OBE, but here it is

First I had this odd dream,then I woke up. It felt like I was moving my arms around in slo mo (like this http://www.diagonalthoughts.com/wp-cont ... s-khan.jpg (http://www.diagonalthoughts.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/idris-khan.jpg)), except my physical arms weren't moving at all. I opened my eyes, same room and everything, but I'm not moving. I tried to see if maybe I can touch my face, but nope. So then I tried to fling myself backwards and now I was really awake.

Anyone got any ideas what this is?

8th May 2011, 03:06 AM
Hallo Enargo
From the description it seems like you were really confused and disoriented. Also the fact that you were unable to move your arms and touch your face leads me to believe that this was a case of sleep paralysis. My best guess here is that you woke up in SP on the borderland between sleep and wakefulness, tried to move and could not and so maybe were thinking that you're still asleep and in a dream. This led to confusion. And since you did not try to induce an OBE this was probably only SP.

Regards 8)

8th May 2011, 04:03 AM
Thank you greytraveller for the answer. This was very confusing and I never quiet read anything about it. It was a late night (I was out till 1 in the morning :shock: )

8th May 2011, 08:19 AM
It was probably the beginning of a RTZ projection. You may have been moving your etheric limbs (the limbs of the first energy body after your physical body). The eye- opening may have been astral vision. If it happens again, try rolling out or using the rope technique or, more simply, willing yourself to float out. Alternately, try hearing and/or seeing a scene and you may find yourself phasing into an astral or dream body projection. If you're at a loss with this second option, recreating the imagery from any dream you've just had is a good option.